Something to Ponder


The only way out, is through.
I am having lots of dreams about my grandmother's house too! I am finding hidden rooms in there in my dreams. Our family was so close back then!

My aunt who lives in California called me on the phone Sunday and wanted to know all about my diagnoses including ME/CFS. She is a social worker in the LA area working with abused and at risk young women. * edited to say: I have not talked to her in years!

When I have trouble falling asleep I imagine and go through every inch of my grandmother's house and have many lucid dreams. I can decide to turn left into these hidden rooms where I just lay down and rest.
There is something to the dream life that is touching this waking life. I just feel it in my bones!

My half sister has profound autism and Downs syndrome. I miss her.
wow! so fascinating :)

yes I agree Jesse's mom.

I could go on and on about dreams and things that have come from them in real life. One, 7 years ago, my friends father had just passed away and he came to me in a dream and showed me a house and took me through rooms and they led to a tunnel that led to chicken and an outdoor area...and she ended up in a house very similar with chickens and a happy relationship like a year or so later :)

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
I know I am kinda going in a different direction than this thread with this post but kinda felt like talking about my dream state today.
Please don't worry about going off topic on this thread. I named it Something to Ponder and I do think that our dreams are a part of this topic.

If it is mystical, and you ponder it. Please post it. @sunshine44 :heart:


Senior Member
This is a horrible, very physical illness that somehow brings some of us into a sort of spiritual/mental bubble that overlaps with the physical and, to some degree, directs or shapes it.
You guys are speaking my language, so I wanted to add my 2 cents. Both pain and inspiration can knock us into this contemplative mindset that is the doorway through which we access the path of mental/psychological/spiritual development.

Like several of you here, I also believe, at an intuitive level, that following this path leads to healing, or more accurately, is our individual participation in the grand process of bringing about “paradise”. This journey is action by faith since it involves going beyond what is rational via the contemplative mindset.

It’s important to point out that there are two levels of the contemplative mindset. There is the initial level in which we get knocked back but our intellect is still very much involved with thoughts about the nature of existence, what the point of existence is, etc. And then there is a deeper level of contemplation beyond the rational intellect that is purely intuitive.

The rational is associated with clarity and making sense. Intuition is associated with meaning. Rationality is like using our vision to see and intuition is like feeling in the dark with our hands. The problem is when dealing with pain and trauma, we are dealing with the chaotic unknown. Therefore, we cannot use our vision (what makes rational sense) to guide us and have to rely on follow what is meaningful.

I’ll stop here since I’m unsure if any of this is presently useful to anyone here. Let me know if it is and I will continue.


The only way out, is through.
ha!! ready for this Jesse's mom!

Had a dream my mother bought a bunch of mulch and asked me and my family to come help them mulch. I was walking and active and said mom this is too much for one day, it will take multiple days. Woke up and 2 hours later....a text from her in real life, saying, hi, I just bought a bunch of mulch would your kids like to come over and help today...!!!!!

I had to read the text 3 times, ha! :lol:

This is something I had NO idea of and no way of knowing and first time she has ever had mulch delivered.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
I got it @sunshine44 I am in one of my now very rare discouraged and upset states of mind.

Your post made me smile.

I had a very strange dream that thank goodness did not come into the waking life. In my dream this morning my mom was serving me poop to eat. :vomit:

I think I need to stay off the threads about the fecal implants especially before bedtime! :eek:


The only way out, is through.
@jesse's mom

ugh....well, lets not talk about the millions of nasty dreams I have had....avid dreamer.

I do think we clear things in out dream state so its not all relevant....but sometimes we get messages and glimpses.

And yes, lay off on the poop threads before bedtime :lol::lol::lol:


Senior Member
So this path is always the option of last resort since it is vague and difficult. We prefer connection, community, comfort, and clarity, but the psychological/spiritual route is solitary and there is constant resistance.

In my experience, it was only when I was most frustrated and in despair that I could fully commit to this path. Often times it required cornering myself by detaching from and rejecting my coping mechanisms that kept me afloat, but in the bigger picture, stagnant.

When you are at the point where you can talk about this stuff with others like we are in this thread, you have very likely developed a level of insight about what is useful. It’s necessary to recall that wisdom when we intend to continue forward - things like mindfulness and surrender.

However, the foundation of all of this is what I call the intuitive belief in the good - that which allows us to confront the perceived reality of suffering, indifference, hopelessness, etc. Without this belief, it is impossible to penetrate through the resistance because it makes no sense to voluntarily make our existence more difficult within an indifferent world. Only in a world that is meaningful and at its core ‘good’ can we progress along this path.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
the foundation of all of this is what I call the intuitive belief in the good

Not able to further persist in the face of it all without this fundamental belief. Appreciate your thoughts on all this.

I"ve been considering using what we've recently learned from the Rational Side (our plasma, the pink lactate, the none-deforming cells) and perhaps just do alot more visualizing via meditation, on changing these things into a better condition. Learning about the exosomes got me excited. The rational got excited and the outside rational thought: work on clearing those out of the blood stream.

So while resting i intend to manifest: changing my exosomes. Softening the walls of my red blood cells. Clearing out pink. Using colors is useful. Maybe just colors: changing the colors.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
We prefer connection, community, comfort, and clarity, but the psychological/spiritual route is solitary and there is constant resistance.

This is all classic stuff when one contemplates astrology. We come here, with our past experiences that are familiar and comfortable. The easier parts, we know how to do those things. But thats NOT the reason we came here. We came to be tripped up. To be challenged. To experience things NOT comfortable. While I am still the person I started out being, here, well I am really SO NOT that person anymore.

And it is largely solitary. Yet we do it: together. I think we are all weaving our part of the giant quilt.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
And it is largely solitary. Yet we do it: together. I think we are all weaving our part of the giant quilt.

I think so. A big part of what I have been doing for a really long time is learning to forgive.

Forgive with the 'offender' never acknowledging my pain, much less asking for forgiveness. Be it my body or 'other' that I must accept.

Realizing that so much of the 'offences' are what brought me to this moment, even if I can't yet enjoy the moment, that I have grown from it. Become a better clearer spirit myself. The alchemy of pain if you will.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
A big part of what I have been doing for a really long time is learning to forgive

And everybody is on their own track and timing. the offender: not awake yet. The perceiver: awakening. Sometimes they say this forgiving is: delegated to Others. I am stunned by how much forgiveness I have needed to muster for my own blunders and heavy-footednesses and not seeingnesses.. Not at all done with that topic yet.