B2 I love you!


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@ahmo @whodathunkit I don't know if you have mycoplasma but I've just been looking at Buhner's protocol. Maybe adopting some of his suggestions or slowly slide into it. I've looked at the Raintree myco formula before but there was something in it I didn't want to take. Can't find it right now. I've found the tinctures on Etsy. I need to do some more research. I also see Dr. Vincent in April and this is something he does. I am thinking of getting the Cryptolepis though.

It's the uva ursi I had a problem with. Now I have to find out why. Oh it causes tinnitus which I have. No thanks.


Serrapeptase: 1 capsule daily on empty stomach – this will help break the mycoplasma cell walls open and make them more vulnerable to the herbs;

Raintree Nutrition Myco formula – this is a great combination formula for mycoplasma and reports I have heard show it is pretty effective for most people;

Cryptolepis as a systemic antibiotic. 1 tsp 3x daily (woodlandessence.com);

Gluten-free diet: Mycoplasma actually likes gluten so you should avoid it, and white sugar as well and also nuts and seeds and any oils that come from them;

Bee pollen to help replace the amino acids that the mycoplasma are consuming – 1 TBS daily in the a.m.;

To help adrenals and energy Stephen recommends the muscle tone formula from Woodland Essence which is composed of pine pollen, aralia, and American ginseng tinctures – 1 dropperful 3x daily;

If your energy is really low the use of eleutherococcus tincture (HerbPharm brand only) is essential. 1 tsp a.m. and noonish;

A general multi-vitamin supplement plus extra C, D, E, CoQ-10, beta-carotene, quercetin, folic acid, bioflavoids and biotin are necessary and helpful when recovering from a mycoplasmal infection.

See also: bacterial co-infections.
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Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
They are alternative in that you have to pay for the testing. They identify DNA and therefore an active infection so it is a highly reliable test. It was a CFS panel and clamydia was on there too....one ir two others that I don't recall.

Getting the infection under control was as big of a step forward as mB12.


Senior Member
50mg of methylfolate; that's an insane amount! How did you decide/determine you needed it to be that high? What symptoms responded to it so you kept pushing it up that high?
Sorry for the delay in responding...sometimes my alerts don't work properly.

My primary symptom in judging need for methylfolate is chronic runny nose. Other primary symptoms are angular chelitis and increased gastric issues (mostly looser bowels, sorry for TMI). Simultaneous runny nose accompanied by sudden onset angular cheilitis (it can appear within an hour) means an automatic 10-20mg dose on the spot. :lol: The angular cheilitis can disappear with just a few hours. So basically, epithelial symptoms are what I use to determin the need for more methylfolate. Other symptoms can include mood issues, wired-ness, fatigue, etc. I also got some potassium deficiency symptoms in the beginning, although those are long gone. But the epithelial symptoms have been the most sensitive barometer. I get epithelial symptoms before the more annoying and troublesome symptoms manifest now, although when first starting methylfolate before I got to the high, stable level, all the symptoms fluctuated a lot. Seemed like I had to get "topped up" with methylfolate to get to the deeper healing. Epithelial symptoms will still appear if I get too low in either methylfolate or mB12, so I'm conjecturing that they're indicative of really deep, long-standing problems that are being worked on. Can't prove it, but that's what I think.

I stopped upping the methylfolate when symptoms stabilized and didn't return. Periodically I would try stepping down my dose but symptoms would return. When I could successfuly step down my dose from the all-time high, I would leave it at the lesser levels for a while then try to step down again, always adjusting for symptoms.

The only symptom that has never really resolved is the gastric stuff. But it got much better after a while on high-dose methylfolate. Gut therapy helped it some more. Now B2 + Mn seem to be helping still more (with firmness/consistency and "color"indicating better digestion, again sorry for TMI). I'm not entirely normal with gastric yet but not sure I can get that way given some other things currently going on with me. It's been a big damn process, for sure.

Edited to add: I didn't make clear that I didn't stay at 50mg for very long. My months-long high dose was 40mg, though. I hit 40mg, got fairly stable (within the caveat that at least the first 3/4 of a year of methylation protocol weren't very comfortable in general, just a lot of physiological changes and tweaking of this and that for various symptom manifestation), then tried 50mg to see if the extra would help me stabilize further. It didn't, so I went back down to 40mg/day after a short time at 50mg, then stayed at 40mg for months.
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Enough thyroid hormone (T3) is needed for the conversion as well

You're right, but then wouldn't you notice other thyroid issues popping up like cold hands and feet etc? I don't seem to have any thyroid issues so I'm not sure what the symptom set would be.

I was taking the same amount of zinc when I had terrible reaction to B2, as when I started FMN. And continue at the same dose.

Sorry if you posted this before but what was your terrible reaction to B2? Have you tried taking more zinc to see if that reduces the negative B2 response?

@whodathunkit Thanks a lot for the detailed information! :) TMI doesn't exist when dealing with health issues IMHO.
I'm curious; what's your vitamin C dose? Did you have any help from that? What about biotin?


Senior Member
@MacGyver, I usually take about 2000-3000mg vitamin C per day. Divided doses.

I did get a nice little energy boost from liposomal vitamin C (Lypo-Spheric brand) but I had to take a lot of it to achieve the reaction, and it's expensive so I quit.

Biotin has never given me any kind of reaction that I can attribute to it. I take it on faith.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Sorry if you posted this before but what was your terrible reaction to B2? Have you tried taking more zinc to see if that reduces the negative B2 response?
It felt like oisoning by ammonia. I read a comment that B2 might make it possible for me to eat green veggies, which I no longer do because they block folate for me. I took B2 over about 3 days, it probably took a week to recover from the effects. I did not increase zinc at this time. And B2 did not relieve me of any histamine or oxidative stress symptoms, which FMN does brilliantly. There appears to be a consensus that FMN is the same as r5p. I'll be switching to r5p, which comes in capsules, instead of sublingual FMN when I next order.


Senior Member
@brenda, to save me reading all 47 pages of posts: three years on, how are you faring with the B2? And what dosage are you on, if you don't mind me asking?

Secondly (anyone): Freddd says that too much B2 (or B1 or B3) is bad:

Daily doses of B1 and B2 above 20- 30mg a day and B3 above 100mg a day can cause an insatiable need for methylfolate and potassium.

Does that mean there's a sweet spot with B2: under 100mg good; over 100mg bad?


Senior Member

I keep forgetting to take b2 as it does not make much difference nowadays. Freddd says less is more.

Any idea why it doesn't make much difference these days? Are you topped up, maybe?

I'm where you were 3 years ago - just starting. You wrote then:

I felt a difference from the first dose of B2. That night I slept for a full 6 hours, had less trouble opening my eyes (dry eye syndrome - one symptom of B2 deficiency) when I woke, I have more energy today and feel somwhat cleaner inside with a lifting of brain fog. My body feels more relaxed and I had a very deep afternoon sleep today....

This is the most definite response I have ever had to a supplement. It is quite miraculous.

My first experience has also been good. The restful sleep was almost shocking: I'd forgotten such a thing existed.

I take it you stand by all your early experiences?

Thanks @brenda.
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Senior Member
Hi yes. I guess l am getting enough in my diet now.

Um, I'm just trying to figure out why B2 supplementation had such life-changing effects 3 years ago, but now not.

Has your diet changed to one more rich in B2?

Or does B2 'top up' over time, as B12 is supposed to - meaning you need less?


Senior Member
The only nutrient I know of which causes 'lurid dreams' is B6. Pyrolurics & some others are deficient in B6, & after supplementation 'better dream recall' is regarded as a sign of good progress, but 'lurid dreams' and nightmares a sign that it's time to cut does. Just in case you were taking B6.


Hi Dreambirdie - this thread has run away with me and i only just found your post!
The nightmares relate to a very very evil man who is trying to kill me and those around me. In this instance i actually thought in my dream -'oh my god - not the serial killer again!' he dosent kill me but is very very menacing and chases me around on buses etc. In one dream he sliced womens heads opn with some kind of an electric band saw while they were alive - it was so nasty ans distressing. Sometimes there is a nasty sexual nature to his antics. I am very very afraid of him. Do you know the story of bluebeard? i think that tells me something about my psyche in terms of this nightmare. Anyway - i had it a lot when i was severely ill, then as my sleep and health improved it went away. The only times it has come back has been when i have taken the B2 - weird eh?