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WTF????? Big energy boost from stopping xenoestrogens from microwaved plastic

Yesterday I read about how it was unsafe to cook Rubbermaid plastic containers in the microwave and resolved to try elimininating all plastic from the microwave (and letting food cool before putting in plastic containers) because it leaches xenoestrogens in the food. I wanted to see if this would help me lose weight. 24 hours later I had a big unexpected boost in my energy (10%).

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I just saw on the amzn page that they're "oven safe"... I've never used them in the oven, but I would read the fine print on what the max oven temp is for these.. fyi
I doubt that the tiny amount of chemicals that might have leached from the plastic would have been enough to make a major difference within 24 hrs. Had you never gone 24 hrs without eating food microwaved in those containers, without noticing the energy boost? You could do a double-blind experiment to see if this is a real effect or just a coincidence, with the boost due to some other factor.
I doubt that the tiny amount of chemicals that might have leached from the plastic would have been enough to make a major difference within 24 hrs. Had you never gone 24 hrs without eating food microwaved in those containers, without noticing the energy boost? You could do a double-blind experiment to see if this is a real effect or just a coincidence, with the boost due to some other factor.

This is the first time. Honestly, I don't want to go back given that Precision Nutrition says don't do it. I really feel better off it. Part of the effect could be from letting food cool before putting it in the containers. Other people report they feel better off of it too.
those chemicals are like toxins for immune cells(TLR receptors) -> pro inflammatory reactions

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