mk4 is from plant ,then how come wasn't able to find even one mk4 to be listed as vegetarian formula ?
I don't understand your question.
- Do you mean that you do not believe that all MK4 is from plant?
MK-4 and Coq10 can be
made in two ways : from solanesol (extracted from tobacco leaves) or from fermentation (of Natto, which is a fermentation of soya beans). Synthetic MK-4 is what you buy when you buy a supplement.
Natural MK-4 exists in organ meats but you cannot buy it separately from the meat. Supposing that it could be concentrated from meat the cost would be phenomenal compared to the cost of manufacture.
So there is zero risk that you will find non-vegetarian MK-4 for sale.
If you try to find a menatetrenone supplier you will notice that nearly all stated that they make it from solanesol.
The natto method must be more expensive. I do not know if for you the fermentation disqualifies it for not being vegan? Vegan is not vegetarian. If you draw the line at "no mushrooms or fungus", then there is a risk that your MK-4 might be made by fermentation. In that case better ask the seller if they know where their menatetrenone came from.
(solanesol) in solanesol.pdf
This solanesol method is cheap enough as solanesol is a residue of other transformations of tobacco leaves.
- Or are you asking me why people selling MK-4 do not bother adding a sales pitch aimed at vegetarians?
For the second question you will have to guess. Your guess is as good as mine. One of mine is : they have no problem selling it. Another one is : they cannot bother selling it in two kinds of capsules, the vegetarian capsule (only cellulose not gelatin) would be a problem because oil is added to MK-4 to make it more easily absorbed, maybe the cellulose capsule melts in contact with the oil? So that the vegan capsule for MK-4 is not possible, hence they do not sell vegan MK-4?
Be well!