Something to Ponder

Those old ladies are not good natured, lol, as they spit and kick, but most of the ones that are handled when young seem to be. We got them when they were finished breeding about five or so years ago so very set in theirs ways by then.. They are great watchdogs though, and never miss anything that moves around the place, and protect the sheep too. They are getting very old though, and mostly don't have any teeth left, so have to watch them carefully. .

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I think it's a llama, but I wouldn;t swear to it .... something about the ears ....

Well, there IS something about the conspicious differences...(besides alpaca's being much smaller)...

The smaller ears, perched on the side of the head= alpaca.

the bigger taller ears...with my daughter above= that must be a baby llama...with my girl.

there are five other differences see link Fun to learn this! TANKS:nerd:

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Yes, one day we truly are young and invincible and before know it we're old and frail. Indeed, death doesn't frighten me one bit; after having this (these conditions) for so long, one learns to accept it,do think of becoming a stronger person. Say your goodbyes to the past, and remake yourself into someone else. You'll be surprised at how much more accepting of yourself and others' will accept you than you were before.

Tis Tru.

It all goes by in a blink. And then it all goes by in the slowest parade one ever imagined! It is somehow both.

Older people do deserve respect. They've lived lives. And once you've been at this ditty for a while, you feel like some special medals are in order! And there is nothing to be afraid of.

Thats some huge secret that can at times eventually be discovered.

I also respect young people...who can bring the fresh perspective to any situation! We need both to move forward, and all the Betweens. Our ship is small, and we're all needed to Bale.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
HI everyone,

I am doing very well right now and loving having a reprieve! Could this be a remission??? Well, time will tell I have had them before. I am trying to stay in this day every day and not dread the demoralization, pain and agony that falling again causes me both emotionally, and physically. Just stay in the moment LilD! Right @YippeeKi YOW !! ?

I have not been around much lately, I am over the moon happy that this thread is still active, thriving even!

I have been able to go to a heated therapy pool practicing my physical therapy for my neck several days a week. It is helpful that it is five minutes from my house. I got a cervical epidural, the pain is much relieved and my energy is up, probably from the effects of the steroids.

I know that it will all wear off over time, so I am trying to engage with life as much as I can. I am spending most of my precious energy on being with my family. I have been cooking! What a joy it is to feed people! I had a visit from my son who lives in New Orleans and had a ball. Sitting outside with my children all evening just soaking them in we were alone together, spouses were inside. I don't think we three have been alone together in about a decade!

So if I am boring you please tell me, as it is really @jessie's Mums Thread, and I dont want to intrude

I did start this thread for all of us to have a place to share things we ponder, especially about healing and spirituality. Please keep the ball rolling!
They are old Alpaca ladies

My youngest child's favorite animal has always been alpacka! She saw some at the State Fair when she was very small and was instantly in love!


Another reason I stopped by was to share a link about kindness, enjoy and take good care of yourselves.

Hi, great to be able to write to you @jesse's mom, as you are the main reason that I joined this site, having read your threads,and the feeling that I should try and spread what I have learnt over many years was so very strong that I couldn't fight it for long lol.. So I guess people on here will be throwing darts at your photo now, hehe, sorry. Will have to leave the Healing story to another day now, so you have all had a reprieve, lol. I went a got some sand from the river this morning to put my feet In for half an hour, and that is thanks to @Mary for reminding me that our root Chakra needs grounding,Bless her. Stay safe everyone

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I am doing very well right now and loving having a reprieve! Could this be a remission??? Well, time will tell I have had them before. I am trying to stay in this day every day and not dread the demoralization, pain and agony that falling again causes me both emotionally, and physically. Just stay in the moment LilD! Right @YippeeKi YOW !! ?

So good you stopped by @jesse's mom , and to hear your feeling well and thats so encouraging.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Just stay in the moment LilD! Right @YippeeKi YOW !! ?
Abso-tootle ..... and be grateful for that moment, which, when you consider the alternative, may not be as bad as we think ....
I know that it will all wear off over time,
There was a wise old Indian chief who led a large, rich, contented tribe and had a strong handsome son to inherit leadership when the old chief decided to retire. One day his son's horse returned from the latest hunt, but without the son riding him.

"Oh, " said the tribe, " ....what a terrible sorrow!!!"

"Maybe ...." said the old chief, turning away.

Two days later, the son returned, leading a string of beautiful wild horses behind him.

"Oh", said the tribe, " .... you are truly blessed ..."

The old chief just nodded and said, "Maybe ..."

The young, strong, handsome son chose the most beautiful and spirited of the horses, and gently broke him in til he could ride him.

"Oh," said the tribe, "You are so fortunate to have such an exceptional son ...."

"Maybe....." said the old chief.

The son, having gently broken in the horse, rode him out on another hunting expedition, but two days later he was thrown by the horse and returned on a litter, with a badly broken leg.

"Oh," said the tribe, "....what a terrible misfortune has befallen your strong son ...."

The old chief looked thoughtful and said, "Maybe..."

Three weeks later, a larger more powerful tribe swept into old chief's village and demanded a tribute of all the young men of fighting age to help them in a great battle against another, larger, tribe. The handsome, strong son with the badly broken leg of course couldn't go.

"Oh, how fortunate that your son couldn't join the war band !!" said all the villagers.

The old chief just sighed. "Maybe."

So there's no point in trying to guess the outcome, doncha' know. The relief from the pain provided by the epidural may have given your body room to heal, and the joys that you've experienced as a result of the remission has contributed its share, and this recovery may be far more durable than you think. Maybe not a full, permanent recovery (we all know how deceptive this twisty little drill bit of an illness is) but at least a higher baseline.

Or maybe a full recovery. Who knows?
I have not been around much lately,
It's soooo good to have you back :woot::woot::woot: :hug::hug: :thumbsup::thumbsup: :xeyes::xeyes::xeyes:!!!!
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Senior Member
It sounds as if you're into Reiki, is that so? Person

Here I am butting in again. Yes, I know of Reiki and saw it performed on my husband after his cardiac arrests. A close friend performed it and it was really quite, shall I say...magical. Anyway he awakened within a few hrs. of it and had little to no-side effects. (Save and except his thinking which b/c more masculine). We were most fortunate, I realize that, and give thanks each and everyday for it. I understand that religious personnel are now doing it in hospitals today, although I certainly never saw any evidence of it...perhaps we have to ask.

As far as the Indian Chief goes, I have to say I like that story (if that's what it is). Life does change on a dime, I've seen it; I've lived it and as a result I don't spend a lot of time worrying about all of the tomorrows of my and everyone I so dearly love, lives. What's the point? I used to be the opposite type of person, and somehow thought that would protect me and my loved ones. Well, things that weren't in my control happened to many of them and I learned, always we learn. I'm a different type of person today; much happier with myself and others. Perhaps it's an age thing, I don't know, but whatever it is, I welcome it. I've survived so much and don't doubt my capacity for future survival. Of course living to become an older person makes that so much easier, but really...just think about it? How much control do you have. "Maybe" is the best answer we can give, so the elderly Indian was right, wasn't he?

Anyway, get on with life as it is. Today's sunshine may last, but rain may come tomorrow. Do we stop living and looking forward b/c of it? Yours, Lenora.
It sounds as if you're into Reiki, is that so? Person

No, not Reiki, although my daughter can do that, although when she needs some Healing done on her, her children, or their pets, it's always, Dad, we need some . Healing done please, lol. I was told to call most of what I do, Divine Healing, although when I get something big to perform on, I will ask what modal of Healing would be best suited to that problem, which I did when I did Healing on myself for Cancer, as that is the big one, and I wanted to bring the big guns to bear, so to speak. I am self taught, so all the mistakes I make are mine.

Blessings to all


Senior Member
Hello Lovetheland....I like your "name" by the way. I also love the land, the beauty and history of it.

So you taught yourself Reiki? It's amazing what the mind can do when its set in the right direction. How long ago did you have cancer? And did you have any treatments at all? I was once very good at meditation, but lost it somewhere along the way. I've been trying to resurrect it, but it just won't come in the same way it once did. I'll keep on trying though. My problem is too few hrs. in the day and night to fit everything into. We've never been bored in retirement...quite the opposite, really. How about you?
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Senior Member
Tis Tru.

It all goes by in a blink. And then it all goes by in the slowest parade one ever imagined! It is somehow both.

Older people do deserve respect. They've lived lives. And once you've been at this ditty for a while, you feel like some special medals are in order! And there is nothing to be afraid of.

Thats some huge secret that can at times eventually be discovered.

I also respect young people...who can bring the fresh perspective to any situation! We need both to move forward, and all the Betweens. Our ship is small, and we're all needed to Bale.
Hello Yippee, Rufous, Wayne...and anyone else reading, I really want to know who the readers are among you? I'm such a bookworm, can't go to the Book Clubs, etc., but do want to make contact with those who feel like I do. Education isn't a standard at all; self-teaching's perhaps the best of shows what one is really made of.

YippeeKi Yow...I do like the story about the Indian, almost feel I've heard it before, but wil lmake special note of it this time. Has Rufous seen it? I'm sure it's something he would like, also Lovetheland and almost anyone watching these postings. Thanks for sending it...and there's much to be learned from that story. Right to the point.

Rufous, yes, we do have much to teach; but we also have much to learn. You'll learn from your granddaughter,a child of the new computer generation. Even the toys they start with all makes noises when certain buttons are pressed. Our grandchildren never learned on anything else, and that includes schoolwork. Amazing, really. What we can give in return is peace that they don't know. Quality music, love, hugs, quiet time and reading, always reading. Both sides of the person then develop.
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No, not Reiki, although my daughter can do that, although when she needs some Healing done on her, her children, or their pets, it's always, Dad, we need some . Healing done please, lol. I was told to call most of what I do, Divine Healing

Hello again. as I said, it is not Rieki that I try to do, but mostly Divine Healing. I never get time to get bored either, as the animals and the land take up alot of time, as does the Healing, and I try and set aside around about two hours each day for that. I had the Cancer in this last year, knowing I had it from in between Christmas and New Year 2019, and the only treatment I had was the Female Hormones Implant, which I stopped after two, three Months apart, as getting getting about 30 hot and chilling sweats a day has not been much fun, although I am still getting them. So really the main thing I did was take Herbs, whole frozen lemons, blueberries, and flax seeds, coupled with doing Healing on myself for at least an hour and a half a day. They said it had spread from my Prostate to my bones, and the reading was so high, that because of my age, 76 then, they would do nothing else, as it was not worth it. Two Months ago, the reading was very low, and the doctor said whatever you are doing, keep doing it, so I am.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
YippeeKi Yow...I do like the story about the Indian, almost feel I've heard it before, but wil lmake special note of it this time. Has Rufous seen it? I'm sure it's something he would like, also Lovetheland and almost anyone watching these postings. Thanks for sending it...and there's much to be learned from that story. Right to the point.

I've heard a version of that story before! its a great...lesson.

Enjoying what we call mental PEM...examining that over the last few days, I"m a bit behind on- many things!

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
YippeeKi Yow...I do like the story about the Indian, almost feel I've heard it before
I've heard a version of that story before! its a great...lesson.
You're both right .... I've come across versions of it from Wales, Scotland, China, and Buddhist roots. It seesm to be a philosophical teaching staple.
I'm such a bookworm, can't go to the Book Clubs
Right now I'm reading almost entirely boring stuff, dense and hard to decipher and hang on to so it has to be read many times .....

But some books I think you might like that I read a while back: Aquarius, a novel about a Roman aqueduct architect and engineer ...... Imperium, a novel (Pressman, I think) about the last days of the Roman Republic before it devolved into essentially a dictatorship ..... The Sand Reckoner, a novel about Archimedes, thankfully stopping before his sad end ...... a series of detective novels whose titles I can't remember but my husband, DB, probably can, will ask him and report back, engaging mind candy .... have you ever read the novel by Graves that I, Claudius was based on? You might enjoy that. Fuller than the series, as good as the series was there were time and budget limitations that don;t exist in the book.


Senior Member

You're both right .... I've come across versions of it from Wales, Scotland, China, and Buddhist roots. It seesm to be a philosophical teaching staple.

Right now I'm reading almost entirely boring stuff, dense and hard to decipher and hang on to so it has to be read many times .....

But some books I think you might like that I read a while back: Aquarius, a novel about a Roman aqueduct architect and engineer ...... Imperium, a novel (Pressman, I think) about the last days of the Roman Republic before it devolved into essentially a dictatorship ..... The Sand Reckoner, a novel about Archimedes, thankfully stopping before his sad end ...... a series of detective novels whose titles I can't remember but my husband, DB, probably can, will ask him and report back, engaging mind candy .... have you ever read the novel by Graves that I, Claudius was based on? You might enjoy that. Fuller than the series, as good as the series was there were time and budget limitations that don;t exist in the book.
Hi YippeeKi Yow.....I'll hold this post until I can have a clear enough mind to read them. Right now, they'll just go in and not stay put. I knew there would be some readers in this group...I'm glad I joined. Thanks!! So, your hubby reads to, does he? That's nice...what's better than pleasant music and a good book; nothing in the world is more soothing. Oh, spread the word. For light-hearted banter, The DOC MARTIN series is very good, especially when you're in recovery and can't concentrate on much. Everything is tongue in cheek with Martin Clunes. He's considered one of Britain's great comedians and also does wonderful animal shows. Peeks around the world...I swear the man has to be busy every second of every day. Just that type, I guess. No, I never read the Graves novel that I, Claudius was based on...sounds good, too. Right now, the detective series sounds promising. Each time I go to the Dr. I end up with another infection. I'm never asked to wear a surgical mask, but those around me always are. I see a Pain Specialist on Monday p.m. I can hardly wait. Yours Lenora.


Senior Member
Hi Lovetheland....What a gorgeous picture. I expect that's your spread and I love the super-imposed rose on it. We're rose lovers, too, wanted a larger property when we moved here but now have more than we can handle. Odd how life changes us, isn't it? We're big bird-watchers and expect that you are, too. I so need a good night's rest, and hope that your slumber is good.

I hope/know that you're taking good care of yourself. Sometimes one has to say..."What choice, what choice." Yes, the hormones are killers, aren't they? It's exactly what we women go through at menopause...and no, it isn't in our heads. It's real and it interrupts life to no end. Feel will pass for you, and you'll be greatly relieved. Take good care of yourself. I'm glad that you have a daughter near you. Namaste. Yours, Lenora.
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Senior Member
Tis Tru.

It all goes by in a blink. And then it all goes by in the slowest parade one ever imagined! It is somehow both.

Older people do deserve respect. They've lived lives. And once you've been at this ditty for a while, you feel like some special medals are in order! And there is nothing to be afraid of.

Thats some huge secret that can at times eventually be discovered.

I also respect young people...who can bring the fresh perspective to any situation! We need both to move forward, and all the Betweens. Our ship is small, and we're all needed to Bale.
Very well put, Rufous, as I tell our daughters, "We were yesterday's children." It does all go by in a blink and the at times be the slowest parade one ever imagined. Time fascinates me, I'd like to read more about it, what science has proven, etc., what religions says. Me the person of a l,000 questions about everything. I need that to keep my mind ticking over constantly. Yours, Lenora
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