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Help - I've overdone something re methylation and I don't know what


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Sorry I don’t have better answers, I’m learning as I go.

I would agree. I’ve had test levels high/low return to normal without reason. Currently my iron levels came back into normal, platelets came up, but WBC dropped again. Who knows.

I’m considering trying the Optimal Plus product. If I had to guess, I’d say I’m under methylation. Were you under methylation before the glutathione?

No I don't think so. I was severely undermethylated for a long time which seemed to mainly manifest itself in chronic fatigue, cognitive issues and food sensitivities. The food sensitivities started with things like gluten, but ultimately got so bad that I wasn't able to eat anything without suffering a reaction. Veggies were the most managable and would give me headache and brain fog; if I tried rice or any grains I would feel utterly awful and my joints would be in real agony the next day. I suspect there was some sort of autoimmune reaction going on.

Anyway on the advice of a doctor I tried some B12 supplements and immediately the reactions to the lighter foods went away (veggies, meats). Like within 10 minutes, it was crazy and this has happened a bunch of times. It's what first put me on this methylation path.

Since then I've learnt more about it all, and why even though I clearly need the B12 it hasn't all been plain sailing. Much of the last 12 months has been spent figuring out what is causing a certain side effect and trying to resolve it.

The first was back in the summer - I was still getting some mental symptoms (fogginess/anxiety) and I eventually figured this out by adding the other range of B vitamins which I was clearly deficient in. I learned this from reading the Ben Lynch website Ive mentioned a few times in this thread.

I began to get a lot better but in around October began to develop side effects again, this time more aches and a bit of a reversal in my overall cognitive and physical health. Fatigue significantly worsened. It wasn't undermethylation - I tried adding more B12 supplements and this just made things worse.

Eventually I seem to have figured out that this one is related to glutathione, plus all its extra cofactors. (Again I found this out from the Ben Lynch site - safe to say this resource is now pretty much my bible for anything methylation related.)

Regarding the optimal plus, I'd give it a go. According to Lynch anyone with a chronic condition will likely be deficient in glutathione so it will probably help even if it's not the root cause of any issues. He hasn't seen me wrong before. If you do just start with a few drops and see how your body reacts - I'm currently paying the price for being too eager! Best of luck


Senior Member
Northern southern California
It’s so good that you’re getting results. So far, everything I try either has no effect or makes things worse. I’ve recently added daily coQ10, not hurting or helping yet.

I was thinking of you this morning, reading about selenium and glutathione. As you found with your supplements, apparently they do work together. I think Hip uses high doses of selenium with good results.
I did read that there is a connection with low selenium and enterovirus, which I suspect I have.

The optimal plus looks to have all the bits in it, perhaps I’ll give it a go.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
It’s so good that you’re getting results. So far, everything I try either has no effect or makes things worse. I’ve recently added daily coQ10, not hurting or helping yet.

I was thinking of you this morning, reading about selenium and glutathione. As you found with your supplements, apparently they do work together. I think Hip uses high doses of selenium with good results.
I did read that there is a connection with low selenium and enterovirus, which I suspect I have.

The optimal plus looks to have all the bits in it, perhaps I’ll give it a go.

Many thanks Eddie. Best of luck with this glutathione and hopefully it works out for you. Do let me know how you get on.