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feeling buggy

Yesterday evening I got in my cryptolepis and decided to dive right in. Reading other peoples information on it I started extremely low at 3 drops and added one more after since I didn't immediately get anything bad reaction wise. I'm not sure what I have but whatever it is it's highly responsive to very small amounts of this stuff. In the first 10 minutes my senses clear up to a point I go outside to the store just because I wanted to check out the world in HD, my anxiety goes down significantly, the reaction I had residual to the raw black garlic completely sizzles out, and my head pressure feeling lessens. Though much later some of the head pressure increases and I also had extremely vivid dreams though I slept well. When I woke up I was feeling pretty herxy with that familiar head pressure feeling particularly in the usual frontal area after the strange herx dreams (this sort of thing happened right after I started cistus too). My sinuses also felt odd and that sinus specific sensation and a little sore throat appeared after the 2nd 4 drop dose when I woke up but some benefits like the clear head and antianxiety effect returned instantly. Also feel more physically mobile, my body is just less stiff with this stuff. Though I do notice it also blunts my emotional output a bit and I'm not sure if that's just a side effect or part of the herx. I'm going to keep my daily amount at 4 drops in the morning for now until I feel comfortable scaling up if I really need to at all. If just 4 keeps this thing down and eventually the side effects go away then I'll be a happy camper.

I have one thing to do today and work after, same shift the next day too. I don't know when my new job will start but hopefully if I get a response tomorrow it won't be till the next week to give me some time to work through current medical stuff. I unfortunately had to start trying to get out of my old one as the company is going under and I can't imagine at most the store I work lasting more than a year at most more. All in all it's been a bit difficult in this whirwind to enjoy much even though I do have more drive to enjoy things more lately as I keep trying more things with myself.


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