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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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movies about cfs/me

It occurred to me that it might be easier to explain CFS to family and friends by asking them to watch a movie on the web.

The first one is a 12 minute news special. It would not be much of a time investment for someone to watch.

The next one is a 1 hour CFS documentary from 1993. It's interesting to notice that nothing has really changed for us.
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That documentary is still the story of my life. And it's just amazing that there really hasn't been much progress in all these years. Doctors still treat us like garbage. Ampligen is still not approved. The media ignores us, everyone is still ignoring us. When is it going to end?
Does anyone know what is happening with that "What about M.E.?" documentary? There was a post about it a while back with a link.....
I've heard so many conflicting things with Ampligen. But it was the only drug that showed any promise at all, and I always felt it should have been our choice to try it.
Thanks for finding these, Andrew. At the time these movies were made, I did not even know there was such a thing called CFS, although I had been ill with it since at least 1975.

Carrigon;bt3376 said:
I've heard so many conflicting things with Ampligen. But it was the only drug that showed any promise at all, and I always felt it should have been our choice to try it.
I'd like to see it available too.
"I remember Me" might be useful Andrew. Well made and explains the illness and the absolute mess that's been made in (not) dealing with it. It's up on youtube at the moment, split into 9 videos. I am not sure if it's copyright protected, so it could disappear any moment!

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