Something to Ponder

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I dont want to intrude, but want to help anyone I can

I vote we keep Pondering! Pondering is important! Lovely roses! :bouquet:

I want to help people also, and occasionally feel like maybe I was helpful. Also see this illness has rather made me self absorbed, which I don't like especially.:fire:

I did a ritual, a few years ago- it was something i wanted to do, a type of ritual in which one makes a bargain.

If "You" will help me get well, and feel better, I will share that healing with others. Doesn't really matter who was the You in question at the moment...(or conversely, maybe it REALLY Mattered).

After making this bargain- it was necessary that I follow thru. What if you make a bargain with the Universe and don't follow thru? What if you ask for help and disregard the messages that follow?I

I subsequently received a whole lot of messages, in many forms, in many ways. I found a few new things which helped me feel a bit better..and did considerable Attitude Adjusting...I've made attempts to share some of those things with others.

And now I wait- Pondering- what next will happen to help us? Dr. Prusty- I really needed some good news today and am grateful to him and their lab....
Hi @Rufous McKinney, glad you like the roses, as I felt you people having Winter might like some colour. Very busy trying to keep everything alive at the moment, as it is so very dry and hot.

After I had learnt to Dowse, or as I like to call it, Divine, I had two strange insights I guess you might call it. The first one was when I often passed through the laundry going through the back door, my attention was being drawn to a container of seaweed garden fertilizer which was up on a shelf. This went on for a few weeks, and the feeling that I should feed it to my horses got stronger and stronger until in the end I had to do something about it, and that is what I did. I took it down and Divined with my pendulum if it would be safe to feed to my horses and I got a very strong yes, so then I asked would it be good for their health and well being, and I again got a very strong swinging yes. So that is what I did, and it was one of the best things I ever fed them, and after a week or two they started to really bloom . The other time when the same sort of thing happened was when I used to walk past where my truck float was parked in a big shed, and just inside the shed was a round lump of concrete about the size of a baseball I guess, but maybe bigger left over from when we built the shed. The feeling that I was so strongly getting was that I should put a string around if and use it as a pendulum, and that was what I ended up doing. Both times the feeling just kept getting stronger and stronger until I took notice, lol. I think I was meant to use the concrete to learn how strong the energy flow was that surrounded everything, as this rock was quite heavy, and still swung like a pendulum, although I couldn't use it for long because of it's weight. I still have it here somewhere, lol, as it has moved farms with us four times since then, with the farms getting smaller and smaller, and now down to a few acres. That is the rock that I have a video of on my old PC, but don't think I can get it off, although years later about ten or so, I used a rock the size of a rugby union football to Divine, but had to support my hand over a rail to use it because of the weight, and there was a photo in a newspaper of me using it. Gee, the things I do lol.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I possess a very very old...stone with a hole drilled thru it, and its on this really old piece of string. So I use that..and still have it in my possession...I use it for queries.

And did I understand this correctly, you fed your horses...the fertilizer and they bloomed? (did you mean danced?)
And did I understand this correctly, you fed your horses...the fertilizer and they bloomed? (did you mean danced?

I should have explained it better. I should have said that the seaweed fertilizer was a liquid, and that I watered it down, I think 20 parts water to one part seaweed, and yes they bloomed in their coat, and their eyes shone with health.
I use a small black rock for Divining these days, but mostly use the cooper wire bobber, as it does not hurt my arm as bad when I am doing Healing, but still does with the after affects of the Shingles. I can just rest my arm on the arm rest, and let the bobber do the work, and it sure goes quick, lol.


Senior Member
Good Morning....As usual, here I a am an "early bird." Oh, how I wish I could get some sleep; it has now been going on 3 wks. since I was put on Cortisone and when I'm on that I can't even squeak out my usual 4-5 hrs./night.

Ah, well, that's not why I'm writing. First off, Janet Dafoe, I'm wondering how Whitney's doing. I used to follow his/your/his father's reports immediately. I'm so hoping that your husband will be the one to crack this illness...after all, it's his field and he deserves to do so with everything you and your family has been through.

I wanted to amend, once again, my stance about mold(s) not being a cause of this illness. I thought long and hard about it and even case myself back to the beginning of my own illness, at least 30+++ yrs. ago...who knows?

Anyway, I firmly believe that an addition we were putting on our house, the second of four by my husband, (Rod), also played a large role in this illness. These materials were all brand wooden floors, new wallboard, paint (a big culprit for me), and carpeting. I think those fumes somehow set something off in my immune system and, like the spinal cord surgery itself, left me so ill that I thought (& didn't) that I would never recover from whatever had occurred to me. This, in spite of walking at least 2-3 mi./day, showering & trying to prep dinner. Anyway, I'm wondering if any research has been done on this in addition to molds? We've had our air ducts cleaned out over the years; a smart move, and I don't know if it will help anyone else. We didn't have to leave the house as they were used to dealing with people with mold conditions and carefully caught it at all ends, and in between.

My heart does reach out to each of you. I'm trying to make this as short as possible; but it's not just "my style." I like the art of writing, the structure of sentences...well everything about books, etc. Good, quality books I must add. My hubby are very different in that regard. He's a math whiz, I'm the reader and the questioner in the relationship & we'll have been married for 53 yrs. in just over a month's time. Yes, one day we truly are young and invincible and before know it we're old and frail. Indeed, death doesn't frighten me one bit; after having this (these conditions) for so long, one learns to accept it,do think of becoming a stronger person. Say your goodbyes to the past, and remake yourself into someone else. You'll be surprised at how much more accepting of yourself and others' will accept you than you were before.

You'll have to do that many times in your life, but then all people do one way or another. We suffer throughout life, and sometimes we don't all use wheelchairs, so the suffering isn't seen. Ask other people how they're lives are, learn to love and praise their children, accept their irresponsibilities when their parents want to talk about other words, put the focus on other people instead of yourself and begin to change. If you can't have marry or have children, move on to the next stage...adopt a pet, or even better yet, a Service Dog especially for your situation. We all need contact of some sort...just do it, you may be surprised at the changes that occur in the basic level of "you" your id. Wishing you well as we begin a new day. Yours, Lenora.
I vote we keep Pondering! Pondering is important! Lovely roses! :bouquet:

I want to help people also, and occasionally feel like maybe I was helpful. Also see this illness has rather made me self absorbed, which I don't like especially.:fire:

I did a ritual, a few years ago- it was something i wanted to do, a type of ritual in which one makes a bargain.

If "You" will help me get well, and feel better, I will share that healing with others. Doesn't really matter who was the You in question at the moment...(or conversely, maybe it REALLY Mattered).

After making this bargain- it was necessary that I follow thru. What if you make a bargain with the Universe and don't follow thru? What if you ask for help and disregard the messages that follow?I

I subsequently received a whole lot of messages, in many forms, in many ways. I found a few new things which helped me feel a bit better..and did considerable Attitude Adjusting...I've made attempts to share some of those things with others.

And now I wait- Pondering- what next will happen to help us? Dr. Prusty- I really needed some good news today and am grateful to him and their lab....
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
So if I am boring you please tell me, as it is really @jessie's Mums Thread, and I dont want to intrude, but want to help anyone I can, in any way I can,
@jesse's mom opened this thread for all of us, and wants us to contribute, to keep the healing vibe going in whichever direction seems right, or interesting, or informative at the time.

Please keep contributing here, @Lovetheland , you're a valued and valuable addition !!!
Ok, here I go again, pondering. As I wrote on one of my Threads, I was lucky to survive living in a Toxic environment. I would get so very depressed, and it was what I call now, Black Depression, and a few times it got too much for me. When I looked back on it years later, after I learnt to Divine, it seems as if the house or places on the farm were Toxic, as I always seemed to get worse when I went back there, even after only being away a few hours. Now the other thing that I remembered as well is, at that time I was getting severe pains around my kidney area, and they were so severe as that sometimes they would drop me to my knees. I went through the kidney machine, with dyes in my blood to show things up, but they found nothing, and in the end had no idea what was causing the pain.. When I thought back years later, it struck me that the reason that I was able to buy the farm was that the lady of the house was sick, and they had to move into the city for her to be close to treatment and care. I just remembered about having the pain at the same time when pondering a couple of days ago, and that I have not had it since leaving that property, which was not that very long after that, and I was so very lucky that I did move from.. That was about forty years ago now, and I am still here to annoy you all, hehe.


Senior Member
@Lovetheland that was a strange thing that happened with your kidney pain. It might have been some toxins there....or maybe the body sometimes has a way of warning us when we really shouldn't go somewhere.

I used to water divine when I was a kid about 10. Great fun! I could always find those water pipes, that my Dad secretly knew abou as he knew the house plans, but I didn't. Then my little brother and I discovered that we could use the rods to find hidden dog biscuits too!! :rofl:

So we messed about doing that for a while, and all my life since I forgot about water divining...until about 6 years ago when I had another go....and sure enough I found all the underground water drains etc on a friend's land.

So then I took it a step further and used the rods as a metal detector. It worked every time, but unfortunately never gave me a clue how deep I'd have to dig! And always it was a rusty old nail!

All the best to you.
So we messed about doing that for a while, and all my life since I forgot about water divining...until about 6 years ago when I had another go....and sure enough I found all the underground water drains etc on a friend's land.

So then I took it a step further and used the rods as a metal detector. It worked every time, but unfortunately never gave me a clue how deep I'd have to dig! And always it was a rusty old nail!

It is such a great thing to be able to do, and so very useful, and seeing as you have a natural gift for it, you may also be able to heal, as a lot of people do, and may never know it, or bother trying. I remember one time, I used to do some healing work on a friend of mine's horses, and she asked me to teach her to Divine which I did and then after a few weeks she decided that she wanted to heal too. Well, after I showed her what I did, and the words to say, she tried and tried, but nothing happened. Then about two weeks later she rings me up all excited, as she had managed to heal the pain in one of her horses, and she was over the moon about it. She said that she was walking about where her horses were, and all of a sudden the strangest feeling came over her and from that moment on she could take her horses pain away, and that was the biggest high she had ever felt, and I knew what she meant, as I used to feel that everytime I felt I had made a difference to any animal, and I still get it.


Senior Member
Then about two weeks later she rings me up all excited, as she had managed to heal the pain in one of her horses, and she was over the moon about it. She said that she was walking about where her horses were, and all of a sudden the strangest feeling came over her and from that moment on she could take her horses pain away, and that was the biggest high she had ever felt, and I knew what she meant, as I used to feel that everytime I felt I had made a difference to any animal, and I still get it.
That is just....amazing and beautiful @Lovetheland That is a truly special grace and a gift indeed to be able to help others this way.
That is just....amazing and beautiful @Lovetheland That is a truly special grace and a gift indeed to be able to help others this way.

Thank you, and I will tell you the story of how I learnt to heal maybe later today if I get a chance, as I am Healing one of my sheep at the moment, using her photo, and I can use the bobber in my right, hand, and I press the phone buttons with my left, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write as much as not enough time in a day, lol.

Namaste to all

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Aww! Is that you as a little girl with the alpaca?

nah, thats my little girl- who is now 36.

It was a fun time..I brought her with me to meetings, and we stayed outside this man's place..whose name I can't recall..which is embarrasing but rather typical of past lone we hung out with his llamas and alpacas...