Something to Ponder

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
It would be very intriguing to look at the :cat::cat: 6th house !
Astrology absolutely fascinates me. I first go into it because I was sooooo tired of people spouting little bits of stuff, like "What's your rising sign? Leo? Oh, well, then you're majesterial and egotistical with a strong power urge", or "Virgo? Well then, you're detail oriented and a stickler for heirarchical structures", with the absolute assurance that they had the total picture, while sounding full of shite.

I'd intended to use my knowledge in the evil, subversive effort of refuting their idiocies, but little by little, was sucked in to the whirling vortex and depth of this fascinating discipline.

Whatever's in a cat's 6th house, it's symbol has got to be a velvet whip and a very soft chair.

"Dogs have owners; cats have staff"
"Anyone who thinks they're in command has never tried negotiating with a cat"

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
So great to see the post on this thread! Hooray everyone! I have been out of town and this thread is feeling like a homecoming gift! :hug::gift::heart:
Wow....I had lost track of this thread, but am catching up.
Every single person here is saying some amazing stuff !
I agree! WOW
The way I see it, the physical body is just meat. It is the etheric (energy) body where issues lie, and can change electrical stimuli, physical responses, physical shapes of things over long interactions. That is also, to my way of thinking, where healing could originate.
I feel this in my entire being
Bam.....zap......and just when I least expected it....
THIS happened.
This happened to me too! The fever of 2011 happened after I had been practicing meditation for decades. I had a crown chakra opening that caused my whole body to shiver! Chill bumps and I have been forever changed. Now I have ME/CFS as well. WTF
So, what do you think of "them apples"? ;) (I myself found these apples pretty fascinating).
Them are some beautiful apples!
Each and every one of us residing here on planet Earth at this time "have earned the right to be here!"
We have and I have read many similar things as well.

Thanks for joining the hippie thread! Peace, love and understanding!
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Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Astrology absolutely fascinates me. I first go into it because I was sooooo tired of people spouting little bits of stuff, like "What's your rising sign? Leo? Oh, well, then you're majesterial and egotistical with a strong power urge", or "Virgo? Well then, you're detail oriented and a stickler for heirarchical structures", with the absolute assurance that they had the total picture, while sounding full of shite.

Right on! Try having a 12th house Stellium, and your Sun is there, also. Ok ok: its all true, and its also so NOT true. SEND ME TO THE MENTAL INSTITUTION. Toss the key.

I find all 12th house stuff fully lame.

I believe in: New Rules- see Bill Maher.

We riff our own experience. We put power and meaning into our lives. So when some of this stuff is like Sunday Newspaper astrology- you pretty much know that in the first three sentence.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Haha famous last thoughts...... Something in this universe has a wicked sense of humour. I'll sort it out with God one of these days if our paths cross. It'd better not be Him, or I'm going to Dog Heaven. (Im hoping to go to Dog Heaven anyway so that's no skin off my nose)

If I don't land in Dog Heaven, I will request a full refund.

When the Gladiator (see Russell Crowe), drifts to the Ellysian Fields....that moment...we know the endless meadow, and the adjacent beckoning forest are there waiting. In the Dog Meadow, they can chase rabbits and deer, and the deer: bounce and Boink with joy, and the rabbit skurries to it's burrow, safe again.

But meanwhile: WHAT IS THIS PLACE and THIS BIZARRE Experience?

I have asked the Universe: Do YOU really think I am strong enough to DO THIS? And the answer is always Yes.
Despite everything.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
Right on! Try having a 12th house Stellium, and your Sun is there, also. Ok ok: its all true, and its also so NOT true. SEND ME TO THE MENTAL INSTITUTION. Toss the key.
Careful what you ask of the Universe .....

I'm assuming you've read up and/or consulted on your stellium. There are as many approaches to astrology as there are railroad lines in Ohio, an it's hard to winnow thru them to find what resonates with you and your personal experience. If one of the new psychology-oriented views commented on your stellium, there'd be lots of dire medical and mental illness crap and/or happy talk about depth of soul crap spewed out. If a traditionalist looked at it, they'd see something entirely different. Your prognosis under Hindi astrology would be that it was all a karmic challenge of the worst sort, along with an invitation to hope for something better in your next incarnation and to do the prep work to make that happen.

Personally, I find stelliums really interesting, but only in the context of the whole horoscope, so can't omment here, except to say that you have a powerful subconscious, which can be put to good use with focus, discipline and a modicum of effort.
I find all 12th house stuff fully lame.
Not sure which "....all 12th house stuff..." you're referring to as being "....fully lame...".
We riff our own experience. We put power and meaning into our lives. So when some of this stuff is like Sunday Newspaper astrology- you pretty much know that in the first three sentence.
If that's the gist of what you've read or been told, you're being fed bullshit. Dig around a bit, do your own analysis from a few different disciplines and sources. Unleash the science nerd lurking within. Approach it more deeply and see what comes up.
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
If I don't land in Dog Heaven, I will request a full refund.
Which in this case would entail completely reliving your life. All over again. All of it. No changes or alterations allowed. What fun.

I don't think Dog Heaven gives fungible refunds.
But meanwhile: WHAT IS THIS PLACE and THIS BIZARRE Experience?
A question that has fascinated my ever since I read Life After Death by Eliz. Kubler-Ross at an impressionable age.

Here's a neat video relating to that that I really enjoyed:


Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Not sure which "....all 12th house stuff..." you're referring to as being "....fully lame...".

Features I don't like, or don't resonate or seem: limiting- those ones "all" bug. But they also contain some truths or factors worthy of contemplation. So no, I did not mean what I wrote. Upon further consideration...perhaps i'll change my opinions, another 50 times, envolking Gemini Privilege..

I don't think Dog Heaven gives fungible refunds

But maybe Fungi, enjoy the Dog Meadow also! I once braked for a one foot tall Amanita muscaria- beconning from near the roadside. But on my way walking back to see it: I met a large bird, swimming under water in a little stream. Black and White. Its head broke the surface. It shreeked. Very Loudly. THAT WAS A LOON. Had never seen one before. Gosh that was such a long day, as we also spent 45 minutes watching a grey whale with her calf- literally just past the breakers. This is so BORING, watching a whales for a whole hour. (we were supposed to be working). What a day!

I'm assuming you've read up and/or consulted on your stellium.

I really like Donna Cunningham's work with Stelliums (three or more planets in one house, more or less). Stellium handbook. If your chart shows one, thats a great place to examine it further. Oh gosh: I did not know she passed away in 2017. Her books and insights are excellent, Bless Her.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Rufous McKinney
I like Donna Cunningham, too, altho she's one of the 'modern' astrologers, but she sometimes bent towards the traditional, or 'ancient', as well. I was so sorry when she died. It seemed like another reminder that all the evolved old souls seem to be moving to a better neighborhood.

I'll try to dig out some titles and astrologers I think you'd enjoy. So many of my books are still in boxes following the collapse of all the floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall bookcases, which DB promised me he'd help put right again. That was 3 years ago, and I just ran out of the strength to nag, so knows Tlaloc when that'll be done. Some of the titles will be hard to find anymore, the psychologically oriented astrologers have taken over pretty completely, and apparently don't like competition. Or maybe the traditional view has gone dormant for so long that the titles just aren't being reprinted. Pity.

Zipporah Dobbins (what a name, eh) comes to mind. She's furiously good, I had a reading with her sme 25 years ago and was stunned by the precision of her insights and her predictions, based on my chart and a universal, what's-happening-in-the-world chart she ran up to put everything in perpective. I mean, predictions right down to the date. Spooky.

I really think you'd be good at this. You have a disciplined scientific mind coupled with an untamed, range-free- imagination which will work well with something that's not quite science and a lot of art.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I really like Donna Cunningham's work with Stelliums (three or more planets in one house, more or less)
@Rufous McKinney
Stelliums are tricky things, and impossible to get right without having all the interactions in the chart available for review and analysis. A true stellium is generally several planets not just in one house, but in tight conjunctions to each other. Some stelliums, however impressive they may look, are reduced in impact because of their connection to a 'handle' in the chart, which dissipates or redirects their energies and action. Or the fact that the planets just naturally work well together, like Venus and Neptune. Others are more impactful due to their interactions with what the ancients called the 'malefics': Mars, Pluto, Saturn, sometimes Neptune. The fact that your Sun's involved could pull some of the negative energy out. Or maybe not. All depends.

Astrology as a subject is deep, wide and high, and worthy of a lifetime of study. Even then, you'll never know it all.

That's one of the things I so respected about Cunningham. She came close to knowing it all without ever making a point of it. She had the requisite humility of a truly great astrologer, and the lifelong curiosity that's an absolute necessity.


Senior Member
Astrology absolutely fascinates me. I first go into it because I was sooooo tired of people spouting little bits of stuff, like "What's your rising sign? Leo? Oh, well, then you're majesterial and egotistical with a strong power urge", or "Virgo? Well then, you're detail oriented and a stickler for heirarchical structures", with the absolute assurance that they had the total picture, while sounding full of shite.
Yes I couldn't agree more :aghhh: I always wondered why I couldn't ever manage to fit myself, as I knew myself, into those stereotypes which are bandied about by "popular" astrology.
But oh no....I didn't have to, because the proponents of such things could always manage to twist and turn my poor little self until it "fit" in their boxes....mostly saying I was probably consciously unaware of who I really was....


Senior Member
I need to dig out my chart @YippeeKi YOW !! the middle of some other is. I have no idea where. I will wait for a day when I have that kind of energy for hunting it down.

I seem to remember I have a bunch of planets all close together in (almost) one place, but can't recall where. I also remember I have one of those "kites" (??) Never could work out what that meant really....and a sun-moon opposition as I was born on the howlin' full moon (well of course, woldn't I be?) :rofl:

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Zipporah Dobbins (what a name, eh)

I would have to check out anyone named that!

Would love to get lost in your collapsed Library Collection, @YippeeKi YOW !!

My latest resonation in astrology occurred when i simply stumbled upon some millennial You Tuber, wandering down an alley somewhere in New Jersey, filming his rant. Some "vibe" happens and suddenly- you stumble onto someone who is really insightful, in the darndest place!

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I'll try to dig out some titles and astrologers I think you'd enjoy.

Would love that!!

Being a professional dabbler, I did really get a lot out of a personal reading I got from a woman in Ashland. It really helped me see some things I"d failed to grasp (oh that Venus over there is in charge? who knew?). (or pretends she is, until she isn't')!

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
That's one of the things I so respected about Cunningham. She came close to knowing it all without ever making a point of it. She had the requisite humility of a truly great astrologer, and the lifelong curiosity that's an absolute necessity.

Thats lovely: I wrote it down. I visited her site many times. Gained many insights there and now I feel a little less bad about downloading the Stellium Handbook pdf.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
are reduced in impact because of their connection to a 'handle' in the chart,

I am incredibly air-ridden (5 plus my NNode). So pretty funny- I have to go on Tibetan wind diet.

My "only earth" is this Sole Dispositor Venus in Taurus, which I had failed to grasp until my professional reading. Hanging out rather alone, up top- it was the 8 am morning star: shining specially for little ME.

There are these dispositor charts: I found them quite interesting....shows how the signs flow to one another, and the houses as well. Who reports to Whom, they might say.

During my reading- she said very little about that 12th H stelliummmmmmmmm.