I can vouch for this. in case you want to know, here is my story how I learned it the hard way: when I took vitamin B1, I got a huge neuropathy attack. when I tried then very carefully other B vitamins (transdermally - which makes only a very small part absorb), I got small issues, that still made me stop. but then, when I used B2, I didn't get any issues. after supplementing B2 transdermally for a while, I became tolerant for the other vitamins. so I knew that lack of B2 was the culprit in me, and I knew that the other vitamins deplete B2. (the particular symptom of getting neuropathy is special to me: I have a mutation that causes neuropathy unless I have enough B2. so we could consider it as a practically useful internal B2 measurement

-- just in case it might help you anything: meanwhile I have happily resolved all my vitamin issues. I found out that when I mix very small amounts of pure vitamin powders (measured on a cheap miligram scale) with a broccoli sprout smoothie (= a natural antibiotic) then I don't get issues from oral vitamins (in addition to all the neuropathy problems I had before). I believe it is because bacteria do not eat them before I absorb them) . I drink this far away from all meals as a smoothie.
as a result, I do not need to care about any vitamin deficiencies and any interactions between deficiencies and supplementations any more. my experience is that when I am well replete of all vitamins, then it is absolutely no problem to take somewhat more of one or the other, but until then one needs to increase them in tiny increments and carefully watch reactions and note down evrything.
in case you live in Europe, I recommend IMD lab in Berlin for all the B vitamins, they developed a special way of testing them: they do not do hplc, but they let bacteria grow on your blood. bacteria that are deficient in the tested vitamin. measure how much they grow. for me, it discovered deficiencies that hplc test did not discover in me. Upon replenishing, I earned various health improvements that can be directly linked to the vitamins. I learned about IMD when the Lab of the best hospital of my country told me, that they send blood to IMD when they do not know any further themselves
needless to say, I am happy as a bird, and I wish you the same.