• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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User Blogs


4 min read
User Blogs
Detox. Most people are familiar with the word, products on store shelves promising to detoxify you from last nights party or flush the junk food out of your system. But what does it really mean? The body has several pathways by which it will detoxify everything from that extra couple...
Treatment #6 I promised I would tell the good, the bad and the ugly of this journey so today's post will have two out of the three Let me get the bad out of the way first, because the most amazing thing happened to me after my last treatment I'm bursting to tell you about it. First, let...
Snowed in from this awful blizzard, not that I was really planning on going anywhere much, but I don't like the feeling of being trapped. New symptoms everyday. Today, I woke up with some kind of severe arthritis in my left foot. Usually, I get stuff on the right side, so this is new...
1 min read
User Blogs
Hi Rachel, A Q&A is hard to hear and hard to transcribe, so I especially appreciate the work that must have gone into this transcript. Thank you! Dr. Bell seems to be pretty clear about what he knows and doesn't know about XMRV and CFS, and yet he is confident that we will all know a lot...
dreambirdie: have you seen a cardiologist? dr. lerner, a CFS specialist, prescribed Atenolol for me when i started to have heart palpitations. it helped a lot. love sue
1 min read
User Blogs
I actually have a little bitty blog already, from before I found this place, and here's the link: It's Only ME, It's Not My Mind.
Treatment #5 Today's infusion took longer than any prior, because they doubled my dose. As promised, my Ampligen quantity was upped from 200ml to 400ml, which veterans tell me is the "full dose." So as not to stress or shock the body with the increased chemical or the quantity of fluid going...
1 min read
User Blogs
Big hugs, Katie. Every time one of us is tested, it feels like another piece of the puzzle is dropping - just still hard to know where it lands. All of this is hard, but no harder than laying in bed and growing old without knowing why. Here's to answers!!
Treatment #4 Today's Ampligen infusion marked the fourth and last treatment at the 200ml "adjustment" or acclimation dosage. I'm now into a quaisi-routine, arriving at the clinic around 9:30AM every Monday and Thursday morning, and the procedure goes amazingly fast. In less than 3 minutes...
1 min read
User Blogs
Hello Terri! :D Nice to see you writing! I really have enjoyed going back through your other blog posts here this morning. I hope you are doing well Terri. :) Big hugs, Lisa
If I'm going to lament and complain here...then I also need to express my gratitude to God. In the last week I have experienced great relief from pain and fatigue. I am grateful for the medications available, for a wise physician who realizes when they need to be changed, and for those who...
3 min read
User Blogs
Time has flown by these last couple of weeks. Today marks the start of week six and we are still going very strong. Other than El Polo Diablo, we have stuck 100% to strict Paleo zero grains, sugars (refined or otherwise), potatoes, and legumes. We only ever drink water so it has been very easy...
Treatment #3 Three down, scores more to go! Today as before, Gwen got the needle in quickly, and strapped me up to 200ml of Ampligen, this time pushed through in under 35 minutes. Today I followed that up with a saline infusion, recommended by many, and it seemed to actually give me a boost...
1 min read
User Blogs
Freeprisoner, you did this all by yourself? Thank you!
1 min read
User Blogs
Thank you. I can't watch videos easily but I am interested in what is said. Mithriel
If this were only fiction, I'd be riveted. Like reading Chronicles of Narnia or watching some of the current Apocalyptic movies where the insidiousness of the enemy is so penetrating. Unfortunately, we know that this is non-fiction, and these letters are expressing the real battles we all face...
Hi Terri, You and I are living parallel lives and we even look like we could be related. I swear, you sound just like me! Exactly. Word for word. I'm adopted so who knows? We could be related. All I can say is I completely understand and ((((((((((hugs))))))))))). :smiley-hug...
Treatment #2 "In times of sickness the soul collects itself anew" Latin Proverb I arrived at the medical center this morning a little before 10:00AM with a slight headache , because of the drive, and because as a former-perfectionist, I hate to be late. My plan was to get there by 9:30AM...
Treatment #1 The adventure begins. I arrived at the Doctor's office a few minutes late because of bad planning on my part, so I was a little stressed to begin with. It took them about a minute to get me set up in a nice reclining chair in the "infusion room" and when Gwen took my...
5 min read
User Blogs
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:date Month="2" Day="13" Year="2010">The 13<SUP>th</SUP> of February, 2010</st1:date> is the first day of the Rest Of My life.:victory:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"...