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If You Want Blood,, You Got It!

Note: a rather pedestrian depiction of the past two days (minus any actual pedestrian type or related of action)

Ring Ring

Just as I awoke this morning my phone rang. That's never a good sign.

“Sorry for calling so early, are you awake right now?”

“Right now? Well, heck yeah! I'm on the phone, aren't I?”

No, that's not exactly what I said, but I quickly determined that this woman calling was a certified phlebotomist of some kind, and then also, she apparently wanted blood … my blood.

“Is right now convenient? I am just a few minutes away…”

“Sure, why not. I've got plenty of blood and little else on my agenda.”

My ever curious wife asked me who's on the phone.

“BloodGirl367,” I explained, after terminating the call.

“She's not coming here right now, is she?”

“Nope, it'll take her a few minutes to fire up her engines.”

As she was busily getting ready for work, it was immediately clear to me that the wife didn't need the additional distraction (the meet and greet, then ushering her upstairs), so I called BloodGirl367 back and gave her the gate code and the door code and a detailed list of acceptable behaviors allowable within the uncertain parameters I'd not yet established.

Upon arrival, the phlebotomist girl bound about with positive energy vibrations to spare. And even better than that, she continually and somewhat cleverly dropped f-bombs in each and every sentence she uttered while conversing with me. Believe it or not, I truly appreciate that kind of aptitude in a woman. Even beyond that, BloodGirl367 informed me that she played guitar. So there you go… a two for one deal.

“F***. You may not be hydrated enough, so … I'll probably have to come back tomorrow, or even later today,” she advised.

“Well, I'm never truly hydrated. It's this damn tube thing… always leaves me thirsty for more,” I explained.

Based upon my very recent blood work results, it seems as though my calcium is running low. And based on that, it is suspected that my vitamin D is running low. And based upon that, my doctor ordered the formal blood draw.

“Eh, you'll get it. I have the utmost confidence in your blood letting abilities,” I encouraged.

She was able to procure a couple of f****** vials, and that was the end of that. No more tangible excitement for the rest of the day for me.

Making the Grade

Once again, I am playing guitar a lot. My new guitar. My electric guitar with the built-in speaker. And as you might imagine, my skills are improving. Considering my near decade long layoff, I am impressed by my right hand picking action, while my left hand fingering remains somewhat mediocre. Perhaps it's always been that way.

Book It

Oh, here's some news. The Wife Person finally agreed to read my second novel. I've been asking her to read it for the past decade (no exaggeration). You'd think her interest would have been piqued all along, especially considering she was the motivation behind writing the damn thing in the first place, but you would be thinking incorrectly.

Note: My first true to life novel did not suit her, because it involved intimate relations with the opposite sex, which of course, she rightfully wished to avoid reading about.

So prior to dispatching my written work, I began going through the chapters one by one, only to find that my writing technique has greatly improved since then… which means, in its current state, I found this past writing effort to be seriously lacking.

The way it happened is that I hastily finished working on the darned novel back before I became too ill to continue (no editing whatsoever). So the bare bones are there, but the need for editing and revisions is plain and clear.

So what I'm now doing is briefly going through each chapter and editing them one by one, before sending them to her directly. She's read three chapters thus far, but she's yet to comment.

I don't know what that means.

Time passes…

I finally asked her if she liked what she was reading. And she told me that she wouldn't be asking for additional chapters if she didn't enjoy the material.

So there is that.

Energy Reserves August 27th 2024

I'm feeling good. I'm feeling strong. It's late in the afternoon on a Monday. I'm not sure where this energy is coming from. Nothing has changed. And seemingly, nothing is ever different.

Well, I had an all-new and different caregiver this morning, but I don't suppose that's the reason for my overall perkiness. Although, we did talk and talk and talk for the entire three hours. Or mostly, she kept asking me questions and I kept answering them, having an unusually solid command of the language - flowing and going and flowing just a bit more.

Her name was (and is) Taja. And it wasn't that there was anything particularly inspiring about her, nor the opposite of that. But she did seem mildly amused by my ramblings (for which I apologized at the conclusion of her visit, not realizing I dominated the conversation, until it was far too late). I guess you could say, I talked her ear off. Perhaps both ears, assuming she was listening in stereo.

Bonus Coverage

Later in the evening there were good vibrations emanating from and with my wife. I didn't do anything wrong all evening. I didn't say any wrong thing - as more typically, I make plenty of mistakes, having lapses in judgment with the way I present my communications. Winging it by means of improvising doesn't always lead to the best conversational results. Surprising and unpredictable results? Well yeah, most assuredly. But my craving for novelty sometimes backfires. Answer questions in a normal fashion and rarely does anything notable ever happen.

The Maximization of a Minimalist

I took to sleeping around midnight, then awoke at 2:57 a.m. … buzzing - my physical energy levels notably having increased. But … I'm stuck. I am stuck in quiet mode. I want to play guitar. I want to go outside on the balcony and smoke a cigarette. And heck, I even want to get up and walk around the room, almost feeling as though I could actually do so.

Yes, I have all this physical energy, having no idea where it came from.

Detective Work

Nearly a week ago my body shifted into death mode. Muscles aching. No physical energy. Trouble breathing / getting oxygen into my lungs. Symptoms I had not experienced in two or three years. Symptoms I used to experience daily for several bedbound years from end to end. Admittedly, I was frightened. What if suddenly my debilitating weakness regained control?

It didn't. And I still have absolutely no idea what's led to this discernible up shift.

252 in the Afternoon

I don't seem to be accomplishing much at all today. I did call the hospital again, still trying to schedule for a feeding tube replacement. I've been making the effort for the past three months… unsuccessfully. There always seems to be a paperwork mishap. Some key ingredient is always missing. If not that, whenever I call to schedule the procedure, the people on the other end of the phone don't seem to know what I should do next.

My feeding tube is supposed to be replaced every 4 to 6 months. Of course, I was initially procrastinating due to the horrific pain I had been experiencing / not wanting anyone to touch the damn thing or anywhere near that area. But it's almost been a year already. The damn tube apparatus is nearly disintegrating. So my efforts continue.

16 Days

That's how long it's been since the horrific pain ceased to exist. Those two grueling months are now in the books. And I used to think the preceding months were absolutely awful (as I have noted here, and these recent blog entries).

Solutions Unsung

What I did each and every day was physically manipulate the area, basically, traumatizing the area to the extent where I couldn't take it anymore. And then one day, something burst internally. Or popped. Or broke free.

Along the way, there was a fair amount of internal bleeding, as evidenced by the blackened color of my defecated waste materials - but in the most recent ten days, the internal bleeding has ceased entirely.

I may still have an infection going on, but I'm guessing it's mostly topical / embedded within the external layers only. And with the way my body is hypervigilant, attacking any and all foreign bodies, I am somewhat confident a resolution will come to pass on its own. Modern medicine's got nothing on janky home remedies enacted in a fit of desperation.

Another 48 Hours

So that's a snapshot of the past two days running. Nothing to see here. Not really. So I guess you could say I'm feeling reasonably content now. When things aren't terrible, they are good. Yep, that's my new motto.

Take care,



Made me laugh out loud! Thanks, Howard.
Always can rely on Howard's blog to make me chortle and for a good guffaw - do you use these words in the US @Howard ? The blood draw anecdote with the crazy nurse had me in stitches 😂

So happy to hear the pain is better - long may that continue 🤞 Has your energy uptick been sustained? Need to get that feeding tube changed somehow though as can't be good that it is well beyond the due date for replacement.

Your weather sounds nuts, especially with humidity an added factor 😤
I always assumed it would be bone dry there in the desert....We finally had some sun and warmth here in the south of the UK (not enough as usual) but I am looking at used Sperti Vitamin D lamps on eBay in desperate dread of the upcoming long, dark winter. They are expensive even second hand though....

Will you be moving back to the garage in the Fall again for a while so you can resume your outings properly again? Sounds like you knew some nice people at the nursing home....I wonder how the homeless folk you used to tell us about are doing these days....
I am chuckling away here. You have a way with words Howard, and here I was thinking, he should write a novel - you have! Very good!
Glad to hear things have been looking up ... nothing like home remedies ... :):thumbsup::happy-cat:
make me chortle and for a good guffaw - do you use these words in the US @Howard ?

“Chortle” is a word that is not often used in this country (never spoken out loud), the exception being, in the form of the written word - within novels dating back to the 20th century. Failing that, it's alternatively used by writers who access a thesaurus regularly.

“Guffaw” is used more frequently, but again, typically and most specifically in the written form as a descriptor pertaining to quoted dialogue. So yeah, that particular word seems to remain somewhat in fashion for the time being.

Of course, my overall perception regarding current social and spoken word etiquette may be skewed by the company I most often keep… homeless folks, caregivers, and medical personnel - so you may wish to take my assessment with a grain of salt, plus, a lump of sugar.

Has your energy uptick been sustained? Need to get that feeding tube changed somehow

Besides my not sleeping much at all, my energy level has remained on the fairly positive side of the ledger - whenever I do happen to sleep more than three hours the previous night. I may have to start taking my tart cherry powder again.

I'm scheduled for the tube replacement next week, but only if the infection goes away first. I've decided to take the antibiotic Cephalexin (started three nights ago), but there have been no discernible changes thus far.

Your weather sounds nuts, especially with humidity an added factor

In my several decades experience in the desert, summertime humidity (more specifically, monsoon season) typically ebbs and flows - but not this time around. Plus, we've already broken the seasonal record for most overnight temperatures in the 90s… which means, the temperature never dips below 90°. We've had in excess of 30 days thus far. Prior to this climate change event, rarely did this occur.

Also, we broke our summer temperature record (June, July, August), having a daily average mean of 99° fahrenheit, which breaks last Summer's all-time record by two degrees. I'm growing concerned that Phoenix may become uninhabitable. Even the cacti are dying!

I don't feel as though I would mind your climate at all, except for the relatively consistent overcast skies (my perception). I suppose your climate is an even match for Seattle, Washington.

Perhaps someday when I'm recovered I'll come visit my long lost relatives (father's side of the family) in the UK so that I may experience the relative coolness firsthand).

Vitamin D lamps on eBay in desperate dread of the upcoming long, dark winter

I wish I could send you my $400 high intensity UVB vitamin D lamp. Of course, I have no idea where it is, probably in some storage unit somewhere. Plus, it may or may not work. Perhaps a doctor could prescribe one for you? Probably not though.

Will you be moving back to the garage in the Fall again for a while so you can resume your outings properly again?

I have no intention of moving back into the garage. I do, however, appreciate the freedom it provided. I'm all about physical freedom whenever I can make that happen.

At least I am able to get out on the balcony whenever I feel the need to do so. :)
@Zebra @HealingSun

Thank you both! I derive all kinds of joy from making others smile.

Also, you may not realize (HealingSun) that my road to recovery has everything to do with direct sunlight exposure (and probiotics, plus tart cherry powder). My overall energy levels have seemed to plateau in the past couple of years, but my plateau far exceeds the depths of my previous suffering.

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