@South @Asklipia @ariel I am also the opinion, the RS-thread should not be mixed with Sanum, and a new thread should be started.
@jepps Do you take your resistant starch and fibers on an empty stomach, or with meals?
(and I'll repeat what someone else just said: your posts are very helpful to people with suspected candida / yeast / mold issues, thank you for your posts)
I take RS+fibres+probiotics several times a day, but on an empty stomach. As the taken probiotics shall increase in the gut, and Campbell writes in her book, with CFS we have low stomach acid, so the probiotics will survive in our stomaches. As I take magnesium malat (other take maybe HCL betaine) for increasing stomach acid with meals, I do not take probiotics with meals.
You all make me very happy with your friendly comments, thank you very much!

There is a German forum, where I started a RS thread last summer. There are also many people with CFS, and we all make progress, thanks the informations of all the posts in this Phoenix rising-RS-thread.

@ariel there are very much protocols for
Sanum on this homepage, and for several approaches
here. My homoepath gave me the protocol, I posted in this thread. This is only for fungi. Dr. Enderlein claims, that all viruses and bacterial infections only develope, when we are infected with fungi (fungi always candida+mould, they act together). Fungi infection (because of bad diet or heavy metal toxicity) is always the primary infection and the root. This opinion fits well with what several other therapeuths claim (Donny Gates, Klinghardt etc.), so the therapy is only temporary healing, as long as fungi is not addressed, and addressing fungi does not mean killing fungi with chemicals, but fully heal the terrain.
The main sanum therapeutica are in the protocol, I posted in this thread for fungi, which is "relativley" cheap. Many other pleo sanum products are for making alkaline, b-vitamines, minerals, products for the citrat cycle, all products, which build up to have a good response to successfully treat fungi. All these basic protocols are better treated with all protocolls in Phoenix Rising, and which everybody here knows. Critical is the point, when viruses and bacterial infections come up with dying fungi, here Sanum has homoepathica for viruses and bacterial infections (streps, staph etc.). But they are only needed, when we have strong symptoms, and our immunity needs help for a certain viral or bacterial infections. There are many viral infections, where our immunity is able to respond well, but there are others, that are very hard for our body, and where we need certain supps for help.
So the therapy would be as follows, and so does my therapeuth: building up the body with RS+fibres+probiotics (this and methylation was my input for my therapeuth thanks Phoenix Rising). Then starting with sanum fungi supps, to fully treating systemic candida, mold and other fungi infections. Then, if symptoms are hard (this is earliest after 3 months of sanum, it takes time), viral and bacterial infections come up, and then herbs (olive tree extract or other, all, which do not harm to the gut bacterias) should be taken, or Sanum for viruses and bacterias should be taken. Simultaneously, for heavy metals and mycotoxins, binders should be used (zeolite or chlorella or...)