@Vegas. Thanks for listing the positive and negative effects you experienced from RS. The near resolution of Raynaud's sounds particularly intriguing and impressive. What dose of RS did you take to achieve these effects (ie, how many heaped teaspoons of RS, and how many times a day)? Did you use Bob's Red MIll Unmodified Potato Starch?
I'm actually not taking potato starch right now. It was clearly beneficial, but I am "studying" the effects of another prebiotic right now. Most recently, I was taking about a tsp. a couple of times a week. I did use the product you listed for the better part of about 4 months. Many of the benefits tailed off as I had to reduce the dosage, although there have been lasting benefits. Over time I have been able to (ostensibly) appreciate I couldn't sustained the dosage because I couldn't reasonably tolerate the effects of the associated inflammation. I think it is clearly worthwhile, but I am leaning toward other prebiotics. A couple of conclusions I have reached.
1. I think there may be some benefit to using other prebiotics before stimulating the principal exoenzymatic microbes. (Principally certain Bifidobacterial strains, that dominate the colonic extracellular enzymatic capacity). The resistant starches, specifically amylopectin, does this very well, but I believe this is, overall, better suited for less severe inflammatory disease processes, at least initially. It actually may be advantageous to use very small amounts, but the high inflammation this can create is contraindicated and probably counterproductive.
2. I am benefiting from selective glycosylation precursors. I believe certain prebiotics are likely to produce better results because they contribute to the synthesis of glycosylated lipids and proteins that comprise the mucin layer; these prebiotics specifically and selectively stimulate the expansion of those organisms required for the biosynthesis of these precursors. The mutulalism between host and bacteria both participate in the construction and deconstruction of this layer.
3. I have benefited from using very small quantities taken at intervals throughout the day.