Something to Ponder

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Had a dream my mother bought a bunch of mulch and asked me and my family to come help them mulch. I was walking and active and said mom this is too much for one day, it will take multiple days. Woke up and 2 hours later....a text from her in real life, saying, hi, I just bought a bunch of mulch would your kids like to come over and help today...!!!!!
WOW!!!! Just ..... WOWWWWWW !!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I do think we clear things in out dream state so its not all relevant....but sometimes we get messages and glimpses.
I don;t think the dream state is solely, or more than marginally, a sort of clearing house for the day's activities. I think it's a genuine bridge to other realms/realities that we can't access any other way. Unless we're a shaman or a levitating yogi/siddhi.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Twelfth house moon, conj Asc, sextile or trine everything in my chart

Well here you are being so helpful for others and with lots of unique insights!! Sounds like your 12th is well positioned (sextiling).

I had to re-engineer the 12th with New Rules as I am not going to: put myself into a dungeon of my own making.

I have a Gemini sun in the 12th: looking for the twin in the fogbanks;
Conjunct Mars in Cancer...deployment challenged
Uranus and Mercury also. So lets talk about all the things nobody else talks about. All the unseen, and unspoken about. Spill the beans about all those secrets.

so get ill with a disease that is unseen, not spoken about and contains Fogbanks.


The only way out, is through.

I don;t think the dream state is solely, or more than marginally, a sort of clearing house for the day's activities. I think it's a genuine bridge to other realms/realities that we can't access any other way. Unless we're a shaman or a levitating yogi/siddhi.

I agree....except I think we all have the power within us ;)

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I don;t think the dream state is solely, or more than marginally, a sort of clearing house for the day's activities. I think it's a genuine bridge to other realms/realities that we can't access any other way

I think both (and more) are occurring. I can see, at times, clear connections of all those weird dream things to events or observations and stimuli of the day. Then I also experience things that just seem so unrelated to anything real or imagined or needing processing and filing. Occassionally, something else happens and: that wasn't a normal dream result can occur.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
its a mysterious universe, that's for sure!
Hey everybody, you all might appreciate this story.

Many years ago, I became friends with a woman in my local community who also had ME/CFS. We were both so debilitated, we were phone friends for many months before we finally met in person. Finally, the day arrived where she was able to come over for a visit. When I opened the door, her mouth sort of gaped in an unusual way. Didn't know what that was about until much later.

After we got to know each other better, she finally told me what that "gaping" was all about. She said she'd had a dream several weeks earlier in which she was at a party, and at some point came to meet another person at the party. -- When she came over to visit, and we met for the first time :rolleyes:, she said she immediately recognized me as the man she had met in her dream all those weeks earlier. Still kind of gives me the chills when I think about that one. Had never happened to me before--and not since.

At the time, it felt like we had already become good "phone friends". But she's since become one of my closest friends ever. Kind of feels like a good examle of how when there's a strong connection of love or affection between two people, the normal physical barriers that might otherwise keep them apart can be overcome. I believe these connections often transcend death as well, and includes pets as well as other humans.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
The sixth is the health house.
Unfortunately, my 6th is empty, leaving me nothing to work with but the stubborn, luxury and pleasure loving Taurus. Or its ruler Venus, which is poorly placed. Or Libra, also ruled by Venus, which is the house of networking, associations, friendships, hopes and dreams, unexpected gains and rewards. Hence PR. Libra's also the 2nd decanate of Taurus, if I'm remembering right.

And in truth, the 6th house is more about day-to-day work or job or routines more than health, altho it's often calld the House of Health. In that regard, it would be concerned more with illnesses of short and shallow effect and duration, like summer colds, or mild winter flu's.

In your case, the 12th sounds like the place to start. Stelliums are tough.

Which brings me to my North/South Nodal axis. The North node is what you bring into this life, what you already know and are comfortable with, what's easy for you. The South Node is the opposite: what you came to learn, where you need to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone and acquire new skills and methods, take new risks, try uncomfortable new things. Succeed in new arenas if you're lucky.

Onward and upward :rocket::rocket: :balloons::star: