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In the loop

tw - touches on some sexual health topics

Yesterday turned out to be a complete disaster in a rather unexpected way but I suppose with every misstep I learn more. After taking yesterday mornings ccryptolepis I felt good but found it had a emotional/dopamine-y blunting effect that I'm not sure at such a low amount was a herx or what. Also got a heavy degree of sexual dysfunction which I believe now to specifically be in my case a result of some specific dopamine circuit shutting down as I didn't lose any sensation "down there" or get any shrinking but I still got a little usual morning wood this morning so it's still working but for some reason the cryptolepis reaction made it slower. I believe this dysfunction may be immune mediated based on my experiments so far as cryptolepis from what I've read has no effect on dopamine or serotonin systems, there was one anti-androgenic study but this was on small rats and I can't imagine just 4 drops of a tincture 2 times was enough to crash a hormone loop. So what I'm going to do next is get my hands on a bottle of hespiridin again as this sparked something down there in my previous experiment with it but first I'm going to wait a bit and retry the nicotine experiment as last time that got those specific gears linked to that system going again and is the only thing that specifically does that which seems to perpetuate itself once I spark that engine until something knocks it out and then it just stays down till something sparks it again (which is a repeatable sub pattern in my case, my body seems to get stuck in loops and can't get out into basic homeostasis). Right now in general I'm going to focus on playing with immune loops to see if I can get any solid repeatable patterns based on what I already tried to target and move from there. I also still have my D3 on hand which also holds some sort of key on what is going on in this puzzle but I don't want to have another dose of that right now.

Later this came cryptolepis reaction back to bite me more with whiplash in the forum of face burning and some more background anxiety. Then I had to go somewhere with extremely high levels of EMF radiation and this completely did my brain in and the worst part of it was that what I went there for didn't even end up happening because they had an issue with the machine so now I need to actually go back to the same EMF death zone on Monday which I am not looking forward to. After enetering the place and sitting down for a minute I already felt it. My head pressure ramped up, I got so fatigued, my vision practically started getting flickery, and I could barely even talk right or form a coherent thought. My phone was at a full signal without a single drop of the strongest one's that weren't 5G. I can't believe as a canary in the EMFscape coalmine that the people working there were even alive, if I had to stay there for just a single whole day I'd be in the hospital by the end of it. It blows my mind that people without EMF sensitivity can't even feel it. This place rivaled the clinic place I go for my therapy stuff in terms of being a radiation nightmare. I usually don't feel so great coming out of the main office areas there after being there for a whole session but this was a whole new level of evil. Then after this I had to go to my actual workplace which since they installed the new registers has also been pretty bad but manageable for the 4-6 hours I'm there as at east the registers aren't very high powered even though they are those integrated PC built into a touch monitor systems. After I got home from all of this though later at night I was just defeated, watched a stream online for a bit, and passed out.

This morning I'm alright at least, I made it and will just be monitoring how I feel over the next few days. I unfortunately because of the side effects can't continue the cryptolepis so that's now out of the picture. I'm feeling a bit sickly with my sinuses acting up and dripping a bit with a mild sore throat. But like I said my next goal is narrowing down specific immune loops to specifically target what is going on. With Fall coming I feel this is the perfect time to do so because I have a lot of time before the bitter Winter chill sets in and after an entire year of relentless experimentation I know more about myself than I ever have before. I don't like to set specific times for things but I'm aiming for having a much better coming spring into summer with a more optimized self care lineup with whatever I'll be taking at the time. I expected this Summer to be a great one but unfortunately it was quite rough.


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