Something to Ponder

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
concerned more with illnesses of short and shallow effect and duration

Its the Virgo-ruled place...interesting that work can link to routine and then link to health. How did they fit Small Pets into this location? Ah: pets require routine. We care for them. (otherwise, they'd be unpetted).

So YYow, you've experienced no routines? (kidding). We have transits, and action does occur even in the more quiet corners of the chart perhaps.

Earlier reading something which suggested I had ALREADY BEEN in past lives, in the H-12 tower, basement, cell and nunnery, so what am I STILL DOING HERE>?

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
Its the Virgo-ruled place
Only specifically in the 'natural' horoscope. In yours, it would be primarily ruled by whatever sign is on its cusp, mediated to some degree by Virgo-like issues and traits.
How did they fit Small Pets into this location? Ah: pets require routine. We care for them. (otherwise, they'd be unpetted).
It's more because in the traditional, ancient definition of the 6th house' rulerships, they included servants and slaves.
We have transits, and action does occur even in the more quiet corners of the chart perhaps.
Not perhaps. Definitely.
Earlier reading something which suggested I had ALREADY BEEN in past lives, in the H-12 tower, basement, cell and nunnery, so what am I STILL DOING HERE>?
Maybe still learning? Saturn, the 8th house, the South Node will all keep bring the lesson back til we get it.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Did I dream this or is it true

I somehow really tripped out on this commentary and its meditative aspects. The Experience of Watching Daniel Day Lewis.....There Will be Blood. Wherein Courage earns one the AGENCY to undertake all subsequent actions.

I see great courage here, amongst this throng.

And are we not, in fact, crawling thru the desert on our elbows, all the way to town, to gain treatment for our broken leg?


YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
I want to thank you again for recommending On Becoming An Alchemist, Catherine McCoun. It's possibly the most incredible roadmap to personal transformation I've ever rubbed up against, and will require multiple re-readings.

For those not familiar with it and possibly put off by the title, it's beautifully written, with a clarity and capacity for turning the elusive and incomprehensibly ethereal into something immediately accessible, and even better, immediately usable, unlike so many other "Turn Your Life Around Today" books. It's also witty and down-to-earth.

Just stunningly good. Thank you sooooooo much for this Red.

How's the visit going?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Just stunningly good. Thank you sooooooo much for this Red.

How's the visit going?

McCoun's Book is a stunning accomplishment: it is so ACCESSIBLE. I've been exposed to many of those concepts- but it totally blew me away frankly..and the more you engage, and more: stuff happens. I've experienced some pretty mind blowing- Communications. Often- when nothing more is left, when the ego is just given up, when one becomes Job: wow stuff happens. And Manna appears. I am so glad you are enjoying it.

* * * * Angel_Trumpets_--_Brugmansia_suaveolens.jpg*
Last night, we slept with giant Angel Trumpet flowers under our pillows, they waft this remarkable fragrance and it was the best night sleep yet (you know: how we just need our sleep). (except I put them under the bed as under the pillow was really intense for: us sensitives!)

Brugmansia- like these! Potatoe family, nightshades, (Solanaceae)...South American. Hallucinagenic, medicinal powerful!

All the petals are fused, like in Petunias! these hang down. Probably some night moth is their pollinator (or bats?).

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
It's also witty and down-to-earth.

I experienced the entire Clawfoot Bathtub analogy in Catherine's book! My landlord- rebuilt our bathroom and there appeared, this clawfoot bathtub, still beautiful, made in Louisville Kentucky in 1897. (says so, on the bottom). My Dad's people were in Louisville: I'm sure some relative MADE this VERY tub.

So: THAT was my bathtub, THAT was my Querencia (safe spot), THAT was my special special luxury- plus the mule deer Spikey, chewing on Prunus outside the window. So now: I just have to deal with no longer having that luxury.

But I saved that bathtub. It weighed hundreds of pounds. Its sitting in the midst of the incinerated cabin. It contains the burnt contents of the now disintegrated tile wall. But I have an ex-Marine with me. A real Man, who can lift a shovel, and poke in the ashes, and hold me up as I had to confront: we lost most everything. A man who can diffuse incendiary devices (see Hurt Locker). And our incendiary event sure benefited from his assistance. (I found the cowbell!!)

So he rolled the clawfoot bathtub away and we put it under the oak tree. its still There. It needs: new porcelin.

And I was going to buy it off my landlord- so I could then cart around a 1000 pound object. (right, never mind ohwell).

All that will likely never be rebuilt. Instead: Spikey the Mule Deer-and his own, will get to enjoy the area with in this bizarre, now cleansed, now recovering.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
How's the visit going?

Apparently: when one has a new grandbaby, my version of Gramma is: I want to sing to her.

And my voice, my throat is often the Sahara desert, my Venus filled with dust bunnies. I am often hoarse and the throat condition is a direct indicator of: overall ME levels. I used to have a great voice.

So: croak croak can hardly sing. But then suddenly: it got primed.

So my daughter and I sang, to the baby-

1) Diamonds and Rust, full on! (Joan Baez, you brat Bob Dylan)

2) then I want to sing Cuckoo songs to her.

3) so later: I prime the pump and find Pentangle doing the Hunting Song (1300s Great Britain) and the Cuckoo song.

4) so very late, I played these songs to my grandaughter and she drifts into an ecstatic sleep, and has these dreams....and it was just SO LOVELY.:D:D:D:thumbsup::angel::hug:


Senior Member
Wow....I had lost track of this thread, but am catching up.
Every single person here is saying some amazing stuff !

The way I see it, the physical body is just meat. It is the etheric (energy) body where issues lie, and can change electrical stimuli, physical responses, physical shapes of things over long interactions. That is also, to my way of thinking, where healing could originate.

I went through a most beautiful heart chakra opening in 2012 (Not that I was the slightest BIT interested in all that "2012" hype, and knew almost zilch about it) -but coincidentally (?) Spirit came and shifted my Heart into a finer-than-before alignment.
Okay, after that came "nice wonderful time" when not even death could scare me, and I thought -wow -I wish I could bottle this and give it to people. It's a million times better than winning the lottery.

I thought that was it. Life went on with its ups and downs but I was changed forever, and couldn't imagine anything horrible happening from then on.....

Haha famous last thoughts...... Something in this universe has a wicked sense of humour. I'll sort it out with God one of these days if our paths cross. It'd better not be Him, or I'm going to Dog Heaven. (Im hoping to go to Dog Heaven anyway so that's no skin off my nose)

Bam.....zap......and just when I least expected it....
THIS happened.

I honestly wonder if a circuit blew. Or maybe the purity of something coming through was too intense for some raggedy person like me? Maybe I was meant to purify myself??
Yuck, that would mean no chocolate or brandy with honey, probably.....:sluggish:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
the physical body is just meat. It is the etheric (energy) body where issues lie
I know I'm starting to sound like a paid shill, but I think that you'd love Alchemist, and understand it intuitively. It deals extensively with the etheric body, its importance and influence. See if you can give it a look on Amazon. That's what I initially did, then finally got it from the library, which had a looooong waiting list for it, and then checked back with Amazon when I ran out of renewals, and lo and behold, the $40.00 price for a trade paperback had dropped down to an acceptable 18.95, and I bought it immediately.
Maybe I was meant to purify myself??
Yuck, that would mean no chocolate or brandy with honey, probably.....:sluggish:
Whaaaaaaat? Noooooooo ...... Brandy is purifying to the soul, infected wounds, and tired muscles. And Aztecs regarded chocolate as the food of the Gods. Honey is present in so many old receipts for healing that to go without it seems barbaric ..... I think you're safe with those gentle indulgences.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
Last night, we slept with giant Angel Trumpet flowers under our pillows, they waft this remarkable fragrance and it was the best night sleep yet
They're sooooo beautiful, and the scent is almost hypnotic. Unfortunately, at least where I live, their Trumpet call is heard largely by armies of ants, so I had to give up on them. Sadly.
Probably some night moth is their pollinator (or bats?).
Or maybe those industrious ants.
But I saved that bathtub.
I'm in total sympathy, and fully understand that impulse.
Its sitting in the midst of the incinerated cabin. It contains the burnt contents of the now disintegrated tile wall
Oh God, your loss was so overwhelming, so destabilizing, such a gut-and-soul blow. I'm awed by your ability to take those blows and move on. Again, Warrior Goddess.
And I was going to buy it off my landlord- so I could then cart around a 1000 pound object. (right, never mind ohwell).
Again, total understanding. I've done similar. It's a desperate clinging to something that's symbolic of paradise lost, a prayer for restoration.

Yeah, totally get it.
Diamonds and Rust, full on! (Joan Baez, you brat Bob Dylan)
More like a well-bred Eff You.
so very late, I played these songs to my grandaughter and she drifts into an ecstatic sleep, and has these dreams....and it was just SO LOVELY.:D:D:D:thumbsup::angel::hug:
That sounds so lyrically beautiful. If nothing else eventuates from your visit (and the odds of that are nil ..... it's going to be a total E ride, in the best sense ..... I'm not sure you'll bother to come back), that memory alone is worth all that came before in getting there. I'm so happy for you, Red. Thank you for these gleaming , engaging little joyful gems.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Unfortunately, at least where I live, their Trumpet call is heard largely by armies of ants, so I had to give up on them. Sadly.

Those are probably one of the non-native ants pigging out on local nectar! I had these checked for occupants!

Just filmed a row of leaf cutter ants, out on the patio, trailing their caches of puzzle piece leaves!!

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Just filmed a row of leaf cutter ants, out on the patio, trailing their caches of puzzle piece leaves!!
@Rufous McKinney
I love those industrious little obsessive compulsives, toting off their little puzzle pieces (great description!) to who knows where for God knows what. I've always wondered what they do with all those leaves? Are they surreptitiously building flotillas of retirement cruise ships? An underground empire? A huge fleet of vicious attack engines? Are we all living a fool's dream on borrowed time? :nervous: :nervous: :jaw-drop::jaw-drop:
:woot: :xeyes::xeyes:
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
@Wayne -- Really good to see you here ..... this thread was almost made for you. Ya'll come back, heah?

Well now, how can I resist an invitation like that? ;) I've been reading some interesting things recently which I've been thinking might fit in here, which I originally mentioned in this thread--Insights on Our Spiritual Mission (Life) and How Trees Can Help Us. -- One recent brief story I read included a description of how our current state of affairs of living on this planet came about.

The story says that all of us here on planet Earth came here from the star system Sirius (or maybe it was a planet; please forgive me if I don't have all the details correct :rolleyes::angel:). Sirius was a place where we were apparently all being prepared--over a long period of time--to take the next really important step in our spiritual unfoldment, which was coming to a planet such as Earth.

What really stood out for me was that 1) Many who live in Sirius now are anxious and excited about the prospect of being able to come to a planet such as earth, so that they can also take this important step as well (even knowing full well how difficult it will be). But that they can't take this step until they're ready. And 2) Each and every one of us residing here on planet Earth at this time "have earned the right to be here!"

Of course, I always ask myself whether or not I should fully believe things such as this. In this case, I'm inclined to believe it, because the overall energy I get from the author is he's coming from a place of love, service, and humility. Reading the accounts of his myriad "inner journeys" almost always leaves me with a more philosophical feeling about the world we live in, and the personal trevails I've encountered.

It also gives me a confidence that we all eventually achieve a much greater spiritual strengh from learning how to best deal with our challenges (with love), enabling us to make our way out of (or graduate from) this exacting spiritual classroom--though I'm often inclined to think of living here as a conundrum instead of a classroom. But perhaps conundrum is just the nature of this classroom. -- So, what do you think of "them apples"? ;) (I myself found these apples pretty fascinating).
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Senior Member
Whaaaaaaat? Noooooooo ...... Brandy is purifying to the soul, infected wounds, and tired muscles. And Aztecs regarded chocolate as the food of the Gods. Honey is present in so many old receipts for healing that to go without it seems barbaric ..... I think you're safe with those gentle indulgences.

Yo ! :thumbsup: Fabulous news:lol: I'll get at it then.....

I think that you'd love Alchemist, and understand it intuitively. It deals extensively with the etheric body, its importance and influence.

Yes I haven't read that book. It sounds good. I'll see if I can get it. And sometimes on Amazon, there are options for cheaper used copies. I'll take a look.


Senior Member
It's more because in the traditional, ancient definition of the 6th house' rulerships, they included servants and slaves.

I also wondered that. I know next to nothing about astrology, but that's interesting.
Though, in the case of :cat::cat: I would imagine that often the role is reversed....:rofl::rofl:
It would be very intriguing to look at the :cat::cat: 6th house !


Senior Member
The story says that all of us here on planet Earth came here from the star system Sirius
That's the Dog Star....Good enough for me !
I wonder if it is so? Dog Star was the first star I learned about and used to watch when I was a little kiddie
And....born in the "dog days" too....
The rising of Sirius. The inundation of the Nile. Fertile ground, but not without side effects which the ancient Egyptians struggled with.....

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Of course, I always ask myself whether or not I should fully believe things such as this.
Whether we chose to believe or not, serious consideration of hypotheses like this offer great launch pads for many other considerations, and are valuable exercises in spiritual rumnations. Thank you for this thought provoking post, Wayne, much appreciated.
It also gives me a confidence that we all eventually achieve a much greater spiritual strengh from learning how to best deal with our challenges (with love), enabling us to make our way out of (or graduate from) this exacting spiritual classroom--though I'm often inclined to think of living here as a conundrum instead of a classroom. But perhaps conundrum is just the nature of this classroom. -- So, what do you think of "them apples"? ;) (I myself found these apples pretty fascinating).
I found them apples fascinating, too.

I have an old friend whose hypothesis is that this is some sort of cosmic prison planet, and that we're all here for rehab and future release back in to ...... well, that part was somewhat fuzzy, but when I look around at the world, especially right now, it does seem that the worst inmates are running the circus.

I love stuff like this, and again, thank you for posting this !!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :woot::woot::woot: :xeyes::xeyes: :hug::hug::hug:

Does anyone else have pet theories about Life On Earth? This is the place to trot 'em out !!!