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Humble beginnings

Today i started my new job that I was thrown into much earlier than expected. Honestly it wasn't that bad a lot was pretty straight forward. The other people working with me showed me how to do everything well and surprisingly considered my disabilities well too. With the daily process of things I need to be directed what to do but that's gonna happen anyways working in food service where I am now and largely we don't even deal with too many people besides a lunch wave where things though the over stimulation gets intense is easy to handle as all I need to do is put food on a tray from a single uniform station and throw it out, while cleaning everything. There is even a lot of standing around doing nothing and the best thing is I surprisngly don't even need to touch a computer. The EMF environment ambient wise isn't the best but it's manageable thankfully. I have to go back tomorrow morning and think I'll get on fine with some adjustments. I felt like a complete out of place person though which also raised my anxiety as I had no uniform yet and mostly just stood around feeling awkward a lot and even got lost as the crappy gumweed rebound was hitting making me feel even more strung out. Oh well you live and learn, I'm so used to things failing that it's just another shoulder shrug to me. You have a crappy neurologically embarrassing day and you move on.

Though in supplement/herbal news the gumweed tea has started to turn on us a bit as it's no longer having the same antianxiety effect it had before, I suspect tolerance to even the indirect GABA effect builds very quickly and like yesterday I feel the rebound. Though my senses with it are still clearer and there is less inflammation feelings in my head. It also messes with my digestive system too though I found. So essentially now when I drink I just feel more relaxed for a short time and then get horrible rebound with an upset digestive system. Guess the next thing I have to try is the birch bark extract but I don't know when just yet. I'll probably try a small amount first to see how I react and go from there. I feel like I have some use for hesperidin though but I don't entirely know how to integrate it properly yet. I'll need to find something out on that in future as it boosts my mood and sensory brightness a lot in way I really like consistently.
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