Something to Ponder


The only way out, is through.
To all following this thread. I heard from @sunshine44 the baby is home and healing.:pill:
Mommy has her in her arms! :)
Please continue your prayers as she was tested and the results are positive for the Flu type A.

I will let you all know as I hear from her how the child is doing. Love to all. :heart:
rough week guys! Daughter in Er twice with flu, I was in hospital by ambulance yesterday for pots and flu and now my dad is hospitalized for flu and heart complications. Thank you for your love and light, please keep sending them. Oh man what a week <3

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Yes, you have to lose your mind to become sane, Wayne;):xeyes:

I guess whatever it takes to keep our sanity, right? :D -- Are you by any chance familiar with:

Barbara Brennan School of Healing – Barbara Brennan Healing Science

I bought one of her books back in the 1980s (below), and still have it and peruse it regularly.


With the clarity of a physicist and the compassion of a gifted healer with more than 35 years of professional experience observing 5,000 clients and thousands of students, Barbara Brennan presents the first in-depth study of the Human Energy Field for people who seek happiness, health, and their full potential. This is a MUST READ for all healers.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
OMG @Wayne I need to buy that book! like now!

I grew up on Louise Hay, and heal your body, heal your life.

living in the light
Living in the Light: A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation by Shakti Gawain
3,503 ratings, 4.20 average rating, 79 reviews

Living in the Light Quotes Showing 1-1 of 1

“As you learn to be true to yourself, you will find that you attract people, work, and other circumstances that reflect your evolution and development.”
― Shakti Gawain, Living in the Light: Follow Your Inner Guidance to Create a New Life and a New World

I graduated high school in 1983.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@jesse's mom @Wayne
Still have my old copies of Shakti Gawain's works and Louise Hay as well. I'm trying to remember all the others I inhaled during the late 80's and 90's. Terrence McKenna, Castaneda, Paolo Coelho, Eckhart ..... damn, all the books from the wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that pulled loose of their EQ restraints are still in boxes piled up in the living room, so I can't browse the bookshelves for a memory boost. o_O

Soooo glad you're here, and welcome to The Woo !!! :)
...and jesse's mom and my current favorite, :xeyes::xeyes::xeyes:, a new addition when @PatJ replaced the horrid new smilies with the great old ones. Sort of a bonus, along with a few others. I think he said that @Mary found it and suggested its inclusion. I'm wearing it out.

Pretty much agree. Different interpretations and some new insights, usually (are you doing a little better today? I'm hoping).:hug:


The only way out, is through.
I guess whatever it takes to keep our sanity, right? :D -- Are you by any chance familiar with:

Barbara Brennan School of Healing – Barbara Brennan Healing Science

I bought one of her books back in the 1980s (below), and still have it and peruse it regularly.


With the clarity of a physicist and the compassion of a gifted healer with more than 35 years of professional experience observing 5,000 clients and thousands of students, Barbara Brennan presents the first in-depth study of the Human Energy Field for people who seek happiness, health, and their full potential. This is a MUST READ for all healers.

Oh my goodness this is an amazing book! I read it years ago!

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Still have my old copies of Shakti Gawain's works and Louise Hay as well. I'm trying to remember all the others I inhaled during the late 80's and 90's. Terrence McKenna, Castaneda, Paolo Coelho, Eckhart ..... damn, all the books from the wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that pulled loose of their EQ restraints are still in boxes piled up in the living room, so I can't browse the bookshelves for a memory boost. o_O

Had many of those fun books. We still listen to Terrence's voice. Having the shelf of all those books turn to ash in the wildfire catastrophe did suck.

A Separate Reality. Just the title sends the chill up the spine.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
the first in-depth study of the Human Energy Field for people who seek happiness, health, and their full potential.

I wanted to share the really great article I read earlier, its about how we strive for happiness, and how that can be a bit of a misguided notion, if one wishes to truely have a full and rich human experience. So I found much truth and insight here, even tho' the theme is related to: deciding to have children (or not having them, because you WILL be inconvenienced).

All of us here are having a unique experience, our own versions...not typical, not normal, not an everyday stroll thru the park, sprinkling bread crumbs for pigeons.


The only way out, is through.
So a lot has been happening in my dream state even moreso than pre severe state 2 years ago.

I have many dreams that seem to be me releasing fears...NOT fun.

Also, having more and more sporadic dreams where I am upright and able to go out a bit with family, etc. More fun :) I am even having some family members reach out to me past few months that they are having these dreams where I am dancing and smiling, etc.

Having more and more dreams where for instance someone from highschool was in my dream, my family was going to her and her husbands house for a overnight visit, yet we hardly know each other in real life. Her son with autism was in my dream sitting at a table reading a paper and I awoke this morning and one of the first facebook posts is her posting about her son and autism awareness. Keep in mind I have not seen her since highschool so very strange her family would show up in my dream.

Anyways, I feel like we sort through lots in dream state.

Before things really dipped for me I was having EPIC dreams as well as these third eye type visions when laying down to go to bed. The best I can describe them is they looked like a projector with pieces of black and white images/video in my minds eye whilst awake/lucid. These third eyes type things have settled so much as has many of my other sensitivities to spirit world as I am sure my body has been in fight or flight mode for so long.

My grandmother whom I was close with died right when I was really going downhill in 2017. Was not able to get out and see her as I wanted that year. Lately I am having dreams that I am in my grandparents old house from when I was a child, very comforting and a gentle way to know our loved ones are still 'somewhere'. When I was a child I had very vivid contact with the other side but toned that down and now I only get little glimpses which I am ok with...its a wild universe, kinda what I can handle for now!

I know I am kinda going in a different direction than this thread with this post but kinda felt like talking about my dream state today.

Thanks for listening.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
Lately I am having dreams that I am in my grandparents old house from when I was a child, very comforting and a gentle way to know our loved ones are still 'somewhere'. When I was a child I had very vivid contact with the other side but toned that down and now I only get little glimpses which I am ok with...its a wild universe, kinda what I can handle for now!
I am having lots of dreams about my grandmother's house too! I am finding hidden rooms in there in my dreams. Our family was so close back then!

My aunt who lives in California called me on the phone Sunday and wanted to know all about my diagnoses including ME/CFS. She is a social worker in the LA area working with abused and at risk young women. * edited to say: I have not talked to her in years!

When I have trouble falling asleep I imagine and go through every inch of my grandmother's house and have many lucid dreams. I can decide to turn left into these hidden rooms where I just lay down and rest.
There is something to the dream life that is touching this waking life. I just feel it in my bones!

My half sister has profound autism and Downs syndrome. I miss her.