
  1. Hip

    Could the anxiety found in long COVID and ME/CFS be due to MCAS?

    If you read the Reddit long COVID forum r/covidlonghaulers, it is clear that generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common comorbidity in LC. Many regular ME/CFS patients also suffer from GAD. I wonder if the anxiety symptoms experienced by many long COVID and ME/CFS patients might be due to...
  2. Hip

    Study finds long COVID symptoms like depression, anxiety and fatigue often worsen over time, rather than getting better

    A new study on 475 long COVID patients (who were hospitalised with COVID early in the pandemic, before the vaccines were available) found that: IQ was also affected: Though cognitive issues actually improved over time, even though psychiatric symptoms got worse over the years: Source...
  3. 2

    HRT after 65 - My story and a new really encouraging study!

    Hey Ladies, For those questioning the safety of continuing HRT beyond age 60, a GINORMOUS new study came out recently. The Medicare health records of over 10 MILLION women over age 65 were followed between 2007-2020 with some pretty dang encouraging statistics in favor of continuing HRT...
  4. Hip

    NK cell booster Siberian ginseng working well for anxiety and depression. NK cells fight cytomegalovirus — linked to various mental health symptoms

    In an earlier thread, I detailed how reactivated cytomegalovirus has been linked to several mental health symptoms, including anxiety, depression, bipolar and psychosis. That thread also mentions how natural killer (NK) cell functioning is considered important in keeping cytomegalovirus...
  5. Hip

    Cytomegalovirus associated with mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, bipolar and psychosis

    There seem to be several studies (see below) linking cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection with mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, bipolar and psychosis. The first study below shows that it is only in cases of high cytomegalovirus antibody titres that anxiety and depression may...
  6. C

    Help Needed - Normal B12, low everything else

    Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well, or are on the path to it. I've been struggling a lot and I find a lot of advice to be mixed. I think the difficulty is that each of our deficiencies are a little different from the next, so advice isn't perfect. Every test I've done shows normal B12...
  7. Thebirdman333

    Horrific Gut Anxiety Feeling?

    So I had an allergic reaction back in February and then had this awful, god awful, feeling. It was not PEM, but what essentially was happening was I would almost get these like adrenal rushes from my stomach. And it would cause me to feel super hyper, like I would be talking super fast and...
  8. P

    Harder to get klonopin - alternatives? (Gabapentin, lamictal)

    Hi guys, In addition to recurring ME/CFS (which at the moment is mostly in remission thankfully), I also have generalized anxiety. I've been on and off klonopin for many years, and the last 5 years or so, I've been taking it nightly. It was 1 mg/night but I was able to ween down to 0.5...
  9. A

    Worsening cognitive impairment (and Rickettsial dx)

    Hello all, I have been diagnosed with ME 4 years ago. Since then, I have quit my job and became a stay at home mom. Recently, I'd say in the passed three weeks, my memory loss has become worrisome. I forget things I just did, things I have said, I cannot find my words, and I also replace words...
  10. L

    Strong anxiety after gentle methylation approach

    Hi All, I recently started a methylation approach with a local practitioner. She started me on Seeking Health Optimal Multivitamin Minus One. It's methyl free with Hydroxo/Adeno and Folinic Acid and a host of other active B's, etc. From what I understood the methyl vitamins are usually...
  11. nerd

    β-sitosterol reduces anxiety and synergizes with established anxiolytic drugs in mice

    Highlights In silico screen identifies β-sitosterol as a candidate anxiolytic drug β-sitosterol is anxiolytic in both naive and chronically stressed mice β-sitosterol alters the expression of immediate early genes Sub-efficacious doses of β-sitosterol and fluoxetine synergize when combined...
  12. Mr. Cat

    Glutathione causing anxiety/irritability

    Hello PR, I just started taking liposomal glutathione, which initially had some positive effects of clearing brain fog, and a feeling of well-being. However, soon it started causing anxiety, and then irritability, without the positive symptoms I experienced earlier. I'm pretty sure this doesn't...
  13. H

    Help - I've overdone something re methylation and I don't know what

    As the title suggests I've made some errors regarding methylation supplements and I have no idea what's going on or how to fix it. Any help would be much appreciated. The background to this is that I have SIBO and CFS, and have been getting a lot better after about 6 months on Ben Lynch's...
  14. R

    Plans/Contingencies for the future - advice wanted - UK based member

    Hi all, I'm still very new to the forums, but not new to having ME - had it since approximately 2012. Essentially, I live alone, by no choice of my own. My mum passed away in 2008, and my dad is now in his 70s and also the main carer for his partner. My anxiety has had me thinking lately -...
  15. Hip

    Completely eliminated my severe anxiety symptoms with three supplements!

    I had hellish, unrelenting generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) for several years, and, having tried hundreds of supplements (as well as SSRI drugs and TCA drugs) in my frantic efforts to treat it, I recently found 3 supplements that seem to pretty much eliminate my anxiety! ➤ The first and most...
  16. Hip

    Non-Standard Anti-Anxiety Treatment

    Brain Inflammation and Anxiety I am posting this in case anyone is interested in the non-standard anti-anxiety approach I used to cure my extremely high levels of anxiety (generalized anxiety disorder). This approach may well help others suffering with anxiety. This protocol may be very useful...