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Today I had to go downtown to the place the was EMF hell, I was there too long and despite how little anxiety I felt today it still was so bad it cut through everything afterwards and by the time I got back and it was actually time to go to work I was already feeling fried. The appointment was delayed too and I had to do something for another hour downtown so with nothing else to do I just say in the part playing slots on my phone for an hour. I didn't mind much since it was a nice day but couldn't entirely relax since I wasn't there just to hang out. As I was just going to work the effects from the gumweed tea were just about faded out. I thought I'd be ok as what is just one day where I stopped drinking something just to restart later? A lot apparently with this. Little did I realize when they would I was in for the worst rebound anxiety of my life and just getting through my shift was painful as I felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin and my speech went down the toilet completely. I got slight relief from my coffee break but it didn't do much but buy me just enough stability to get through it.

What is so magic about this stuff? Why was I before able to do what I did and was so anxiety free and even social and clear? Well later tonight when I got back home from work I found out why.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15763546/ - " The effects of these bicyclic monoterpenes alone and with GABA were evaluated at recombinant human alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2L) GABA(A) receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes using two-electrode voltage-clamp electrophysiology. (+)-Borneol (EC(50) 248microM) and (-)-borneol (EC(50) 237microM) enhanced the action of low concentrations of GABA by more than 1000%. These enhancing effects were highly dependent on the relative concentrations of the borneol enantiomer and GABA, and were insensitive to flumazenil indicating that (+)- and (-)-borneol were not acting at classical benzodiazepine sites. "

So it is enhancing low concentrations which I obviously by up to 1000% but not through the site itself but there's no information on how it does this specifically. I drank it tonight and same thing as when I drank it before. It appears to be pretty long range in effect too somehow. I'll see how I feel throughout tomorrow but I hope this isn't prone to tolerance and is a genuine loophole. I need it to be true honestly. I need to be up extremely early for work tomorrow in my new place and I have no idea how it'll go but I'm putting my faith in the gumweed for now and praying for consistency. When I drank it tonight I was already tired too and am about to go to sleep soon after this. Just another time where there's nothing to do but wait and do when the time comes. I did also get the birch bark extract in but I'm sitting on it for now as I need to see how this gumweed nightly goes.


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