GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?

Cindy, can I ask what your hours of sleep are? Also, you said you take 20mg klonopin? Is that correct? That seems like a lot. Interesting that you, your husband, and Lou have taken BGLI's product either IM or IV and have had pretty amazing success.


Senior Member
it is interesting the use of artesunate as an antiviral, do you have more data about its antiviral efffect and which viruses are affacted by it.the fact that you use it makes me think of a broad antiviral effect or XMRV,HIV and HBV share same drugs.why artesunate is not on US/eurpean market?

on hbv community we have seen reports of its use for hbv virus and clinical reports of eradication but i guess this compound is of no intrest to drug makers so there is nobody doing research on it

This is Dr. Cheney's protocol for Chronic Fatigue and he works with Dr. Sharp who is the Dr. I see. GcMAF revs the immune system and artesunate fights the virus. Cheney recommends using the GcMAF and using artesunate as well to fight the virus. It works and my understanding is that there are others on this forum who use GcMAF and Nexavir.


Senior Member

what antibiotic did kdm put you on, please. glad you have improved so much.


Navid, KDM bases his protocol on very detailed testing: blood, stool, urine and saliva, so I don't believe that this is a protocol that can be done independently. I was prescribed a course of antibiotics every month, including Erithromycin, Tiberal and Azithromycin, with Mutaflor probiotic in between.


Senior Member
Cindy, can I ask what your hours of sleep are? Also, you said you take 20mg klonopin? Is that correct? That seems like a lot. Interesting that you, your husband, and Lou have taken BGLI's product either IM or IV and have had pretty amazing success.

I normally sleep between 1 and 10am or 12 and 9am. If I work a lot I sleep between 1 and 7 or 12 and 7. I wonder how long Lou had been sick. My husband had been sick since August of 2009 after the swine flu and I was on a business trip so didn't catch it until I went home for Thanksgiving which was the weekend of Thanksgiving 09. I wonder how long Lou was sick. I do think that while I had it severe and could barely walk or remember even basic things that I didn't have the illness as long as some people have had it. Maybe that has something to do with it. Also, I have been following Cheney the whole time along with other medicines from Dr. Sharp and I do think that worked well for me since I could work before I took GcMAF. I could work but it took a lot of energy but the GcMAF brought drastic results. Also, Linda Wallace brought a move from 55-60 hours to 70-80 hours. I think the CFS turned so badly so quickly for us since we were both hard headed and didn't rest until we couldn't do anything but rest. My brother also got it at Thanksgiving and was well by June by working 1/2 days for several months but my husband and I plowed through like idiots due to our intense natures.


Senior Member
Hi folks!,

As far as the length of the recommended syringe to inject S.C. Nexavir, the nurse said 13 mm. I will do it as he explained, although I'm still afraid that by injecting the needle straight down (perpendicularly to the belly/thigh/arm), I can enter into the muscle (or even worse, in the stomach!!!!aishhhhhh!). My concern comes when when we have to release the skin, b/c then the stubbed syringe goes deeper...

Anyway, the very skilled nursed who was teaching me how to do it laughed when I expressed my concern, so it seems that we have more fat than we think, and that our stomach is deeper than we (or at least I) believe!! :) I know, it is my first time!!!!

BTW: In my KDM's report, he recommends GcMAF I.V. or S.C., but he doesn't mention I.M. I will continue I.V, as I think it is the most powerful way.



Senior Member
Hi Filfla,

CONGRATS!!!! It's so great to read your improvement!! I remember a few months ago that you were even worse... It seems that finally every part of the treatment has worked synergistically in the direction it was supposed to work, and I DO hope it continues this way!

At the end of this week or at the beginning of the next one I will receive the rest of my treatment (including ABX, Nexavir, B12 and some supps). I can't wait to start the combo!

BTW, the ABXs depend completely on your test results.



Senior Member
This is Dr. Cheney's protocol for Chronic Fatigue and he works with Dr. Sharp who is the Dr. I see. GcMAF revs the immune system and artesunate fights the virus. Cheney recommends using the GcMAF and using artesunate as well to fight the virus. It works and my understanding is that there are others on this forum who use GcMAF and Nexavir.

Hi Cindy

When did you begin seeing Dr Sharpe and how long have you been on his protocol for?

are you saying that Cheney and Sharpe recommend these treatments as standard protocol for every patient? ( I have not had access to Cheney website, like you....so would be interesting to know) And what virus are you referring to?

Re GcMaf how often does he give it to you? And what dose of Artesunate did he recommend? how long have you been on ARtesunate, and how are you finding it?

Finally what tests did he undertake on you before prescribing them? It would be interesting to know his approach in comparison to other Drs who are also experimenting with these treatments on patients.


Senior Member
Anyway, the very skilled nursed who was teaching me how to do it laughed when I expressed my concern, so it seems that we have more fat than we think, and that our stomach is deeper than we (or at least I) believe!!

I agree Sergio. I expressed the same concern to him when I was there and he said it'd be fine.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
I thought I would update you with my progress.

I was tested by KDM in November (xmrv+ by serology, negative by culture/pcr) and started his treatment protocol in January: GcMAF, Nexavir, Antibiotics, Probiotics, VitB12 injections, Chlorella, Calcium, Magnesium, Mesazaline and Creon. In November I cut out all dairy and in January I started the Christine Tobback very stringent diet. Since November I have lost 17kgs in weight (which is excellent news for me as I had put on a lot of weight over the years) and hope to continue losing weight. My energy levels are much better. When I started the treatment in January, I put myself at 40% on the Bell Disability Scale. I would now consider myself to be at around 70% !!!! I cannot attribute this to one thing or another, ie it is not JUST the GcMAF or JUST the diet or even JUST the antibiotics. I really think it is the full treatment protocol that has helped me to improve to this extent. I haven't had a low-grade fever in ages (which was always a hallmark with me) and this week I have my first cold but am still coping to deal with the demands of a young family!!! At the same time, my stomach problems have improved enormously and I am soooo much more comfortable!! I still need to pace myself and the pains in my limbs are still there if I do too much. I feel that exercise is still not an option but I am walking longer distances and I certainly don't feel as though I'm dragging myself around any more - I have a jump in my step!!!

That's brilliant news. Did you have a lot of gut symptoms previously hence the drugs/supplements for the gut or did you have a special test that showed up a problem? I am sure you are correct that it isn't just one thing that has helped but everything coming together.



Senior Member
That's brilliant news. Did you have a lot of gut symptoms previously hence the drugs/supplements for the gut or did you have a special test that showed up a problem? I am sure you are correct that it isn't just one thing that has helped but everything coming together.


Yes, I had gut problems. Also found out that I am highly lactose intolerant, slightly fructose intolerant and allergic to eggs.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Just a reminder about Artesunate--there is a thread on this, on which I posted some info gleaned largely from two essays by Efferth, which are posted on the Research thread. Cheney was using one cap of Hepasunate (50mg Artesunate) on MWF, and "swish and spit" Wormwood on T and Th; rest weekends. But this needs monitoring. He did say that taking Artesunate just twice a week probably did not need monitoring of liver enzymes, but also told of one woman who, against his advice, took it daily, and did develop liver trouble. So be careful! There are companies working on the stuff, including some new formulations and trials against cancer--some info on that thread.

I and another posted comments there that after some months we both developed symptoms that seemed connected to our use of it--gut and CNS. I am now using two caps per week on alternate weeks, together with AHCC, and seem to be improving very slowly. Hope to try Gc-MAF in a while.
Best, Chris


Senior Member
He did say that taking Artesunate just twice a week probably did not need monitoring of liver enzymes, but also told of one woman who, against his advice, took it daily, and did develop liver trouble. So be careful!ents there that after some months we both developed symptoms that seemed connected to our use of it--gut and CNS. I am now using two caps per week on alternate weeks, together with AHCC, and seem to be improving very slowly. Hope to try Gc-MAF in a while.
Best, Chris

IO hadnt heard about this. KDM has me on 50mg Artesunate every day. So Cheney is only using it twice a week in his protocol because of Liver issues?
I thought I would update you with my progress.

I was tested by KDM in November (xmrv+ by serology, negative by culture/pcr) and started his treatment protocol in January: GcMAF, Nexavir, Antibiotics, Probiotics, VitB12 injections, Chlorella, Calcium, Magnesium, Mesazaline and Creon. In November I cut out all dairy and in January I started the Christine Tobback very stringent diet. Since November I have lost 17kgs in weight (which is excellent news for me as I had put on a lot of weight over the years) and hope to continue losing weight. My energy levels are much better. When I started the treatment in January, I put myself at 40% on the Bell Disability Scale. I would now consider myself to be at around 70% !!!! I cannot attribute this to one thing or another, ie it is not JUST the GcMAF or JUST the diet or even JUST the antibiotics. I really think it is the full treatment protocol that has helped me to improve to this extent. I haven't had a low-grade fever in ages (which was always a hallmark with me) and this week I have my first cold but am still coping to deal with the demands of a young family!!! At the same time, my stomach problems have improved enormously and I am soooo much more comfortable!! I still need to pace myself and the pains in my limbs are still there if I do too much. I feel that exercise is still not an option but I am walking longer distances and I certainly don't feel as though I'm dragging myself around any more - I have a jump in my step!!!

Hi there, I just read this, and I realized it was from one year ago... could you please how far have you gone with this treatment up until now in 2011?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi there, I just read this, and I realized it was from one year ago... could you please how far have you gone with this treatment up until now in 2011?


FilFla wrote this just yesterday and it is talking about how she is now, April 2011--though it re-capped a bit of her history. I just talked with her and this is current.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
IO hadnt heard about this. KDM has me on 50mg Artesunate every day. So Cheney is only using it twice a week in his protocol because of Liver issues?

Hi Ronan,

You might want to check-in with KDM on your dosing. I know he has reduced the frequency of Artesunate in some after they have been on it for a while.



Senior Member
I know this is a GcMaf thread, but has anyone found the Nexavir cheaper than $450 for a month's supply?

I think that comes out to 3 vials, 2cc a day.. 60ml...

I suspect I may have to pay out of pocket for this...so just wondering if there is a better price.

Anyone know where the folks in europe are getting it from?



Senior Member
Cindy, can I ask what your hours of sleep are? Also, you said you take 20mg klonopin? Is that correct? That seems like a lot. Interesting that you, your husband, and Lou have taken BGLI's product either IM or IV and have had pretty amazing success.

lou is doing his bgli gcmaf via subcutaneous, not IM or IV.