Something to Ponder


Senior Member
I would be a very different person, had all "this" not happened the way it did. So I figure I am learning alot about being a better being, thru experiencing this discomfort.

There are things I am grateful for, and this time of suffering is taking me to a whole other level of being - you never know there could be something valuable coming out of it. Especially coming from my own internal world whilst the external world seems to be operating in a parallel universe.

Thank you @Rufous McKinney :thumbsup:

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I believe dealing with emotional issues definitely help, but I am being blamed and on some level I'm taking that on. It's time I step and embraced my world and stopped disowning or doubting my own experience.

This is a huge arena for personal growth. Its really a struggle particularly when we chat with others, which I currently do quite rarely. Often one is left feeling like you DID something wrong. You THOUGHT something and you Quantum Mechanic-ed your condition into existance. And didn't write enough platitudes on white boards. And didn't chant enough- Everything in Everyway is Perfect all the Time.

There is much fuel there, to then feed beating oneself up. And that gets real old. And I'm too tired to do it anymore.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Last Friday the stars aligned. The cumulative three weeks of doing almost nothing, not leaving the apartment, begging for supplies from husband....alot of just hours of What Do We Call Just Doing Nothing. Just in a chair, or lying on the bed. For hours. Remembering not that long ago, I had just gotten up and now: sigh.

I felt not sick. For most of one entire day. Almost didn't think the thought- the sick, always, thought.

But I noticed that three times, the concept REMISSION entered my brain. Its something I read here. I know not what that is. Decades of whatever this is, and the recent worsening and intensification. But I had the thought.

But then the next day, so much for that.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
There are things I am grateful for, and this time of suffering is taking me to a whole other level of being - you never know there could be something valuable coming out of it. Especially coming from my own internal world whilst the external world seems to be operating in a parallel universe.
I posted smething very along those lines, but I cen't remember which thread right now. Not at my most splendiferous.

The gist of it was that while we're forcibly shut out from participating in the life we used to have, the quiet time pushes us to either ...... 1) Go nuts, or...... 2) Discover whole new realms within what we used to think of as 'ourselves' that both deepen and broaden us in a way that would have been impossible without the forced time-out.

It's hard to find things to be grateful for with this stinging little gadfly of a disease, but this is one of the biggies, at least for me. And one of the things I remind myself of when I hit the greased pole. See the video of the indomitable squirrel posted below mostly because it always makes me laugh, and I'm hoping it'll do the same for you:

SHEE-YUT !!! I've tried everything I know how to post this video, I even joined up just now with, but I can't get it. Will try another way. Back in a sec .....

Nope. No luck. There's lots of other squirel-on-a-greased-pole vidoes, but none as funny and real as the one I can't access any more. Am going to contact the original sender and see if I can get it re-sent.


YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
Those videos will serve for amusement until you find the Pole Dancer.
It's soooo cool !!! It's full-screen, shot expertly from inside the back porch out towards the garden, and you can hear the voices of the delighted people shooting it, adding sound effects and loud laughter, which pisses the squirrel off so much that at one point he backs up into the shrubbery and takes a running attack-jump in their direction, which leaves them apparently rolling on the floor in helpless laughter, then returns to address the greased pole yet one more time. He's very round, which adds to the hilarity. Nearly 4 minutes of unscripted, un-pre-programmed fun, and now, seemingly gone forever.

Nothing gold can stay, hey ......


Senior Member
.alot of just hours of What Do We Call Just Doing Nothing. Just in a chair, or lying on the bed. For hours. Remembering not that long ago, I had just gotten up and now: sigh.

I find that the hardest bit, that throughout the decades I've done nothing just to get the tiniest experience of feeling okay. Where every system in my body would stop screaming at me. It hasn't been all of the time, but it hugely affected my life.

"Nothing" is good, it is medicine and I'm not sure how to change my narrative around it. Perhaps it's accepting it's a foul tasting medicine and trying to find ways to sweeten it (is there a way to sweeten it, perhaps not). I know in that "nothing" the body is repairing itself, the body is amazing at healing and has a lot to healing from with this illness, perhaps the "nothing" is like the unseen growth that happens in winter. There is a lot going on even though it feels like a living death.

Wow, how often does a previous post's metaphor lend itself to another post?

When I think of how you've been able to suffer all that nothingness just to get a small time of a quieting of symptoms I know how well you've done. I know how much of a struggle it is, the emotional assault, and I have so much admiration for you. That's the thing, here we REALLY know what it is to go through the hell of this disease. I seem to be able to know it in this moment or feel at home when I'm on PR, but when I'm away from it I lose sight of the gravity and reality of how well I cope with the decades of suffering this illness has given me.

I think I am coming to a way of really being in my world whether it's understood or not. There has been a fracture in part of my support network and because my illness isn't acknowledged I've had to pull away. I had to engage and pretend my life is good and exactly as I want it, if it isn't then I'm forced to accept it's of my own doing - that I'm acting powerless (when in fact I am powerless). Oh, the illusion of control only the healthy have! I must be in change, otherwise the fracture wouldn't have occurred.

@Rufous McKinney I hope you have some more times of easing of symptoms.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Oh, the illusion of control only the healthy have!
There's a sort-of version of that I use with this illness, but it comes and goes, at least for me. On my good days, I can totally accept myself, and even accept the possibility that this is the best I'm going to be, that this pallid version of the previous me is what I have to work with from here on out. It requires a willingness to abandon the concept of time, at least as it affects us in the Now.

Years ago, I had a brief friendship with a wildly non-conforming, wiry, handsome, slight but tough little guy who called himself Johnny Now Time. He was intensely creative, incredibly intelligent and well read, all-round perfect. Except for his heroin habit. His very rich family kept pulling him in and out of rehab. We met in a Dr's waiting room during one of his 'out of rehab' times. He had a really nasty flu, I was dealing with exhaustion. We hit it off.

Down the next 9 or 10 months, he really drilled at me about the concept of NowTIme as the only traunch of time that existed, or that mattered, often over a pool table or in some dim, semi-reputable, coffee place. I was 16-17, what did I know of time. He made me a beautiful little 6 x 8" plaque that he tooled himself, with wonderfully original, wildly creative designs embedded in the metal. The only words: NowTime.

I must have absorbed some part of his vaguely Zen-ish, somewhat Buddhist lessons, because they all came creeping back to me, slowly and persistently, down the intervening years. And now, on my good days, they form the basis of my survival.

There's only NowTime, anything else is an illusion. But then, by the same argument, so is NowTime.

That's a rabbit hole for another day.

For this day, there's only this one little moment, and if I can successfully stay inside it, everything becomes bearable, even comprehensible.

I never knew what happened to Johnny NowTime, He just disappeared one day with his Cheshire cat grin, saying something about going to New York or Maine or maybe San Francisco, possibly catch some great old-style jazz in New Orleans, maybe Memphis, he'd stay in touch. And he was gone.

But NowTime stayed behind, with it's quiet, persistent, little message. And when it works for me, it's brilliant. Maybe it'll work for you, too.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
@Rufous McKinney I hope you have some more times of easing of symptoms.

And we hope this for All of Us. Things are easing a bit at the moment and I'm grateful.

Currently, my bouts of Do Nothing have been interfered with. I have to do some work, related to a legal matter, related to wildfire catastrophes. THis means I am having to consider the past; the interesting part is for the past year or so, I"ve gotten quite good at this Now Time issue. Somehow I can spend hours doing very little, resting, a little chore, resting, a few thoughts, more resting. Then there is my endless generation of dishes. Wash them. I don't even read magazines or books hardly anymore. Only for short bursts of time- a few minutes.

So now I am experiencing the 4 am insomnia, the endless mental narrative list, the pressure to get this tedious thing done, and thinking about Past Issues that I had Moved Along From. All that is tiring and tedious and reminding me of my Past Existence which was full of 4 am sleepless sessions and endless To Do Lists and Preoccupations.

Which then leads me to simply wish to say- that I can see how I have become more calm and centered throughout the bizarre process of continuing to deal with this ME situation. And upon current reflection, I feel far less scattered and distracted and chasing my tail, as they say. So all thats seems like a good thing, somehow.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I must have absorbed some part of his vaguely Zen-ish, somewhat Buddhist lessons, because they all came creeping back to me, slowly and persistently, down the intervening years. And now, on my good days, they form the basis of my survival.

Enjoyed hearing about that, and it was a reminder of All the Characters collided with over time, who had various influences upon our being-ness. And then they evaporate. But we carry those character's around, still.

Like an evaporation just occurred here in PR yesterday. Poof. A big space now feels more emptied of something of great value. And it seems it had to evaporate, in order to be fully appreciated.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
That's the thing, here we REALLY know what it is to go through the hell of this disease. I seem to be able to know it in this moment or feel at home when I'm on PR, but when I'm away from it I lose sight of the gravity and reality of how well I cope with the decades of suffering this illness has given me.

Wanted to post this video in the Pondering Section...

Its about the flagella that unicellular bacteria produce. it comes from an Intelligent Design web site, but other versions of this story do not, and are out there to review.

I've watched this several times. And its rather overwhelmingly transformational.

We wonder whats not working quite right. We wonder where we might find some energy. We wonder which parts are messed up, and how it might be fixed. And we wonder how ENERGY is involved in just EVERYTHING physical bodies.

And then if we consider we managed to get this far....well, something seems FIXABLE. There is a way.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Posted by @Lovetheland in the Biofield Healing thread ....
"Hi, I found this and thought it might help explain a bit about Energies


A term used to indicate energy of a specific type, i.e. opposite to positive. This use of the word negative does not necessarily indicate any similarity in earth energies to the behaviour of electricity or magnetism. Whilst that is so it may be that some energies that are dowsed have electrical and/or magnetic components. Lunar energy is thought to be negative as is yin energy. Some negative energy is detrimental to various forms of life.

a) A node is found at the intersection of two or more energy lines, giving a highly charged point of energy, often associated with a power centre. Usually the lines will narrow to a point at the node.
b) Seven nodes are to be found on most ancient standing stones. Five are above ground level and two are on the section of the stone below ground level. They are likened to the seven major chakras of the human body. Nodes can be found at many places other than standing stones.

"Noxious Energy
A type of energy that may be harmful to humans or some other species of life or vegetation. This is generally found in association with underground water and at the crossing points of some types of energy line. It is considered that noxious energy will cause geopathic stress in humans and most animals and affect the growth of trees etc. Other forms of life, ants, cats etc. thrive in the presence of noxious energy.

Vertical sinuous waves that are emitted from standing stones, energy streams from quarries and radial lines from radar stations, etc. At source they may be unhealthy or healthy, as far as humans are concerned. They have been likened to invisible magnetic curtains, and the waves can be very close together, sometimes too close to be measured. All of the waves or overgrounds can easily be identified as they run in regimented, parallel streams, unlike subterranean fissures, for instance, which wander around in a haphazard fashion (first observed by D Cowan).

"Parallels (or Sidebands)
A term used by Guy Underwood to describe parallel lines that run on either side of the centre of a geodetic line. He also called these secondary lines.

A unit of charge of a stone or other object as defined by Havelock J Fidler. It is the ratio between the standard swing for a particular rateand the observed swing. The method of computing this ratio is complex and is therefore dubious as to its usefulness.

A picture, diagram or shape found in the energy field by dowsing. Another term for Geoglyph.
See also: Manifestation

The appearance of a positive electric charge on one side of certain non-conductive crystals and negative charge on the opposite side when the crystals are subjected to mechanical pressure (Example: In a dark room, quartz crystals will be seen to glow when rubbed together).

"Planetary Grid
A regular pattern of crossing energy lines detectable on the Earth’s surface, similar to earth grids, but relating to other planets. Grid lines are much farther apart than those of earth grids. Grids of all the planets as far as Saturn have been detected (first observed by W. A. Gawn)

Polarisation is the preferred direction of light, radio and earth energy waves. All have oscillating and overlapping electric and magnetic fields which travel in planes perpendicular to each other. There can be horizontal, vertical, circular and elliptical polarisation.

Polarity is used to indicate opposites such as positive and negative, male and female. The relationship between polarity and the dowsing response is not universal, but can be identified by a different action such as a rod turning up or down or a pendulum rotating clockwise or anticlockwise.

A term used to indicate energy of a specific type, i.e. opposite to negative. This use of the word positive does not necessarily indicate any similarity in earth energies to the behaviour of electricity or magnetism. Whilst that is so it may be that some energies that are dowsed have electrical and/or magnetic components. Solar energy is thought to be positive as is yangenergy. Some positive energy can be beneficial to various forms of life.

Used to describe water of good drinking quality. This can be assessed by dowsing on a scale of 1-100. Some water dowsers use a Mager Rosetteto assess quality.

"Power Centre
A place where there is an intensity of beneficial energy and a meeting point of yang and yin earth energies. Power centres are associated with blind springs that have at least one energy ley crossing them and are found at most ancient sacred sites, frequently accompanied by radialsand/or a geospiral. However, they can also be found elsewhere. Power centres are generally considered to be places suitable for spiritual enlightenment and healing. Dowsers using a sleeved L-rod have noted that when directly over a power centre the rod will rotate through 360 degrees.

It is the life force, ch’i or spirit that permeates all matter. The healing energy released through yoga and other means is known as prana. This term is sometimes used by geomancers and feng-shuipractitioners.

The method of controlling Prana in the body is called Pranayama. It is a system of yogic breathing techniques and must be supervised by a teacher. When properly trained the Prana can be directed to specific internal organs.

"Primary Water
Primary (or Juvenile) water is formed inside the earth, as opposed to surface water that is formed in the atmosphere as rain, snow, etc. The primary water theory says that steam formed under great pressure, deep in the earth, is forced upwards, condensing as it gets closer to the surface. This occurs in deep faults and fractures; where these are, vertical Blind Springs or domes are formed. At places where primary water is found the energy will be predominately yin or negative in nature.

"Psionics or Psionic Medicine
A term used to describe a method of diagnosis and treatment, coined by Dr. George Laurence. In its practice, diagnosis is performed by swinging a pendulum over printed charts. The appropriate treatment is discovered by means of witnesses (a hair or sample of some kind from the patient) and is administered by using homeopathic remedies to cleanse the body of toxic imbalances and also miasma (putrid matter). It is similar in many ways to the practice of Radionics or Radiesthesia.


A series of energy linesradiating out from a source point. These lines terminate some distance from the source point, the larger the source the greater length of the lines. They usually terminate in a spiral and are not of equal length or equal distance apart. They can be of different polarities, i.e. negative, positive or neutral.

Derived from the French word ‘radiesthésie’ coined by the Abbé Bouly. The term is used interchangeably with dowsing. It derives from roots meaning ‘radiation’ and ‘perception’. Radiästhesie is the corresponding German word. In English radiesthesia is most commonly used for medical applications.

(a) Originally a method of diviningintroduced by Albert Abrams for the treatment of disease and developed further by Ruth Drown and George de la Warr. It employs a system of numerical codes which in diagnosis are read from, and for treatment are sent on, a series of engraved dials mounted on a ‘Black Box’. The original box contained incomplete electrical circuits connected to the metal backing of a rubber ‘stick pad’ whose suddenly increased friction to a stroking finger was used to detect the dowsing response.
(b) Now extended to cover the medical uses of a dowsing pendulum in association with interpretative charts to indicate the diagnosis and treatment of a patient’s condition, as in medical radiesthesia.

A number that is characteristic of some constituent of the sought object, and which enables a dowser to distinguish it from intervening and surrounding objects containing different materials.
By concentrating on the corresponding rate a dowser looking for water avoids being confused by metal objects, and one seeking a lost gold ring is not distracted by an iron pipe. By some the rate is associated with the rate or periodicity of the linking vibration. A dowser’s ability to distinguish his target’s rate among others present has been explained by analogy with the physical phenomenon of resonance, which is used in tuning a radio receiver. It can be looked upon as the energy signature. There are no generally agreed rates for different substances; each dowser has to discover or can chose his or her own table of rates.
See also: Long Pendulum, Bovis Biometer

An imprint of energy that is said to remain long after an object has been removed. Also refers to obfuscating energy patterns left behind by previous dowsers, either intentionally or unintentionally.

"Reversal Point
A location on the Earth’s surface where, if an object is placed it will cause a reversal of the earthing of detrimental energy and allow it to invade our living environment. This can occur naturally due to the topography of the Earth or through casual or intentional actions by humans."
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I just want to tell you of the time that I felt that I had been sitting in harmful energies while having a meal at a restaurant with other people. Well, I think it was in there and not where the car was parked, as after getting home, and the next day I was so fatigued, and just had no strength to move. I don't know how some of the other people felt as most of them left to go back to where they had come from, and my wife and daughter were ok and my daughter usually feels it first. So I come to the conclusion that it must have been under the part of the table where I was sitting at the end. That all happened a couple of years after our land had been Dowsed by a world renowned Dowser, and then he had shown my wife and I how to do it, and I had cleared the land around our house as well as I could. So when I was affected away from home, I knew what to do, and what to look out for, as not knowing what is causing us to feel bad makes it seem much worse, as you all will known. Namaste

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I felt that I had been sitting in harmful energies while having a meal at a restaurant with other people

I think there can be considerable variation in the sensitivity of bodies, individual people, and this also is variable at given point in time. Plus our illness- affects this sensitivity.

When extremely run down, a whole variety of energetic things can be more strongly my experience, at least...
Do you know that Dowsing, or Water Divining is not that difficult to learn how to do, and most people can over time although most can right from the start. As soon as I picked up a pendulum for the first time, away it swung, and even the bent wires did too, and the bobber, which is a copper spring with a straight piece of wire intruding out from it, went mad lol. So it really proves, that if I can learn,most people can, and I have taught quite a few over the years, although that was in person, but these days with videos, there is no reason that it can't be taught from a distance, and then you could contact your higher self just like I can. I have a video that I took years ago Dowsing with a big rock in the end of a string, so that shows you the strength of the energy that is there to drive it, but not sure if I can retrieve it from my very old computer to show you.
Hi everyone. Not sure if what I have been writing about is of any interest to anyone or not, but just wanted to keep the Thread going, seeing as my other post was sent from Biofield Healing. So if I am boring you please tell me, as it is really @jessie's Mums Thread, and I dont want to intrude, but want to help anyone I can, in any way I can, if that's possibleIMG_20200116_094348.jpg.