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Glyco crazy

Today I actually woke up a bit more refreshed as it seemed that charcoal dump did have some kind of lasting benefit to it despite the war in my nervous system on the day of taking it. In fact I may do that once every week as routine maintenance of the toxic load, don't know if it has permanently got anything ancient out of there that was floating around but as long as it keeps things clean and functional enough. I also have some gumweed tea in the cabinet and started drinking that and did better with it today which I made a post on. I might start drinking it every evening around bed time now.

I also started trying to piece together why that glucosamine things went so terribly and why gluco anything appears to be a central part of my condition yet I haven't found anything that makes sense. That was until I saw someone's post stating that viral infection can hijack the glucorticoid system and remembered how my strange reaction to fruit was similar to my intense cognitive PEM, how the glucosamine helped inflammation a lot in the background but also presented in a similar manner up front though was slightly different yet also resulted in profound sickness after, how glucosamine gave a little energy yet resulted in a neuropathy flare I though I'd never recover from, and how that compound from asparagus once gave me a huge boost in energy and functionality while killing other processes all at the same time. After I looked up the glycolysis pathway I found what might be an answer. The hexosamine biosynthesis pathway.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4007419/ - A Fresh View of Glycolysis and Glucokinase Regulation: History and Current Status

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10138107/ - The Hexosamine Biosynthesis Pathway: Regulation and Function

The issue I have with fruits I've isolated to fructose in sufficient amounts I would only get from fruits, the worst fruits for me have the most fructose. Glucose and sucrose don't have this effect. Sucrose is a combination of glucose and fructose but my guts likely don't break those apart properly resulting in higher tolerance to even your average table sugar. What is right after the fructose conversion? Glucosamine. Same general reaction but even more of a disaster as it was like giving a pathogen a nuclear weapon, possibly one of the biggest mistakes I made yet.Cell with good intentions could have been over burdened already and cells with bad intentions just immediately used it as fuel for their journey. They didn't even need to do anything with fructose, I gave them the next step in the process immediately! Over activation of the HBT and Fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase can rapidly accelerate inflammation and feed pathogens all at the same time and is even expressed in macrophages. In fact the expression of GFAT is so vast and can do so much the results of giving it glucosamine could be so unpredictable that I'm surprised it didn't get worse than it did. Glucoticoids regulate glucose metabolism and main goal in the immune system is to reduce inflammation. Upon eating a lot of baby asparagus the first time I stopped some of the inflammation but the pathogenic load continued to cause dysfunction and further cause problems but the next day when it started to wear off and protective inflammation rose again I felt somewhat better. Indirectly it altered the glycolysis and HBT system too.

This all points towards something hijacking multiple systems and I'd be interested to see the cross linking with other systems but it's probably infinitely complex and impossible to look over in a day because shocking this system essentially shocks every other system too since it plays such a central role in the immune system and energy generation of the body at the same time while being concected to the glucocorticoid receptor. It seems fro mwhat I'm experiencing now it's a viral infection and candidaand/or similar combo meal. For now I'm going to keep at the gunweed tea for a while and I do want to give myself a nicotine trial under the new added gumweed condition alone. I got the D3 in but i'm going to hold off for a while as I'm focusing on this right now and I don't entirely know what the future will look like from what comes out of it right now. I also have the birch bark extract capsules on the way and I'm a bit on the fence about immediately trying them too until I get this sorted out and things are clearer.
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could you have a real fructose intolerance? i do not mean fructose malabsorption which many mistakenly call fructose intolerance.

the fructose malabsorption is a gut thing as it cannot process it in time. typical it leads to IBS, diarrhea.
fructose is tolerated in certain amounts until upper individual tolerance level which can change.

the fructose intolerance (Hereditary Fructose Intolerance)
on the other hand isnt a gut issue. its a metabolism problem, so the gut picks up the fructose just fine, but when it gets into blood is when the problem arises. and this can indeed do systemic trouble.
fructose usually isnt tolerated.
A deficiency of aldolase B results in an accumulation of fructose-1-phosphate, and trapping of phosphate (fructokinase requires adenosine triphosphate (ATP)). The downstream effects of this enzyme block are the inhibition of glucose production and reduced regeneration of ATP.[5]

(i could imagine that in addition to HFI its also possible to have a casual malabsorption as well, so both symptoms present)
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could you have a real fructose intolerance? i do not mean fructose malabsorption which many mistakenly call fructose intolerance.

the fructose malabsorption is a gut thing as it cannot process it in time. typical it leads to IBS, diarrhea.
fructose is tolerated in certain amounts until upper individual tolerance level which can change.

the fructose intolerance (Hereditary Fructose Intolerance)
on the other hand isnt a gut issue. its a metabolism problem, so the gut picks up the fructose just fine, but when it gets into blood is when the problem arises. and this can indeed do systemic trouble.
fructose usually isnt tolerated.

(i could imagine that in addition to HFI its also possible to have a casual malabsorption as well, so both symptoms present)

It's likely, I mean I'm certainly not gonna consume more and find out because every time I eat fruit it's like russian roulette. I get bloating from it too, the same exact kind I got with glucosamine but it was far worse with glucosamine which is a step down the hexosamine chain. The fruit thing causes immediately what I get in intense PEM though with the heavy legs/body thing and loss of mental clarity/sharpness, glucosamine cut right to the chase with the head inflammation and neuro symptoms but is less intense with the lead body load thing. No one in my family I know if is fructose intolerant so I don't think it would be hereditary.
your symptoms correlate strongly with the HFI alone the ATP and glucose metabolism impairments make a lot of sense.

HFI is inherited autosomal rezessive, so both parents have to have the gene. so its normal that no one else got this. not all genetic diseases show in family history.
i myself got a autosomal rezessive gene when my wife had it too our children would get severely disabled with some bad metabolic disease. most likely.

maybe do a nebula genomics whole genomese sequencing? or ask your doctor to test for that specific gene.

the problem isnt just fruits. more so i would fear the additives of food and stuff. they like to put fructose , sorbit and other sugar alcohols into foods which all are nogo with HFI.
americans put HCFS (fructose syrup) into drinks like coke and others.
i susect that even casual sugar (50/50 glucose:fructose) might be a problem.only pure glucose should be ok. (dextrose)
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