Hello Sasha, as I recently outlined in that post which linked to the ammonia thread plus copied bits from Dr Grace re bifido and fos/inulin, my thinking is that it is probably a good idea to start with the two bifidos and inulin/fos, plus maybe some green banana flour, and larch ag. I'm going to add in all the SBOs recommended in a bit. ( I basically haven't ordered them as yet as the Prescript Assist is hard to get here, and the AOR Proboitic 3 is out of stock at iherb. The primal defense ultra has just arrived. And on closer inspection it seems to mostly be Lactobacs plus Bifidos. So not sure why it is called 'Homeostatic Soil Organisms' ?? )
But, this is just me, and I might be totally and utterly wrong!
Though really, this is all so new I think we just have to jump in and splash about.
You can certainly just stick with the potato starch and prescript assist if you wish.
Maybe I'm being overly simplistic, so please discard as you see fit, but I figure all we are really doing is taking a starch found in food to feed beneficial bacteria, and adding in bacteria that may be missing because of antibiotics and simply not getting them in the first place for whatever reason. It isn't as though we are taking synthesized vitamins, drugs, or antibiotics which kill everything.
So the only really tricky bit is that once you start to change the gut terrain you will start to detox. Like I said, I see that as a good thing. Yay! the bad guys are being displaced and coming out!
So you will have to find ways to support your body's elimination organs as much as possible. Everyone will have a different way of doing that. I use coffee enemas (as I've already gone on about

), liver support herbs every so often, epsom salt baths, and can't remember what else. Asklipia moves the lymph around with water therapy. Someone else here mentioned sarsaparilla. Charcoal is also a good option. -- I'm sure you have your own preferred way. Plus of course decreasing the dose and stopping for a couple of days.
Don't forget that you can simply address it all through your diet. Eating lots of cooked and cooled potatoes, other tubers, beans, fibrous fruit like apples, and fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir (which have loads of L plantarum). Also making sure your potatoes etc are organic and still have a bit of dirt on them (for the soil-based probiotics).
You don't actually have to take any store-bought resistant starch or probiotic. (Afterall FOS/Inulin is found in garlic, asparagus, jerusalem artichokes etc). We are simply jump starting the process and making sure there is a range of flora actually there.
Once things are established I am ultimately aiming to try and do as much as possible through diet.
Just remember the ride might be a bit bumpy, but after a while we will have a more diverse flora and will know what to feed the friendly ones.