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Making It

(if anyone is getting tired of seeing my near daily blog posts in the feed please tell me but I also can't find where to change block privacy settings on here)

Last night I decided to try a small test amount of the birch bark extract which was a small sprinkle from the capsule. I very quickly felt somewhat more relaxed and clear headed but also very sleepy and it was a bit harder to remain mentally sharp. When I did end up going to bed I had really vivid strange dreams and by the morning I felt pretty groggy and irritated. Still feeling a bit blah but I'm doing alright, something tells me that was not a good reaction and I probably shouldn't take a full dose.

The new job as I learn more and can be more automated at it isn't too bad and I get home about 2 PM every day (1 PM when clocks roll back for everyone else as I don't participate in the time change) which I am alright with as I am usually at my worst during the morning hours anyways and I have 2 days off a week. I am still on nights only at my old job but largely just because Big Lots is going under and I don't know when my store will be on the chopping block but it can't be far away and I want my sick pay in the end. Currently as I type this I'm so exhausted because of the constant stress lately before and during the very beginning of the new job. My health and general life issues have already made things a bit awkward at times especially with my food intolerances and asking about what I do outside of work along with friends. The answer is "it's complicated" in a nutshell. they do support me and get it enough but it's still uncomfortable when it is. Tomorrow morning though I'm still scheduled mornings for the last time at my old job and I'm really dreading going in especially since the radiation there because of the new POS systems has gotten so bad as if the store couldn't get any worse. In fact with how much things changed there over the years I barely recognize it anymore. Part of me just wants it to finally go under just to put the struggling place out of its misery because it's sad seeing the state of things now. It can barely keep organized items on the shelf anymore, no vendors want to serve us anymore, and there's nothing anyone can do to help the situation as more random stock continues to pour in no one knows what to do with and numbers can't be met. Life right in general for me feels very strange and transitional.

On the rest about what I'm doing next health wise, I'm going to see if I have something solid and repeatable with hesperidin as my last experiments left me feeling quite low and the last times I took it it made my mood and actual senses brighter. I am also considering trying to up my dose of methyl-b12 to 3000 mcg and see what happens. It could also be that something is now consuming more of it and I need more as I get older. Right now that's a big shoulder shrug and I need to first try the hesperedin thing again. Nicotine right now isn't really a thing I want to touch at the moment but I might try to do something again with it soon.


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