So a lot has been happening in my dream state even moreso than pre severe state 2 years ago.
I have many dreams that seem to be me releasing fears...NOT fun.
Also, having more and more sporadic dreams where I am upright and able to go out a bit with family, etc. More fun

I am even having some family members reach out to me past few months that they are having these dreams where I am dancing and smiling, etc.
Having more and more dreams where for instance someone from highschool was in my dream, my family was going to her and her husbands house for a overnight visit, yet we hardly know each other in real life. Her son with autism was in my dream sitting at a table reading a paper and I awoke this morning and one of the first facebook posts is her posting about her son and autism awareness. Keep in mind I have not seen her since highschool so very strange her family would show up in my dream.
Anyways, I feel like we sort through lots in dream state.
Before things really dipped for me I was having EPIC dreams as well as these third eye type visions when laying down to go to bed. The best I can describe them is they looked like a projector with pieces of black and white images/video in my minds eye whilst awake/lucid. These third eyes type things have settled so much as has many of my other sensitivities to spirit world as I am sure my body has been in fight or flight mode for so long.
My grandmother whom I was close with died right when I was really going downhill in 2017. Was not able to get out and see her as I wanted that year. Lately I am having dreams that I am in my grandparents old house from when I was a child, very comforting and a gentle way to know our loved ones are still 'somewhere'. When I was a child I had very vivid contact with the other side but toned that down and now I only get little glimpses which I am ok with...its a wild universe, kinda what I can handle for now!
I know I am kinda going in a different direction than this thread with this post but kinda felt like talking about my dream state today.
Thanks for listening.