its a mysterious universe, that's for sure!
Hey everybody, you all might appreciate this story.
Many years ago, I became friends with a woman in my local community who also had ME/CFS. We were both so debilitated, we were phone friends for many months before we finally met in person. Finally, the day arrived where she was able to come over for a visit. When I opened the door, her mouth sort of gaped in an unusual way. Didn't know what that was about until much later.
After we got to know each other better, she finally told me what that "gaping" was all about. She said she'd had a dream several weeks earlier in which she was at a party, and at some point came to meet another person at the party. -- When she came over to visit, and we met for the first time

, she said she immediately recognized me as the man she had met in her dream all those weeks earlier. Still kind of gives me the chills when I think about that one. Had never happened to me before--and not since.
At the time, it felt like we had already become good "phone friends". But she's since become one of my closest friends ever. Kind of feels like a good examle of how when there's a strong connection of love or affection between two people, the normal physical barriers that might otherwise keep them apart can be overcome. I believe these connections often transcend death as well, and includes pets as well as other humans.