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Over Activated

Thanks to the hesperidin I tried again yesterday I felt a lot better mentally and my senses were quite a bit brighter, not 100 percent but enough for me to at least enjoy my day. I didn't healthy at all as I treated myself to some lovely fried shrimp and fries which bumped me down a notch in how I was feeling way later but I let loose sometimes too and do what I want because I'm also not going to be entirely letting this illness stand in the way of me enjoying what I got sometimes.

This morning I decided to go down the candida rabbit hole and took half a tea spoon of activated charcoal spread out through the morning I diluted in water. I usually take very tiny amounts at once but I thought maybe I needed a higher amount. I definitely have a very heavy toxic load as when I did this my senses cleared up immensely but it made me very tired and also caused some neuropathy flares in the usual suspects which interestingly when I did this would shift around a bit. There was a point where my senses all for once actually went totally clear and my tinnitus went down to almost nothing, I also remember this occurring much earlier on when I was in a far worse position after trying a raw egg (cooked eggs don't do this but I can tolerate small amounts of them and the raw one's made certain things worse at the time so I didn't continue eating them). Amazing how with a binder like this I can feel it all moving around in real time and its acute effects on my nervous system. Like as I've been typing this I felt it all in one area causing severe anxiety and a specific inflammatory feeling in my head and then just seconds later it shifts. Morbidly fascinating, I guess whatever mycotoxin or whatever it is able to modify skin sensation in real time. That means it must be hitting a central point in the nervous system as reductions or increases in sensation are across the whole body though sometimes with a little extra or less in certain areas. I've also bought green tea and plan on drinking that every evening for a while too as some people said it was helpful for inflammation. I also want to give small amounts of baking soda water a try to see if that helps tackle anything. I remember potassium bicarbonate doing something beneficial so hopefully, the amount of potassium is small and I have consumed plenty more from food before as I believe that is the food form without any major benefits. Also when I was digging around the candida subreddit (yes I know but it's where a lot of people reports are on various thing) I found someone with the same thing I had with the full body numbness and all my issues, it appears the PFS from the saw palmetto disaster was essentially the straw that broke the immune camels back and down I went. That same person also has bad reactions to D3. In fact connecting the dots on so many post drug disorders this all feels like different flavors of the same underlying problems and I've had this one for much of my life. A lot of people after searching nicotine to no big surprise to me get a lot of relief from it with this bubble of conditions which makes me believe that these toxins can also occupy receptors made for other things which explains a lot too.

Today I'll just be largely resting because a dose of activated charcoal really takes it out of me as if I even I have much in the energy reserves in the first place. I really wish I could just take a vacation from everything as my coming new job will take up a lot more time and leave me less room to try new things with myself. It's great that I'm slowly piecing together what is going on and zeroing in on it which appear to be in the general candida/mold bubble with coinfections actively actively being neurotoxic but it's that slowness that gets to me sometimes. I think the direction based on all this I been getting now is researching in the direction of mycotoxin defense and building my supplement stack in that direction which has been happening anyways without me noticing since what helps the most is in that direction anyways. I have decided to give the birch bark extract capsules a go and start with a very tiny amount to see how I react. For now though I think it's time to take a rest let my body settle with the added green tea and then move from there.


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