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Exhausted Noises Here

Last night in an attempt to reduce more of the inflamed brain feeling I ate a good heaping teaspoon of raw black garlic not really knowing what else to do. The nicotine as it wore off throughout the day made me feel a bit nuts and really histamine-y which reminded me why it's so easy to get hooked on it as the comfortable focus I feel on it when I first have some is at least some kind of shelter to me from some symptoms. The black garlic actually did end up relieving some of it and removed a massive amount of gunk from my sinus areas immediately upon consuming I had to hack out so I imagine since nothing else I have consumed lately has done that it was killing something holding all that there. After I felt clearer and wanted to enjoy a show but I was kind of stressed out at the time anyways and really wouldn't have enjoyed it so last nights entertainment was just whatever was on youtube that was low mental maintenance. This morning I woke up with some malaise and brain fog which I imagine was some backlash from the black garlic last night but at least some of the benefits stuck and hopefully the fog lifts as the day goes on a bit.

I have the cryptolepis extract coming in at some point today but I'm not sure if I'll use it immediately as I don't know how it'll affect me or how bad I will herx on the first few drops. The last thing I need right now is also an energy crash and on the little I can dig up on experiences with it one person on another forum said it made them more sluggish and achey. I'm not even sure when my new job will start which is putting further stress on me as I need to do something for it tomorrow and it needs to be processed before they put me on the schedule and even when I first get there since it will be my first new work environment in years I tend to be like an anxiety ridden chicken with its head cut off the first week or so as my brain adjusts to the new routines. When I have structure and know everything to do in every situation I fly right through work even on my most brain foggy days but I don't do as well at all with being thrown to the wolves which is essentially what my whole life feels like at the moment. No certainty, every day is a big shoulder shrug, can only really take things as they come, and can't make too many plans. Probably one of my biggest situational weaknesses.


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