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Whistleblowers Expose FDA's Illegal Surveillance of Employees


The managers who spearheaded the surveillance efforts were the same managers involved with the wrongdoing and corruption that the whistleblowers were seeking to report. Lawyers at the FDA and HHS Offices of General Counsel, who should have understood that the program breached the employees confidentiality, helped FDA managers with their obstruction and retaliation.

In their lawsuit, six FDA whistleblowers who were fired by the agency (including two highly respected medical doctors, a Branch Chief, a former Health and Safety Officer employed by the Public Health Service and a 23-year FDA career M.D./Ph.D Scientist) are requesting a nationwide injunction prohibiting the federal government from targeting whistleblowers with selected surveillance and monitoring.

The lawsuit alleges that such targeted monitoring of whistleblowers violates their First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and association.



that is sad....i sometimes have problems processing things so im sorry if im misunderstanding...what im about to say may have nothing to do with what you wrote but at the time to me it does...i was victim of stalking and it was very traumatizing...and on the support group board they have alot info about differnet things...one of the thnigs id never heard of was i think called..gang and organized stalking...it was so scary...it talked about whistleblowers and others being target of stalking...they called it stalking....being watched etc...it was so sad..

i still have nightmares from being stalked...this was a regular person i had dated while seperated from husband.....and i didnt know i was being stalked and followed for awhile and to know that someone had been doing that to me devestated me and caused alot of stress and was so scary...if i were to find out again that i was being stalked again i think i would have a nervous breakdown its been a few years and im just starting to not be so scared to talk about it a little...

again sorry if this has nothing to do with your post..i saw it though and it made me think of the support group im on and what i had read that mentioned whistleblowers etc. and what they called it as the stalking i mentioned...just scary and sad ..

forgive me if im misunderstanding and completely off topic
Hi There.

Sorry to hear that. Don't think anybody was getting stalked. I know what you mean though, not fun.

Glad to hear things are getting better for you.

Wishing you well.


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