The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Senior Member
gynae stuff that can cause reflux
I am intrigued by your statement above. Did you mean gynecological stuff?
Sorry, I can't see a list of symptoms for this - have I missed them?
The symptom list is probably very similar to the ones for mercury toxicity, candida, SIBO, pyrroluria, histamine etc etc etc
The main distinction I see is the physical damage made by oxalates to the tissues, like GERD (and associated gastritis, esophagitis, colitis etc), and vulvodynia (in the link above).

I will post some oxalate links in the oxalate thread.


Fine, thank you
I am intrigued by your statement above. Did you mean gynecological stuff?

Yes - ovarian stuff can press on some other stuff, I think.

The symptom list is probably very similar to the ones for mercury toxicity, candida, SIBO, pyrroluria, histamine etc etc etc
The main distinction I see is the physical damage made by oxalates to the tissues, like GERD (and associated gastritis, esophagitis, colitis etc), and vulvodynia (in the link above).

I will post some oxalate links in the oxalate thread.

Thanks - on a quick skim I don't really recognise myself...


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
@Sasha I had a period of acid reflux only once ever, for about a week, when I experimented with a high-carb diet that allowed a lot of sugar - not that you are doing this - my point is that the diet I experimented with at that time may have increased some kind of bacteria that produces acid. (not candida in this case, as candida doesnt spit out acid like certain bacteria do)

Reason I think this: when I went back to less sugar the reflux abated somewhat, but it didn't fully disappear until I did a few days of swallowing a product that kills some bacteria (oregano oil in my case).

As for oxalates, they aren't a problem for everyone - I can eat spinach until the cows come home and not have one bit of reflux. So my one week in my life of having reflux was caused by something, and it wasn't oxalates.

So, maybe small intestine bacterial overgrowth, from the probiotic you took?
Maybe try taking something that kills some bacteria, to see if it helps? :sleep:

And for a related-but-different view, here's a link about bacteria causing GERD, but doing so by actually reducing stomach acid - his arguement is that we feel acid in our throat when the stomach is actually too low in acid...

What both theories have in common is too much bacteria in the upper gut, causing GERD, and that lowering the bacteria there to get rid of the GERD.

Thus, taking products that kill bacteria.
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Fine, thank you
Thanks, @South - I've read a lot on GERD and SIBO and stomach acid and the other stuff and basically, I don't know what I have and I'm reluctant to start wiping stuff out indiscriminately with even natural abx such as oregano oil - I think I could easily make things worse. I'd like to get further down the NHS diagnostic path first.

But thanks for thinking of me!


@Sasha my signal that my Coasaxie b2 is reactivated is the acid reflux. A few days on equillibrant (Dr Chia's supplement ) and the acid reflux goes away.


Fine, thank you
@Sasha my signal that my Coasaxie b2 is reactivated is the acid reflux. A few days on equillibrant (Dr Chia's supplement ) and the acid reflux goes away.

Just shows what a variety of stuff can cause acid reflux! This is why I'm reluctant to self-medicate in the dark.


@Sasha Agree, they test me every 6 months for it and the problematic ones, but I don't even need the test by now I can identify reactivation for Parvo: I get specific joint pain, HH6V = Brain and neuro get worse, Cosaxie = Acid reflux.....


@Sasha Agree, they test me every 6 months for it and the problematic ones, but I don't even need the test by now I can identify reactivation for Parvo: I get specific joint pain, HH6V = Brain and neuro get worse, Cosaxie = Acid reflux.....
I want to start on RS, I have these questions, maybe you could help me?
- Do I need to do this with a paleo diet?
- Do I still need probiotics?
- Is it ok to mix this with colistridium?


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
To my knowledge, a paleo diet is not necessary to get benefits from RS. I've seen people write about their own success with RS, who are not on any paleo diet. (and I've read both success and failure stories from people who ARE on a paleo diet using RS)

RS works seems to work well for some people who are not taking any probiotics, but other people seem to get more benefits if they take both. Maybe the first group already had enough of a head start on levelf of probiotics in their guts already, but the second group needed some help with probiotics for the RS to feed. So, you have to try it out to see.

On the colostrum, my uneducated guess is : I don't see any problem with using it if you are also using RS. some people might say take the colostrum at a different time of day, so the RS doesn't drag some of the colostrum out of you before it has done some good, but maybe other people would say mix them in the same glass - who knows. But other than that, it would seem fine to use both on the same days.
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Senior Member
So true @Sasha. I generally don't recommend this treatment to anyone unless they ask me point-blank like @Gingergrrl did because the reactions differ so much for different people. I would recommend reading the entire thread carefully to get a feel for the inflammatory reactions that almost certainly will happen if you take this stuff. The benefits can be significant, though.

To give you some idea about the link between gut dysbiosis, LPS and histamine - because I know right now you're struggling to eat anything @Gingergrrl without huge reactions - I was roughly where you are now in February 2014 when I started RS. Daily mast cell attacks after all foods and supplements, not to mention horrible reactions to fragrances (whooo invented perfumes and why? :devil: ) which would make it hard to breathe. I had to take Benadryl every day just to survive.

When I took my first dose of RS I got covered in histamine which, combined with the info I read here, made me realise that histamine excess in the body has almost nothing to do with the histamine content of food but the condition of your gut - dysbiosis and permeability/leakiness of the gut. Because my gut was so leaky the LPS was translocating everywhere causing huge flu-like reactions for the first few months of taking RS. I even got a temperature the first time I took it. But I figured, you know what, it's not normal to get histamine and the flu when you take some freakin' potato starch so I stubbornly persisted. After a few months on the starch, my pseudoallergies / hypersensitivities abated. I am left with only pollen + grass allergies but no weird reactions to food/meds/odours which used to be a nightmare. Yesterday I was exposed to a lot of nasty perfume and I was waiting for the choking but guess what, nothing happened.

OI also improved on the starch. I became able to cook my own food again. I am also able to shower normally again, standing up, whenever I want, instead of sitting down to wash myself once a week while feeling weak, faint and tachy.

I would also echo what @Sasha said about no overt GI issues. Back when I was sick but functional I always trended toward IBS-C whereas when I became bedridden I had perfect stools. Any GI related information I read on here I just automatically dismissed/ignored. What a mistake. I only understood what was going on after reading one of @Vegas early posts on this thread where he said that because a new (crappy) equilibrium establishes itself in the gut you may have no overt gut symptoms and still have horrible dysbiosis that's causing your illness.

@adreno - that's awesome news! :) How much are you taking?
Hi @Sidereal - did your chemical reactions include pancreatic or liver pain, or a tasting of the chemical on your tongue? Many thanks.


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
The very first post in this big thread, which is message #1, lists some basic info.

As for various opinions on how much to take or not to take, message #3315 in this thread may help.

Post 3375, and then Adreno's post right after that one, talk briefly about using cooked and cooled potatoes or cooked and cooled rice instead of the powdered products, some people do better that way. There is no way to know without trying each way, I suppose.

liquid sky

Senior Member
I looked at Bob's Red Mill unmodified potato starch and it says it has 40 calories per tbsp. I thought this resistant starch was not digestible by humans, so why the 40 calories per serving? I started with 1 tsp. and noticed nothing and am up to 1/2 tbsp. now with still nothing noticed. Is this normal?


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
I looked at Bob's Red Mill unmodified potato starch and it says it has 40 calories per tbsp. I thought this resistant starch was not digestible by humans, so why the 40 calories per serving?
It's not all resistant starch. I've read somewhere online that there are 8 grams of resistant starch and 2 grams of digestible carbs in each serving. I believe that cooking it also changes the ratio a little bit.


Senior Member
I've been taking a teaspoon at night and in the morning for a few days now. Wondering how quickly people notice something on this good or bad. None of the side effects have quite hit me yet.


Senior Member

Resistent starch and gen expression:

Overall, we observed increases in >2000 genes and specifically in genes associated with cell growth,
proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis, all likely tied in a complex manner to improved gut health.
and this:

The most upregulated gene in the gene array was dualspecificity protein phosphatase, which responds to environmental stress and prevents oncogenesis [cancer formation].
And this is after eating RS2, from Hi-Maize corn starch, but it's not a huge stretch of the imagination that all RS is equally healthful.

...RS2 promotes apoptosis of precancerous cells but does not reduce cell proliferation of healthy cells. Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A promotes apoptosis of potentially proinflammatory cells. Several TNF receptors were increased, and, during binding of TNF proteins to TNF receptors, 1 of 3 pathways can be stimulated based on cell type and conditions.