GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
Hi aquariousgirl, I am "one guy in Europe" ;-) (as you know!), and I have to pay 450 euros monthly for nexavir...It's crazy, and not sure If I will be able to afford it...Maybe I will take it daily for 1-2 months (b/c my prion test came out very abnormal, and Nexavir is supposed to correct this problem), and then will cut down the dose to 1 shot every other day... It is outrageous...

Un abrazo,
Hi, Sergio

The nexavir price is outrages, but the fact that our health insurance doesn't cover it because it is considered as a medicine with no supporting sientific evidence to be effective for XMRV, or CFS.
I have tried what you are considering (every other day) on two diffrent occasions, and the result was that I didn't sleep for 1 minute during those nights, despite the fact I took 50 drops of clonazepam. So for me, it will be 2ml every day untill kdm stops the GcMaf. Then I will trie it again. I hope if you trie it, your experience will be better.



Senior Member
ronan, can you tell me what yr artesunate protocol is with kdm? i got conflicting instructions from him...

He just told me to take 1 per day. Thanks for the info Sushi, i have sent an email to clarify if i should be still taking it every day.


Senior Member
just like i thought artesunate is a broad spectrum antiviral active also on hbv.where do you get good quality artesunate?which is the maximum safe dose?i guess you test transaminases alt/ast to detect if any liver damage happens


article i found on artesunate broad spectrum antiviral activity

He just told me to take 1 per day. Thanks for the info Sushi, i have sent an email to clarify if i should be still taking it every day.


Senior Member
I bought my doasin here: http://www.iherb.com/Naturally-Vita...nd-Intolerance-Support-30-Capsules/16475?at=0

A question: What dit KDM recommend about the dossage of daosin?
Everyday 1 tablet? or 2 tablets?

I hope it will do good, i have had now around 18 injections!

I asked him when to take Daosin, before or after I start to feel bad on GcMAF? Daosin is the H1, H2, H3 histamine blocker KDM had mentioned to me, when I told him Cheney's IRIS strategy. KDM's nurse said KDM told him I was to take one in the morning on every day that I feel horrible from the GcMAF, but only take it on the days I feel horrible, not the days I'm doing okay.


Senior Member
i think cheney's artesunate protocol has changed from the swishing one that was posted the other day on this thread. i heard a few months ago that his protocol for artesunate is this (of course this could be outdated now!):

Artesunate: one tablet per day, every six out of seven days, using the Hong Kong manufacturer, as it is deemed stronger. (personally, tho, i use the california manufacturer because i felt more benefit from it).

You are to avoid iron and too much red meat, as iron mixed with artesunate can create some kind of toxin.

You are also to do a Liver Function Panel every now and then (how often, I'm not sure)

(Of course with GcMAF we'll be testing liver function often anyway.)

I heard that Cheney thinks the Hong Kong artesunate is stronger and preferred if you tolerate it. Again, I use the Calif version instead.

Calif manufacturer of artesunate: Hepalin.com (order their "Hepasunate")

The Hong Kong manufacturer: Order thru their website: http://www.penjing.com/~axu/trihealth2000
Each box contains a blister pack of 12 tabs.
The shipping cost is $40 regardless of how many boxes you order, so the more boxes the better value.

One last note: I am not sure if Cheney recently decided we should stay off Artesunate while on GcMAF. I heard mixed reports on this. So what I am doing is taking my artesunate 3x per week, for 3 days in a row, and avoiding it on the days just before and just after I do my GcMAF shot. In fact, I am avoiding all my meds before my GcMAF shot. I avoid them for 3 half lives before my GcMAF shot and for 6 hrs after my shot. KDM told me I did not have to do this, but I heard from another trusted GcMAF specialist to indeed do this. So I figured it can't hurt me to do it. I also avoid my supplements on the day of my GcMAF shot, and for 6 hours after my GcMAF shot.


Senior Member
Navid, KDM bases his protocol on very detailed testing: blood, stool, urine and saliva, so I don't believe that this is a protocol that can be done independently. I was prescribed a course of antibiotics every month, including Erithromycin, Tiberal and Azithromycin, with Mutaflor probiotic in between.


thank you so much for reporting in and giving us yr great news!

where do you get your mutaflor, and is that the probiotic he recommends for everyone, or just those that indicate it from their stool tests? i think i saw someone else seeing kdm was told to take another probiotic called VSL or something like that...?



Senior Member
Yes, I had gut problems. Also found out that I am highly lactose intolerant, slightly fructose intolerant and allergic to eggs.

hi filfla,

i found i am lactose intolerant at kdm's office, too (i found out via his breath test). do you know if we have to keep away from goat's milk, too?



Senior Member
Rrrr reporting in after her 3rd gcmaf shot

i'm doing well! i have some days where i'm in or near bed, but that does not seem to last long, just half a day or so. it used to be that if i was bedridden for the first half of the day, i'd be in bed for the full day. but now i may be up and about for the 2nd half of the day. this is new for me.

i am also re-starting (and increasing the strength of) my b12 injections after being off them for 1 year. i know kdm wants folks on 10 mg 3x per week (subcu injections), so i'm inching in that direction, increasing the amount all the time. so i do wonder if some of why i'm doing better is due to the b12. i just don't know.

i continue to feel hopeful, happy and a sense of well being for 2 days after i do each shot of gcmaf. i'm doing my shots via IV and subcutaneous (alternating weeks).

other good news: i was able to go on a walk yesterday (10 min?) and a longer one today (15 min?), too, which has been very rare for me over the last few years.

will keep you posted.

(i'm also on nexavir and it has likely been about 2 months of that or more. and i think it is in yr 3rd month that you start to feel the benefits of nexavir, or at least that is what i think kdm told me.)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Rrrr reporting in after her 3rd gcmaf shot

i'm doing well! i have some days where i'm in or near bed, but that does not seem to last long, just half a day or so. it used to be that if i was bedridden for the first half of the day, i'd be in bed for the full day. but now i may be up and about for the 2nd half of the day. this is new for me....

i continue to feel hopeful, happy and a sense of well being for 2 days after i do each shot of gcmaf. i'm doing my shots via IV and subcutaneous (alternating weeks).

other good news: i was able to go on a walk yesterday (10 min?) and a longer one today (15 min?), too, which has been very rare for me over the last few years....

will keep you posted.


So glad you are doing well. :thumbsup: I'm finding the same thing--that the "bed-days" don't last long. I can be flat on my back one day and feel almost well the next.

I got back from my last KDM consult about a week ago. And since I flew across Europe the day before the consult (with long airline delays), had two very busy days in Brussels (met a lot of other patients both at the clinic and the hotel), and then had a 22 hour flight across the Atlantic to the western US, I have been taking my time resting up. But I was able to do it! With the help of :wheelchair: :cool:

I've had 14 shots now.

I also came back to super-high pollen levels and I think this is affecting me--maybe because GcMAF can increase histamine. I think I had better get some Daosin (Histame) to get through the allergy season.

Please do keep us posted!

BTW, KDM gives different probiotics to different people--just like the antibiotics he often prescribes it depends on your test results. He is very much an evidence-based doctor.


Senior Member
i am waiting for the expected BAAAAD crash that i know so many get on gcmaf. but i have not gotten it, and i'm now 17 days into my gcmaf treatment (3 shots). so either i'm a non-responder or low-responder, or this new starting dose of 1/5th of a vial was a smart move on kdm's part.

case in point: i know someone on BGLI who started at 1/5th of a dose and did not get a bad crash and is seeing great results on the bgli gcmaf, now a few months into his treatment.

sushi: thank you so much for your continued support and reporting on this forum. you are invaluable.


Senior Member
hi.. slightlyh off topic, but has anyone else had a stomach biopsy done for KDM, and if so, what kind of results did you see?
I asked him when to take Daosin, before or after I start to feel bad on GcMAF? Daosin is the H1, H2, H3 histamine blocker KDM had mentioned to me, when I told him Cheney's IRIS strategy. KDM's nurse said KDM told him I was to take one in the morning on every day that I feel horrible from the GcMAF, but only take it on the days I feel horrible, not the days I'm doing okay.

tnx for the respond.
Ok, so only when you feel bad??

I tought you had to take them everyday also for prevention or something.
Beacause someone on another forum told me that..
Did kdm told everyone the same thing??
Can it do any harm when you take a tablet to much??