I've found a few times I need extra B2. Is there some mechanism by which taking prebiotics could deplete B2? I'm not taking RS currently, but am taking LAG.
Adreno how do you know that you need extra B2?
Is there anyone here who can advise on B6, specifically in relation to pyroluria hpu/kpu ?
I decided that I most probably had it last year. I never took a test as the tests seemed pretty unreliable -- though that was probably unwise of me (have been doing a lot of self-experimentation over here). Anyway, I started supplementing with extra zinc plus manganese in the morning and B6 plus P5P (activated B6) in the evening. It set off huge detox reactions and I had to go very slowly.
I am assuming that resistant starch is helping the body to produce B6 - hence the vivid dreams.
So, this might be slightly impossible to answer, but should I continue to take the B6's every so often ??
Or should all B supplementation be stopped as the healthy bacteria are starting to produce it?
Except for perhaps B2? -- I have very superficially skimmed the 'B2 I love you' thread and know that was the basic theory proposed there, I haven't had the concentration span to understand the mechanics of it yet.
Edited to add:
My apologies that this is a little rambling and disjointed. In essence I am simply trying to understand how taking resistant starch is changing the Vit B levels.
I know that it is increasing B6. And seemingly depleting B2. This raises questions about what to be supplementing with, if at all.
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