Something to Ponder

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
But I know that a focus on the ethereal body and both the conscious and the unconscious mind is, for me, part of the healing.

Really excited today to discover this major research development in the field of: brain, cognitive, Alzheimers.
Just published in "Cell"', they found that using pulses of light and sound at 40Hz awakened the brains, stimulated the microglial cells in mice and fundamentally appears to have initiated the cleanup and repair needed to get the brain working again.

This is a stunning outcome and I am convinced this can help us ME folks as well.

here is a link to the Company and they describe some of the research:

Still looking for a link to the paper..... they intend to initiate human trials soon and this is not a drug, not invasive.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
It's beautifully and concisely written but may be too deep and dense for me right now.

I found this material to be remarkably accessible. Unlike much of the metaphysical, Catherine has somehow written an entirely practical, accessible treatment of this important subject. If you wish to enhance your contact with spirit, with dreams, if you wish to become ADROIT, there is alot of helpful info here.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
Thank you to everyone active on this thread.

I was inspired by everything that has been posted.

There is some kind of link to our brains going wonky. @sunshine44 were discussing it on @Howard 's thread.

She and I were both at a place where we could feel the crown chakra opening. My heart was blooming with love for spirit and the world at the time. Then, it is like our circuits got fried.

I then went through a time where I could not calm the mind again. I also had a real palpable dark night of the soul. I felt annihilated! That is when I got the sickest.

I am keeping at it at least 2x a day. Meditation, focus on breath, letting the thoughts go like so many leaves floating down the stream.

I am convinced we can get better.

Love to you all:heart:

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I am convinced we can get better.

I am better today and will Persevere. I managed go walk around one whole block, sit on a bench by pretty trees for 1/2 an hour, and managed to expose my arms to sun, and this lovely breeze, and the sound of birds and it helped with the recent FUNK I seem to be stewing in. I will visit this bench again today. I will feel better each day from these visits and little short walk.

Here is a link to the Journal Cell which summarizes the study on mice subjected to 40 hz light and sound treatments. the whole article: perhaps you have to buy it. I would like to read the Intro and supporting literature.


The only way out, is through.
@jesse's mom
This thread is incredibly important, and I can't thank you enough for posting it .... I've believed for a long time now that there's some mysterious spiritual / mental connection to this disease for some of us, maybe for more than some, which is DEFINITELY NOT to say that this illness is 'all in our minds'. Quite the opposite. This is a horrible, very physical illness that somehow brings some of us into a sort of spiritual/mental bubble that overlaps with the physical and, to some degree, directs or shapes it. I'm not sure how we can define that or connect to that, it will almost definitely be different for each us in many ways, the same in some. But I know that a focus on the ethereal body and both the conscious and the unconscious mind is, for me, part of the healing.

@Rufous McKinney recommended a book that I'm finding fascinating, just on the initial review and partial readings thru Amazon, Goodreads, and UofGoogle, called On Becoming an Alchemist- A guide for the Modern Magician by Catherine MacCoun. It's beautifully and concisely written but may be too deep and dense for me right now.

Nonetheless, I intend to read a little every day, whether I fully grasp it or not, and then re-read it again and again, until I can fully grasp the complex metaphysical nature of the content. Of what I've read, every bit of it made sense even if its full meaning was often hazy. I accept that whether I fully understand it or not, it will create illumination and change on levels I can neither see, touch, or define.

I found the brief appendix on How To Meditate immediately valuable, being both a lapsed and lazy meditator.


You're soooooo, absolutely, right. Don't let yourself (and I'm speaking to myself here, as much as to you) slip into despair and hopelessness when everything seems determined to get worse, when every 'fix' you find stops working, when every promising road turns into a dead-end, when you seem to have run out of options or sources to turn to. I'm right there with you.
yes!! I could not agree more YippeeKi Yow!!!

A huge piece of my puzzle is the spiritual aspect....maybe I will get some energy to write a bit more later on my specific journey...but the more I dove in to spirituality and so forth...the more bizarre things kept happening to me that after so long could no longer be deemed mere coincidences. This is a physical illness but there is some other element to it as well and that cannot be denied in my case.

I will write more later <3


The only way out, is through.
Thank you to everyone active on this thread.

I was inspired by everything that has been posted.

There is some kind of link to our brains going wonky. @sunshine44 were discussing it on @Howard 's thread.

She and I were both at a place where we could feel the crown chakra opening. My heart was blooming with love for spirit and the world at the time. Then, it is like our circuits got fried.

I then went through a time where I could not calm the mind again. I also had a real palpable dark night of the soul. I felt annihilated! That is when I got the sickest.

I am keeping at it at least 2x a day. Meditation, focus on breath, letting the thoughts go like so many leaves floating down the stream.

I am convinced we can get better.

Love to you all:heart:
yes!! you said it sooo well jesse's mom....right when I get closest to these nirvana moments, its like my circuit got fried by the incoming DNA upgrades or light, etc. So well said. Wish I had more energy to write right now bc this stuff really is where my shift is at I feel and I enjoy discussing it.

Also, it is a triggering show so be aware, not sure I could watch it in my state now BUT I talked about how I watched The OA in December 2016 right before my world crashed. I did not watch shows like that, it was put in my lap in ways I can not describe but the universe was making a point for me. The premise of the show is that really bad things can happen in life but there is this other element going on and I do not want to give away any spoilers but suffice it to say that these people, whom have been through hell, find their power within and tap in to each other to somewhat overcome seemingly impossible circumstances.

I now know why I watched a show like that that I never would, right before some of the darkest days and years of my life.

Although it is only a show, there is so much more going on than our senses perceive.

We are tapping into this.

We can prevail.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
the more bizarre things kept happening to me that

I"m excited to hear more about: what you've experienced in this arena. When I started working with the material in MacCoun's book, well it was pretty amazing that ALL KINDS OF STUFF STARTS happening. When you let Spirit know your interested in contact, that you request their assistance, that you are willing to share healing with others, and that you are willing to RECEIVE their messages, and you tune in: the messages start.

So its a side effect of our condition, that we have been partially suspended from the outer world of distractions, and that the normal outside stimulus which overlay our existences is de-emphasized in our Little Ditty.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
that after so long could no longer be deemed mere coincidences.

Here is a recent tall tale: so I've shared here that I have plane tickets to visit my daughter in a foreign country and she is having our first grandchild. And that right now I feel too ill to: successfully manage to possibly get there. This therefore is a great tragedy that I must: reconcile.

She relocated to southern Mexico and got married and adopted an entire massive family. She desires that I be there with her. THis is the greatest gift I could ever receive: to have my daughter want me to be there, with her, nearby, all the time. Such a gift.

But how? How can I do this very difficult and complex thing and with this illness making it even harder? How How?

So for four years now: the synchronicity engine just keeps generating signals, signs and indicators that I AM TO GO THERE AND BE WITH HER. That engine went into major overdrive when I started working with Catherines Book, so I knew this was very important. But Why Why has this last year been so darn hard? I managed to be there for one month a year ago and FELT BETTER THERE. Came back here and many symptoms worsened. WHY WHY.

So recently, I simply told the laptop to cycle the photos that live in the computer, rather than stare at MACBOOk Pro blue screen, oceanic version. So its cycling 1000s of pictures. yet EVERY morning for at least ten days since I did that, I turnon the computer and photo appears, out of focus but its there while i log in: and its the dog Apollo (GOD) that my daughter takes care of, in southern Mexico, and he is gazing at me, and his foot is on the book MEXICO, sitting on a coffee table.

This is not a coincidence, and twice, the photo first thing was NOT Apollo, so its not like broken machinery.

so Apollo (God) is awaiting me there, and again the message was here today.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Meet Apollo! He is so beautiful.


Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
mice subjected to 40 hz light and sound treatments.

so: the 40 hz sound exists in You Tube videos with some commentary and folks found it helpful. (A low buzz).

This does not include the light component, mentioned in the research so that is also important.

Perhaps its worth a little play around with this tone. In the study, the mice were subjected to one hour treatments (I think I am recalling). I would be hesisitant to go longer, myself.

Buzzes usually drive me crazy, so we have THAT to be concerned about.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
I think where I have grown just lately, is that I am more concerned with the group healing than my own.

I grew up in a mystical Catholic group of people.. from about 10 years old to 15 years old. The priests ended up excommunicated and I lost touch with them. My mom became afraid of mysticism, then relaxed again for a while. Now she is back to more of a rigid Catholicism I see it working for her, I am so glad! I am not drawn back to the Church.

I remember meditating with this group and the teachers and priests saying to pray for the family, for the group, for the world. This great teaching is coming back to me.

I think that is one reason I am giving the time and energy to be a moderator on this board. I am in it for the group. To the depth of my open heart I want us to get better!


Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
that I am more concerned with the group healing than my own.

I've realized that those of you who are holding our hands here are providing a tremendous service. And its very very different when one can engender the Emphathy Machine. This is a very tough role you Moderators are playing and yet I am so grateful to you all.

So I just really have to watch it because I am massively Emotional and this thing can pick me up and sweep me into a Niagra Falls of: what others are going thru, how horrible it is: I literally just sobbed in the chair this week over Dr. Davis's son.

That the young ones are suffering so badly is really upsetting here to an old one. Somehow I faked it for decades, seems like. Physically. That others are so operational when your not is so: Perplexing.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
@Rufous McKinney It is so very sad what Whitney is going through! I see his clear blue eyes in some of the photos and see his spirit still shining!

I was one who was never the same after mono in my teens, but I think I might have lived in a state of grace for the next decades and had a good life. Remission!

Different paths, YES. All together with a common goal of healing. I think it is beautiful.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I am in it for the group

THis is a key lesson in the MacCoun book. There is a major healing ritual in there: and I put off doing it for a long time. All part of the complex psychology of: asking for help.

And then finally I performed the ritual. Did the whole nine yards. Brooms, and crowns and crystals crosses and feathers and fire and air and : well the whole ditty. Turned out: the healing is for: everybody else.

so this is part of how I came to the place of I am required to share things that have helped me (and I do wish the list was longer)...because I made a bargain.

shortly thereafter, we were forced to change insurance, and the Doctor, who just stared, was no longer availalble. They assign us: out of town doctor. We call: no we aren't going there. Suddenly: I'm handed a new Doctor, who is three doors away THIS WHOLE TIME. and he takes one look at me and I GOT THE DIAGNOSIS. I was finally seen, heard. He got me the Low Dose nalthrexone which made a number of things get better...or more tolerable at least.

So I now need: subsequent follow up miracles.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
but I think I might have lived in a state of grace for the next decades and had a good life.

Thats a great way of looking at it: State of Grace. I worked as a biologist and spent thousands of hours out hiking in the woods, looking and documenting endangered plant populations. I have seen so many amazing things, experienced remarkable moments with wildlife, and feel like the luckiest person in the world: yet I'm sick.
At the end of any day, I"m an exhausted lump, others are: ready for the next day. It was like I could do it, but was just always the lowest energy anybody that I was ever near. So I managed to pull off the career.

Then around 50, menopause and way too stressful office work (no more fun hikes)...left me spent and now: well, here I am. So I do have alot of memories to use to keep me entertained languishing in the foggy place.