Something to Ponder

Oh, I'm so sorry @Lovetheland .

How is your sister holding up? How are you?

Can you use any of your animal healing skills to help her? Not necessarily cure her of the after effects, but just soften the road?

Sending you loving, hope-filled thought

Hello Again, so sorry for the delay in writing, but haven't really felt up to it, and have been so busy sending Healing to my Sister Barbara. I couldn't send any until I had permission, and that came last Sunday, but in the mean time, she has been diagnosed as having had two strokes, one worse than the other, as well as a heart attack, so things were bad. After that she also was thashing around and ripping her feeding and med tubes out in the night, and they thought she was having sort of sizures. After that she got a lung iffection, so she has really been through the mill. I started sending her Healing for her heart on Sunday, as I thought that was the main thing to start with, and kept it up even though she started getting all the other problems, as I felt if her heart stops the other things won't matter. The doctor told the family early in the week, that he would not recommend resusition, so that did not sound good. The last report I had today is that she is much brighter and has had a good day, although thrapy does tire her out. Thank you for all your kind messages and thoughts

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Hello Ponderers.....

I thought the research publication interests of Dr. Jarred Younger are quite interesting to ponder.

Currently looking at neuroinflammation, his interests over the past years have evolved- he was interested in spirituality and stress in healing, studies of emotional states like forgiveness, and issues with pain and stress.

He then seemed to get involved in more neurological issues, fibromyalgia, and LDN studies.

Here is hoping we can learn more soon about what Dr. Younger is working on.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
FREE ONLINE SESSION July 15, 2021- offered by Healing in America........4-5 pm Pacific time

A group who founded Healing In America, engaged in sound healing and other modalities, are offering

this free one hour session you can register for and do from your own home.

I signed up, so I'll report back. The workshop will help you Rekindle Your Inner Lite.

(they happen to have an office across the street from where I live, and I ponder if this sound healing couldn't just somehow- echo across the street and visit me).


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I've had a link in my signature for many years, which takes you to a 3-min. video on the HU Song. I'm currently watching a video, where a jazz musician is being interviewed. In the video, he describes so many things about the HU Song in a way that is both insightful, and easily understandable. So thought I'd post a link to this video (with lots in it to ponder) right here on this "Ponder" thread. :)

He Recovered Past Life Memories By Singing HU - Rodney Jones.

The whole video is over an hour. At the 14:12 minute mark, he sort of gets into the nuts and bolts of things, and shares more about the HU, and how he sings it.
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I was listening to an interesting discussion regarding Buddhism and the concept of Dukkha.

I'm not very knowledgeable about the concept, but found this somehow interesting and uplifting. (link below)

This particular video focuses on old age and when the Buddha noticed that- some changes happen.

It looks like there are a range of perspectives on what this means, interesting to ponder.

The term duḥkha does not have a one-word English translation, and embodies diverse aspects of unpleasant human experiences (wiki says)


Senior Member
Right.....and yet we remember nothing about birth, or at least most of us don't.

Old age is old age. In that perhaps it's easier to be old today, there are more things to remove the discomfort, better heating, cooling and perhaps even food. Still, we get ill faster, take longer to recover and, as the Buddha so rightly says, even if you live to be 100 years old, we're still going to face death.

To me living to be 100 years old, is simply more suffering and if I had a choice, I would not want to be in that position. Still, we have no say in any conditions we may develop, how much trouble we'll be to our loved ones, etc. We live, we suffer and we die.....and in between we life. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
As soon as I got done watching the following video, I thought it would be a great addition to this thread. Hope you all enjoy this (pretty amazing) story about a 6-year old girl and a great egret as much as I did!

Soul to Soul Connection - 6 min.

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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I just ran across the following quote, which actually made me chuckle a bit. Best to All... :)

Life is acknowledged to be a stormy sea. Yet so often when the boat rocks we fly into a panic, as if a boat shouldn’t rock in a storm.