A report about anti-glycation supps Carnosine Beta-Alanine (=methylation?)


Senior Member
I feel the need for biotin a few times a week, and I already take thiamine and B6.
Molybdenum I am not taking.
Up to now, all is fine.:hug:
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Senior Member
What sulfation does:

Molecules 2015, 20(2), 2138-2164
Tyrosine Sulfation as a Protein Post-Translational Modification


1.2. Sulfotransferase: Enzymes that Catalyze Biological Sulfation
Sulfotransferases can be classified into three major families, cytosolic sulfotransferase, carbohydrate sulfotransferase and tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST), according to their distinct substrate selection and the location of the enzymes. Cytosolic sulfotransferases are soluble and carbohydrate sulfotransferase and TPST are membrane-associated proteins.

Cytosolic sulfotransferases catalyze sulfation of a wide variety of endogenous compounds, including hormones and neurotransmitters as well as drugs and xenobiotics [3]. The cytosolic sulfotransferases have very broad substrate specificities. They mainly select substrates with two major functional groups, the phenols and alcohols, and accordingly are categorized into two groups, the aryl sulfotransferases and the hydroxysteroid sulfotransferases. A more detailed classification of cytosolic sulfotransferases has been proposed according to their cDNA sequence [4].

The membrane-associated sulfotransferases are located in the trans-Golgi complex and can be classified into two classes: carbohydrate sulfotransferases and TPST. The carbohydrate sulfotransferases catalyzed the sulfation of glycolipid, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans, which mediate cell communication [5]. It has been known that sulfated carbohydrates inhibit infection by pathogens [6]. TPST has been the least studied among the three major families of sulfotransferases and will be the focus of this review.



Tournament of the Phoenix - Rise Again
@Gondwanaland From that first article I particularly liked these excerpts:
A 154-pound human body has only about one tablespoon of hyaluronic acid. But that small amount is very powerful in the body’s regeneration processes...With H+W(ater) between all cells, everything moves with ease and comfort...Inside gum tissue, HA strengthens ligaments that hold teeth in place...All meats are rich sources of this acid, and Vitamin A helps release it in the form of retinol...When we’re young, we produce lots of it; that’s why a child’s skin is so hydrated with water. As we age, we produce less and less HA, so our skin becomes drier...

From the second article:
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency causes increased levels of adrenaline, which can lead to a feeling of anxiety.
Rats that become magnesium deficient have an increased level of urinary catecholamine excretion (a by-product of adrenaline)...

Magnesium is a known treatment for a variety of types of calcification of soft tissues.
Mg levels have been found to be greatly reduced in calcified mitral valves.
In a study of rats, Mg deficiency has been shown to cause aortic calcification.
Vitamin K deficiency has also been linked to calcification of soft tissues....

Patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are often found to be low in Mg. Supplementation with malic acid and magnesium is a common treatment for fibromyalgia....

Women with fibromyalgia have been found to have abnormal serum levels of hyaluronic acid. The authors of this study suggested serum hyaluronic levels may be used to diagnose fibromyalgia. But are elevated serum hyaluronic acid levels an indicator of fibromyalgia, or are they yet another symptom of an Mg deficiency?...

Magnesium deficiency, and perhaps other elements that affect hyaluronic acid levels, are a common thread to connective tissue disorders...

From the third article:
The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved hyaluronic acid for treating osteoarthritis, but patients experience different results....

Since hyaluronic acid lubricates the eye tissues, people can take oral supplements of hyaluronic acid to relieve dry eyes and improve their eyesight...

Connie Chung in an episode of ABC News (Youtube clip) showed people in the village of Yuzurihara, Japan - a village two hours away from Tokyo. She investigated why men and women in their 80's and 90's had full heads of hair, flexible joints, smooth, and wrinkle-free skin, who participated in activities that defied their age...

Doctors could not explain the good health and youthful appearance of the villagers with good genetics or living the perfect lifestyle. Their sons and daughters moved to America and adopted a Westernized diet. Then they became obese, appeared older, developed obesity and other chronic health problems that proves they did not inherit good genes....

As the video shows in Yuzurhara, Japan, many residents retained smooth wrinkled-free skin even those working in the fields under the sun...

Our bodies need magnesium to synthesize hyaluronic acid....

Phytoestrogens behave like estrogen in our bodies, helping to produce more hyaluronic acid. Resveratrol can boost the body's production of hyaluronic acid.

Vitamin A refers to a number of related compounds that we call retinoids. They include retinol, retinal and retinoic acid.... retinoic acid encourages the body to produce more hyaluronic acid, potentially doubling the hyaluronic acid in the skin's epidermis...

People with zinc deficiencies produce low levels of hyaluronic acid...

Hyaluronic acid forms no covalent bonds to proteins or sulfates, so the body does not mount an immune response against it....

Most people can take hyaluronic acid safely, but we do not know enough about the long term use of hyaluronic acid. People who are allergic to poultry or poultry products, such as eggs should avoid hyaluronic acid and its products....Either the pharmaceutical companies extract hyaluronic acid from rooster combs or they utilize bacteria in the laboratory to produce it...

Researchers associate certain tumors with high levels of hyaluronic acid. They do not know if hyaluronic acid causes the tumor or becomes a byproduct of the tumor. However, people lowering their levels of hyaluronic acid can reduce or slow the growth of breast and colon cancer cells...

Noting that folks in the USA have avoided many high fat foods ...including those that contain true vitamin A, and few consume liver or the cod-liver oil that our grandparents did which was a primary source of true vitamin A, I rather suspect that our apparent lack of hyaluronic acid in the USA may be primarily due to lack of true vitamin A ...and of course also due as well to our major deficiency in magnesium.


Senior Member
Noting that folks in the USA have avoided many high fat foods ...including those that contain true vitamin A, and few consume liver or the cod-liver oil that our grandparents did which was a primary source of true vitamin A, I rather suspect that our apparent lack of hyaluronic acid in the USA may be primarily due to lack of true vitamin A ...and of course also due as well to our major deficiency in magnesium.
Zinc is another pervasive deficiency.


Senior Member
Zinc depletion is a very likely explanation for my lab results and crashing after my 1st Carcinine round.


Senior Member
We don't take extra zinc, but eat a lot of zinc foods.
Back on 40 mg Glycoxil, I thought maybe 100 mg was too much.
Energy, good mood, good sleep.
AND LOTS of thoughts, memories, dreams. Answers from the past. Which was awful but I did not realize it at the time. People must have thought me crazy, when I was so happy never mind the hatred all around me. Which I must have imbibed after all. Black magic turning me into a victim. I can see them now, plotting my death behind my back.
Well, I take that energy back. The insidious stress from all these attacks helped drain me of my thiamine! And I feel the thiamine is revealing my past, at the same time it is replenishing my organs it is bringing to consciousness the moment when it was stolen.
Be well and good luck to all!:hug::hug:
7 guests today. Things must be going well for me! :balloons:


Senior Member
hi @Asklipia

I forgot to say that I take magnesium as per Lonsdale recommendation as magnesium/potassium aspartate.
Yes I am sure that Folate + B12 deplete Thiamine, 100 % sure from my personal observation.

I am trying freddd's methylation protocol & have been for 4-5 months now. however I ran into massive problems with fever & irritability and it was suggested to me that B1 deficiency may be the problem here. I was wondering what your solution to this issue was - did you continue taking b12 & folate, and then add additional thiamine, or did you reduce the b12 & folate massively & add additional thiamin? also how much thiamine did you take and how long did it take until you felt like the depletion had been restored?

i take the jarrow b-right multi b-vitamin pills every day, which have all the b vitamins, (along with metafolin folate & sublingual b12] & but this made no difference on my bad mood & fever. so perhaps i should continue taking it but also take like 600mg of thiamine, [or more?]. im not really sure...

would love to hear your experiences

thanks so much


Senior Member
did you continue taking b12 & folate, and then add additional thiamine, or did you reduce the b12 & folate massively & add additional thiamin? also how much thiamine did you take and how long did it take until you felt like the depletion had been restored?

i take the jarrow b-right multi b-vitamin pills every day, which have all the b vitamins, (along with metafolin folate & sublingual b12] & but this made no difference on my bad mood & fever. so perhaps i should continue taking it but also take like 600mg of thiamine, [or more?]. im not really sure...
would love to hear your experiences
thanks so much
Hi @jhlyon. Please keep in mind that I am not a health professional and do not give advice.
In 2012 I tried Fredd's protocol and ran into difficulties after a couple of good weeks. When I suggested all this methylfolate was not a good idea I was harshly criticized. I stopped all extra folate and B12 then.
I started thiamine supplementation by taking Thiamine HCL and could not stand it. So I stopped.
I started again (end 2012) with fursultiamine (a lipophilic thiamine) as Alinamin, a Japanese product with low dosage and extra B2. This helped me but then I moved and could not get it anymore.
Until 2015 I think, when a friend brought me from Singapore the new Alinamin Ex Plus, which includes other B vitamins. I found it very helpful.
Because of the extra energy, I ran into very big changes in my life and did not research much.
Dramatic effects since going on big doses of lipophilic thiamine in January 2017.
At present I take about 500 mg a day, split in three doses, a mix of sulbutiamine (ARCALION), fursultiamine (Allithiamine - Ecological Formulas and Lipothiamine - Cardiovascular Research), benfotiamine (Doctors Best) + sublingual B1 (Source Naturals). I also take some magnesium. This has been nearly 9 months and new benefits are still slowly coming up.
I discussed thiamine extensively on several other threads. There is a lot of information there.
Have a look at Hormones Matter, where Dr Derrick Lonsdale is writing.

Whatever you do, please report on your experiences. I could not have improved my heath so dramatically if it had not been from helping PR members!
Be well! :hug:


Senior Member
Carnosine seems to act synergistically with Vitamin E, both in increasing tissue concentrations of both nutrients and in reducing oxidative damage to cell membranes

The ability of carnosine (and its homologues) to chelate metal cations — especially copper (Cu2+) — contributes to its anti-oxidant capabilities. Copper concentration is high in skeletal muscle and olfactory bulbs. Both copper and zinc inhibit proteasome function, which suggests that chelation of those metals by carnosine could protect against neurodegeneration

The high pH buffering capacity of carnosine is probably valuable in muscle to reduce the acidity of lactic acid produced during times of high physical exertion. These effects also make carnosine a valuable anti-ischemic agent. Additional anti-ischemic effects are protection of Na/K-ATPase from oxygen radicals, prevention of excessive dopamine production [BIOCHEMISTRY (MOSCOW) 65(7):849-855 (2000)], and suppression of sympathetic nerve activity

Some remarkable effects of the carnosine family of histidine-derivatives, however, are on proteins. Carnosine prevents protein glycation, ie, non-enzymatic cross-linking of proteins induced by sugars. Protein regions containing lysine (especially adjoining proline) are especially vulnerable to glycation,

in high concentrations carnosine can reverse protein-aldehyde cross-linking (Advanced Glycation End-products, AGEs)

The anti-glycating effects of carnosine make it protective against diabetic complications like neuropathy


J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
Summary of hair effects reported on this thread

Interestingly, hair growth was mentioned many times on this thread, not only in regard of carcinine but also vitamin B1. So anyone interested, here you get a collection:

After nearly 3 weeks on Glycoxil, it is time for a report.
I am still on the 4 mg dose of carcinine (40 mg Glycoxil), and DH too. We have very interesting results.
- nothing yet happening on the eyebrows, but more hair growing on the frontal hairline and between this line and the eyebrow just over the little hollow where you can put your thumbs to equilibrate neurotransmitters in the brain (don't know what this is called!),
- nails and hair growing very fast

I get a strong sign of copper deficiency by taking Carcinine : loss of hair color.

A little report : everything is still fine with high dose thiamine + 0.4 mg or 0.8 mg Glycoxil per day (now recklessly doubled on some days with no crashes). After about three weeks there was a small problem of nails breaking, for I and DH both. This was fixed by adding just a bit of glycine in the form of marine collagen 250 mg (thanks @Gondwanaland :angel::heart:) once or twice a week. That is, whenever we suddenly crave chicken wings and none are immediately available.
Hair becomes curly and unmanageable. Except for eyebrows, a bit better but NOT ENOUGH :(

I am getting this same effect from taking MSM. Also hair and nails are growing faster and feel thicker. Sulfur metabolism.


J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
Then, here my summary of what I did so far myself:

A few years ago, a daily pill of tocotrienol for some weeks stopped hair loss completely (I always had a pillow full of hair and thereafter no more). Product: Tocomin Suprabio.

A year or so ago, daily scalp massage using Mg-Cl saturated solution with water stopped seborrhoeic dermatitis (diagnosed by dermatologist before and verified thereafter that gone. And most of all, itching gone). Keeps coming back w/o Mg-Cl

I had a lot of atrophied hair as diagnosed by dermatoscope (=microscope). Some month of nutritional yeast (2g dry yeast flakes /day) and the baffled dermatologist found not a single atrophied hair. He said he has never seen such a change in such a short time. Active ingredients: yeast is among the highest foodstuffs in uridine, and this specific yeast is so high in B1 that 2g dry flakes cover the RDA.
I found literature both for uridine and B1 to be involved in hair and skin metabolism heavily. (My facial skin and feet skin look younger now, face more round, more filled)
I have seen the microscope pics of the hair before/after and was pleased with the many nice strong thick hairs :) :)
Then, I regularly cut a few stray hairs from my eyebrows that untidily grow longer than the rest. Since I am on the yeast, such stray hairs grow considerably longer, I really need to cut them. While hair grows on my head is impossible to judge (confounding factors such as hair washing, hair dressers, etc), I take the eyebrows as evidence that it increases growth.

What I have not yet resolved and would want to, a bigggg lot:
I have here and there a stray grey hair. Any ideas? It is definitively not copper deficiency, because I eat fully enough and my hair analysis shows no deficit either and my blood and urine copper is good, too.
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Senior Member
I have here and there a stray grey hair. Any ideas? It is definitively not copper deficiency,
Meanwhile I have read that grey hair comes from unbalanced Zn:Cu ratio, and I have a Zn deficiency rather than a Cu one (determined empirically).

BTW if you read about ceruloplasmin, the main nutrients needed are B5, vit A, Zn & Cu.

Also, white hair is from H2O2, and SOD CATALASE is needed to turn H2O2 into H2O - but I don't remember which SOD (probably ZnSOD, but MnSOD?)

Also, you take Zinc Carnosine, right Lolinda? Edit : and B5
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Senior Member
Thank you @Lolinda B1 definitely increases the length and quality of existing hairs. No doubt they are more springy and longer. By far!
Does not seem to work on eyelashes and eyebrows (a little better only). Maybe they need biotin in these places? Biotin seems to work on my eyelashes.
Maybe different places need different Bs?

Supposing this hair rising qualities are due not to the production of hairs themselves but consecutive to extra vitality of the organs governing those areas, depending on specific activation of hormones?

I feel as though I have gained more strength generally, but also that, when I was sick, and grew weaker generally, some places in my body had stopped working properly before others, and then that more and more areas went dark.

For me thiamine deficiency started with weakness in the legs and loss of eyebrows. I have not yet regained totally the strength in the legs, nor the eyebrows. There is progress on both sides though! Some muscles in my legs are back to normal, but not all. No problem because before I was sick I enjoyed superhuman strength so that I am even now in a vastly superior condition compared to people I meet in the street!

From time to time (after more than 9 months of heavy thiamine supplementation) I feel the tenderness at the front of my shins which is an early sign of beriberi. No doubt all this thiamine is being used up for secret repairs. This sign comes and goes, a sign that I am borderline deficient still.

A good sign is since last week I have started to grow hairs on my legs!!!!!! None was growing there since about 20 years ago. Vitality is appearing there!
Hugs and lots of love! Thank you for the Tocomin mention. Which brand did you use?
Be well :balloons::balloons::hug:


Senior Member
tenderness at the front of my shins which is an early sign of beriberi
I am familiar with it! SOmetime in the past I had it, can't remember when...
grow hairs on my legs
You have been giving signs of excess DHT, not sure to which extent it is desirable... I could be wrong though, since the bald patches on my shins increased with higher DHT, and the back of my thighs got hairier :oops:

One thing for sure, due to my underlying deficiencies, glycoxil increased DHT while lowering all the other desirable hormones :meh: