Something to Ponder

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Yes I couldn't agree more :aghhh: I always wondered why I couldn't ever manage to fit myself, as I knew myself, into those stereotypes which are bandied about by "popular" astrology.

I don't pay much attention to the typical Sun Sign astrology you find in the paper, for instance....but do like Brezney- because he is very creative and has unique insights and riffs amazing things. Sometimes I cut out 9 of his 12 announcements and every one applied!

Its a fascinating tool for personal growth and development, but does take some time to "decide to look into all that". And having a couple of good references on the shelf is really excellent.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Wolfcub, @Rufous McKinney
I always wondered why I couldn't ever manage to fit myself, as I knew myself, into those stereotypes which are bandied about by "popular" astrology.
Something that might help (altho some of those magazine and newspaper horoscopes are so lame that not sure anything would.... honestly, sometimes I read those and have to think that some poor schlub on minimum wage in a back room just makes shite up) is your rising sign, if you can recall it.

The charts published in mags etc are Sun Sign charts, meaning that they use your Sun sign as your rising sign, which would re-order the relevant houses cmpletely. By reading the predictions for your rising sign, you're at least getting a chance t something usable. If you know your Moon's sign, then read for that second. And read for your birthsign last.:):):woot::woot::woot: :hug:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
My "only earth" is this Sole Dispositor Venus in Taurus, which I had failed to grasp until my professional reading. Hanging out rather alone, up top- it was the 8 am morning star: shining specially for little ME.
Hmmmmmm ..... this sounds like a handle. If it's at the tippy top of your chart, in the 12 o'clock position, it would be square your 12th, and might explain why the Ashland astrologer didn't make mention of your stellium.
it was the 8 am morning star: shining specially for little ME.
You, and the other several million people with the same placement. Astrology can be very humbling, both the the client and the astrologer.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
During my reading- she said very little about that 12th H stelliummmmmmmmm.
It’s too bad that she didn’t give you some input on that. It’s possible that she perceived what I’d mentioned before: that the stellium was offset by other factors in the chart, and had little importance as a unit of power.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
There are these dispositor charts: I found them quite interesting....shows how the signs flow to one another, and the houses as well. Who reports to Whom, they might say.
Dispositors drive me nuts, especially when there are a lot of aspects between planets. It’s maddening, and requires an enormous amount of focus and determination to track ‘em all.:nervous:
:bang-head::bang-head: :headslap:


Senior Member
I almost never read newspaper/magazine horoscopes.
One thing that put me off a little bit is that with some "astrologers" (-even some who reckon they know their stuff -and there are a few of those in the town near me !) is that once they know your Sun sign, you've more or less had it. And one way or another they will try to cram you into a stereotype that doesn't a pair of wrong-size shoes.
Present company -of course -excepted, @YippeeKi YOW !! I can tell you have a different approach. Nice. Refreshing ! :nerd:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
Would love to get lost in your collapsed Library Collection, @YippeeKi YOW !!
I think you'd really enjoy it. Our tastes seem to be very similar, if On Becoming An Alchemist is any indication.
You'd find all manner of fascinatin' stuff, from natural history to metaphysics, to history, ancient history, Greco-Roman history, tomes by Spanish authors, a complete Don Quixote in the original, miles of English and American lit, poetry from all periods, geology, geography, books of maps, tomes on ancient Roman architecture and more modern offerings, a large section on the Pax Britannica and English Empire, the Plantagenets, histories of Wales and guides to pronouncing Welsh, anthropolgy, cultural anthropology, forensic anthropology .... on an on and on. Oh, and the extensive cookbook section. I love cookbooks, they fascinate me and I read them like novels. I love cooking, tho I never use actual recipes. I just sort of read them and then in the kitchen, translate them into whatever I have on hand or need to put together. And gardening. And weaving and sewing and knitting and crocheting. And drawing and painting.

Which is why we have floor to ceiling wall-to-walls in nearly every room in the house, including the guest bath.

I sound like an academic schizophrenic.

It's just a huge jumble of anything that ever interested me. Before the bookcases came loose of their moorings, I had everything more or less catalogued and shelved by subject and interest, but now, all tossed into boxes by DB, with little thought of the 3 months tht it took me to set the system up, fine tune it, and shelve them all before we first moved in here, or how he was going to put it all back together again as promised.

I miss my dusty little friends.

Husbands, even the best ones, can be sooooooo totally clueless.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
I am incredibly air-ridden (5 plus my NNode).
Somehow that doesn;t surprize me. Air dominants tend to live in their heads a lot. I know that I do.

Given how astrology works, you may have even more air influence than you think. And some hidden earthy stuff to keep you balanced. I suspect some water and fire lurks about someplace, but nowhere near as much. Just enough to keep you grounded.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
once they know your Sun sign, you've more or less had it. And one way or another they will try to cram you into a stereotype that doesn't fit
I've met astrologers like that, and they just set my teeth on edge. It's hard not to shout, "Jane, you ignorant slut!" when they start shoe-horning everything into their personal limitations.
One thing that put me off a little bit is that with some "astrologers" (-even some who reckon they know their stuff
The ones who think they really ".....know their stuff...." are the ones to stay wide of.
I can tell you have a different approach. Nice. Refreshing ! :nerd:
Thank you !!! I do have a different approach, knitting together several disciplines from widely divergent eras. And I pride myself on not shoe-horning or forcing facts into the pre-molded shapes I'm most comfortable with.
So, thank you again for your perception. Guessing air signs here ......


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
And one way or another they will try to cram you into a stereotype that doesn't a pair of wrong-size shoes.

Bingo! :thumbsup: -- That's pretty much my take on astrology and astrologers. One thing I believe--which astrologers don't seem to take into consideration--is that while there are astrological influences, it depends on the individual as to how much they affect us.

The greater the inner strength we accumulate over many lifetimes, the less likely we're going to be overly influenced by them. So I never felt a need to learn more about the intricacies of astrology, but instead have focused more on cultivating spiritual values that are important to me.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
That's pretty much my take on astrology and astrologers.
Only true of the mediocre ones.
One thing I believe--which astrologers don't seem to take into consideration--is that while there are astrological influences, it depends on the individual as to how much they affect us.
Good astrologers live by the dictum, "The stars impel, they don't compel." Many circumstances exist that will nullify or strengthen planetary arrangements.

Reminds me of a story that I think I've mentioned in another thread here: the psychologist who was uniquely fascinated by sociopaths, and spent his career studying them, trying to parse out what mde them different, and whether it was nature or nurture.

He was given a raft of profiles by a colleague, of patients and peers who were totally sociopathic, some to a criminal degree. He became especially intrigued by one of the profiles, and worked with it extensively. Finally, he asked the colleague who'd provided the profiles to give him a list of identifying names.

And, you're right, the fascinating sociopath turned out to be ..... himself.

But he was raised by highly intelligent, astute and caring parents, and most of the extreme sociopathic traits had been nurtured out of him, though the tendency to be a loner and often overbearing and modestly manipulative, remained.

That knowledge of who the mystery sociopath was changed his view of almost everything overnight.

Astrology is the same. If you're born with incredible hand-eye coordination, unusual strength and stamina and height, and you live in a circumstance that allows few escapes from the poverty and misery that's crushing you and those you love, you might be impelled to become a basketball star. Or a great pitcher.
So I never felt a need to learn more about the intricacies of astrology, but instead have focused more on cultivating spiritual values that are important to me.
Astrology in its purest form is a spiritual value, and highly instructive. I think that if you dug into it a little, you might find it intriguing. It opened doors to perception that I might never have walked thru without it.

But as all of us have learned, mostly the hard way, we're all different, and sauce for the goose ain't gonna work for the gander. And vice versa.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
If you're born with incredible hand-eye coordination, unusual strength and stamina and height, and you live in a circumstance that allows few escapes from the poverty and misery that's crushing you and those you love, you might be impelled to become a basketball star.

Wow @YippeeKi YOW !!, that sounds an awful lot like me! lol :D Except for the poverty and misery parts. -- All your points are well taken. To be honest, I have had a mild curiosity about astrology, but I've also had ME/CFS for several decades now, and time and energy (and comprehension) are always limited. It just never rose in priority enough for me to get around to delving into it more. As with most anything, I'm sure there's much to learn.

This kind of reflects an ongoing conundrum I feel. Though I'm sure I'm not alone, I would love to know just about everything, because I seem to have a naturally curious nature. But I have to pick and choose (aargh) on what I will focus on, and will never get around to everything I would like. Like learning to play the piano. :rolleyes: Perhaps someday, but at age 67, realistically not likely in this lifetime. However, never say never, right? :)

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
As with most anything, I'm sure there's much to learn.
Mind boggling. I'm so grateful that I got into years before the ME, or it would have been impossible to learn and absorb, so I totally get it.
Though I'm sure I'm not alone, I would love to know just about everything, because I seem to have a naturally curious nature. But I have to pick and choose (aargh) on what I will focus on, and will never get around to everything I would like.
And I hear you here, as well. FOr me, it's sometimes as simple a choice as paying some bills or reading another few pages in a book I'm desperate to absorb. Both are impossible, either one would make me useless for the other.

As for learning a complicated new skill or discipline, that'll have to wait til later.:bang-head::bang-head::bang-head: :grumpy:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
The greater the inner strength we accumulate over many lifetimes, the less likely we're going to be overly influenced by them.
There's a school of astrology that believes that the more times you've incarnated on this plane, the easier and more likely it is for you be able to play into the strengths of your chart, while minimizing the negatives, and that, in fact, you chose your time, date, and place of birth to tailor-make your chart.


Senior Member
But I have to pick and choose (aargh) on what I will focus on, and will never get around to everything I would like. Like learning to play the piano. :rolleyes: Perhaps someday, but at age 67, realistically not likely in this lifetime. However, never say never, right? :)
How mighty strange and beautiful. I will tell you why.....
I am just listening to Pollini, (my fave pianist) -Chopin Nocturnes, have been for an hour. For me, my Soul.
And I would love to compose music (though my piano playing days are never coming back, and weren't amazing in the first place ! And I haven't got a piano.)

But I hold in my raggedy self, the idea that one day....I shall compose music in one of those online whatsimagigs.... DAWS, they call them; digital audio work station.... I am 66 and by each moon I am a moon older, and those moons travel pretty fast through the sky. And I am sure if I am getting weak now I shall get weaker yet. But the music gets stronger.
So -those set ups cost quite a bit for a quality one, need lots of gigabytes, add-ons etc, and won't work with this old laptop, but where there's a will there's a way.
One day. The music is still in me.
So....the piano might be in you??

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
If it's at the tippy top of your chart, in the 12 o'clock position, it would be square

Its not square....I was getting the Boost Ones' Morale astrology we focused on some aspects I could work favorably to deal with the two major things at the time 1)the chronic illness.. and 2) I need to retire.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
Its not square
You soooo right ..... my bad, brain infarct. Planets in the 10th, or the " ....tippy top ...." of your chart, would be sextile, your 12th, an easier, more cooperative, less challenging, less pushy aspect.
Well, there is that Pluto....:_
Guessing Pluto in Leo, only fire sign Pluto has been in until the recent Pluto in Sag. And I'm guessing you're not a sub-millenial, yes?