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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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User Blogs


(if anyone is getting tired of seeing my near daily blog posts in the feed please tell me but I also can't find where to change block privacy settings on here) Last night I decided to try a small test amount of the birch bark extract which was a small sprinkle from the capsule. I very quickly...
6 min read
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User Blogs
Note: a rather pedestrian depiction of the past two days (minus any actual pedestrian type or related of action) Ring Ring Just as I awoke this morning my phone rang. That's never a good sign. “Sorry for calling so early, are you awake right now?” “Right now? Well, heck yeah! I'm on the...
Currently have a thunderstorm approaching on edge of a large area of rain and storms. In healthier years I'd go park my buns at the model building table and work on model planes, model rockets, model trains, while enjoying the sound of rain against the window and the intermittent rolls of...
Today i started my new job that I was thrown into much earlier than expected. Honestly it wasn't that bad a lot was pretty straight forward. The other people working with me showed me how to do everything well and surprisingly considered my disabilities well too. With the daily process of things...
Today I had to go downtown to the place the was EMF hell, I was there too long and despite how little anxiety I felt today it still was so bad it cut through everything afterwards and by the time I got back and it was actually time to go to work I was already feeling fried. The appointment was...
10 min read
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User Blogs
Accomplished Feet / Accessible Wheels My journey to appear was planned days in advance, with help from my dedicated caregiver. I had a fair amount of apprehension going into this, having gotten stuck at the bottom of the staircase the very first time I tried using the stairlift a few weeks ago...
Today I actually woke up a bit more refreshed as it seemed that charcoal dump did have some kind of lasting benefit to it despite the war in my nervous system on the day of taking it. In fact I may do that once every week as routine maintenance of the toxic load, don't know if it has permanently...
Getting to creative writers group meeting yesterday was something of an adventure given the thunderstorm and massive buckets downpour right at the time I pulled up at the location. There were only 4 of us there, me, Liz, Alan, Tom, but we had enough fun for a dozen people! 😁 And we did one of...
And then your La Rosa macaroni space wheels get caught in the Ragu nebula ... Hmm, 🤔 don't remember if we had these way back when I was a child, that was so long ago. "Don't play with your food!" "But Mom, this isn't playing, this is the creation of dramatic composition for compelling...
4 min read
User Blogs
Thanks to the hesperidin I tried again yesterday I felt a lot better mentally and my senses were quite a bit brighter, not 100 percent but enough for me to at least enjoy my day. I didn't healthy at all as I treated myself to some lovely fried shrimp and fries which bumped me down a notch in how...
4 min read
User Blogs
Today I actually woke up feeling pretty well rested but like my brain was full of cotton, I at least gained back most of what got hit from those small doses of cryptolepis. Had to be some kind of bacterial and viral opportunity chain reaction as I'm feeling a bit heavy with a tiny bit of the air...
Yes, it happens every year and, yes, I say the same thing every year ... What's the deal with sunrise being after 6am now? That ain't right. That just ain't right.
1 min read
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User Blogs
Everything as it begins Eventually comes to an end The adventures we share The people we share them with Sometimes, we may feel lost Searching for something But if we look to the horizon Sometimes A thin light appears And we set sail To the very corners of the earth One. Last. Time.
tw - touches on some sexual health topics Yesterday turned out to be a complete disaster in a rather unexpected way but I suppose with every misstep I learn more. After taking yesterday mornings ccryptolepis I felt good but found it had a emotional/dopamine-y blunting effect that I'm not sure...
5 min read
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User Blogs
Hello dear ones, it’s been awhile. How is everyone doing? I’ve been mixed. A lot has occurred since I last gave an update. I’ve wanted to give an update but I’ve mostly been unable or incapable of doing so. For a variety of reasons. I’m not sure tonight is the night I give an update. I kinda...
2 min read
User Blogs
Yesterday evening I got in my cryptolepis and decided to dive right in. Reading other peoples information on it I started extremely low at 3 drops and added one more after since I didn't immediately get anything bad reaction wise. I'm not sure what I have but whatever it is it's highly...
Hey Y'all; A little bit ago got done vacuuming/hoovering the living room, dining area, entry to hallway, for something like the first time in a month. Had long ago set vacuuming time as "2 on Tuesday". Have been increasingly frequent, "Ehh, I'm not up to that today. Maybe tomorrow or next...
2 min read
User Blogs
Last night in an attempt to reduce more of the inflamed brain feeling I ate a good heaping teaspoon of raw black garlic not really knowing what else to do. The nicotine as it wore off throughout the day made me feel a bit nuts and really histamine-y which reminded me why it's so easy to get...
1 min read
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User Blogs
Space Exploration Human Spaceflight Para-astronaut John McFall hopes to see an ISS astronaut with a disability fly by 2030 (exclusive, video) News By Elizabeth Howell published 18 August 2024 "By the end of this decade, hopefully that would have happened." Having what is termed "brain fog"...