GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
tnx for the respond.
Ok, so only when you feel bad??

I tought you had to take them everyday also for prevention or something.
Beacause someone on another forum told me that..
Did kdm told everyone the same thing??
Can it do any harm when you take a tablet to much??

i have not taken this daosin yet, so i have no idea. but i will say that i get the feeling that sometimes kdm may say different things on different days to different people, or maybe even to the same person. :) i am not sure if this is true or just my sense of things.


Senior Member
@ Rrrr - sorry for not responding sooner....but I agree with Sushi's response "KDM gives different probiotics to different people--just like the antibiotics he often prescribes it depends on your test results." I'm afraid I don't know about the goat's milk. I haven't tried it. I'm just sticking with rice milk and soya milk at the moment. Meantime, very glad to hear you're doing better with the GcMAF!!!!

P.S. I got the Mutaflor in Belgium and carried it back with me. It needs to be kept cool.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
i am waiting for the expected BAAAAD crash that i know so many get on gcmaf. but i have not gotten it, and i'm now 17 days into my gcmaf treatment (3 shots). so either i'm a non-responder or low-responder, or this new starting dose of 1/5th of a vial was a smart move on kdm's part.


I think it is the dosing that makes the difference. I have taken 3 different doses (1/4, 1/2, & a full vial) and have found that the higher dose gave me more "bed-days." Now I seem fine with the half dose. The longer I take it, the less reactions I get. Why??? Could only speculate.

Re: goat's milk, it also contains lactose. I did the food sensitivities test and was just as reactive to goat's milk as cow's milk.



Senior Member
i received my nagalase test result, it is 6.70 (normal range 0.32-0.95), so it is confirmed that hbv virus has the same way of using nagalase to escape immune response
i will start gcmaf very soon


Senior Member
I have been told to reduce my 50mg Artesunate dosage to twice a week. I had been taking it daily for about 6 months.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I have been told to reduce my 50mg Artesunate dosage to twice a week. I had been taking it daily for about 6 months.

Glad you got your answer. Thanks for sharing.

I now seem to be recovered from the trip back from Spain/Belgium and today I feel actually good! Just gave myself my 15th GcMAF shot.

I'll start Nexavir as soon as I can get my hands on it. Any more tips on getting insurance to cover it? I discovered that CVS Pharmacy (USA) can now get it, which will at least save on shipping. They told me that they'd send the script in to my insurance, the insurance would almost surely reject it, then my doc would have to apply for an exception--and that this process would take about 7 - 10 days -- but still unlikely to be covered.

BTW, CVS is quoting the same price as the mail-order distributor in Washington State--$450 per month.



Senior Member
getting nexavir covered: i heard that if you have medicare and the nexavir is rejected, the next step is to have yr doctor send medicare copies of the studies that prove the med is used effectively for off-label purposes for yr condition/disease. this website has a list of the studies that show that nexavir has been used effectively for cfs


and if that does not work, and you are a medicare patient, you can switch your medicare plan. (it may be that the only time to do this is once a year.) i have medicare/humana and nexavir is covered, amazingly.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
getting nexavir covered: i heard that if you have medicare and the nexavir is rejected, the next step is to have yr doctor send medicare copies of the studies that prove the med is used effectively for off-label purposes for yr condition/disease. this website has a list of the studies that show that nexavir has been used effectively for cfs


and if that does not work, and you are a medicare patient, you can switch your medicare plan. (it may be that the only time to do this is once a year.) i have medicare/humana and nexavir is covered, amazingly.

Thanks! I have Medicare/Wellcare and they don't list Nexavir in their formulary. And, you're right, you can only change your drug plan at one time of year--around December. I'll give it a shot though, with Wellcare. I also have a drug discount card for drugs not covered by insurance, and that might help me a bit.



Senior Member
Has anyone on GcMAF noticed an increase in allergic reactions? I am reacting to Nexavir with signs of inflammation; a hot red raised weal and am having reactions to all plant foods, including chicory, lettuce and camomile.

It may be that GcMAF or Nexavir is causing me to be more allergic.

Hi Guys,

Thought you might be interested to know that was the phenols in the Nexavir that I was reacting to.

I've reduced my Nexavir dose to one quarter ( .5 ml) and am coping ok with this. I still get a little redness but no raised weal and the small reaction disappears in an hour or two. According to KDM my body will adapt and I'll be able to tolerate a larger dose in the future. The food reactions are settling down now too.

At the moment though I'm happy to be back on track and as an extra bonus, the cost has been reduced by 3/4s !


Senior Member
kdm told me they will come out with a nexavir without phenols soon.

i, too, get redness at the site of the nexavir shot.

i did my 4th shot yesterda (this one was IV). and today i'm exhausted!!!! also, since my last post, where i said i was walking, well, i am not walking any more. seems i have a few good days post-shot and then a few days of crash. i can't say a pattern has developed, as it is still early days for me in terms of gcmaf. but that is what happened the last two weeks.

this week is different. this week, i'm exhausted the day after my shot, instead of energized. also, my eyes are all red and blood shot.

also, my body aches more in the morning.

but my good mood continues. i'm making jokes! (and they aren't bad, either!)



Aristocrat Extraordinaire
kdm told me they will come out with a nexavir without phenols soon.

i, too, get redness at the site of the nexavir shot.

i did my 4th shot yesterda (this one was IV). and today i'm exhausted!!!! also, since my last post, where i said i was walking, well, i am not walking any more. seems i have a few good days post-shot and then a few days of crash. i can't say a pattern has developed, as it is still early days for me in terms of gcmaf. but that is what happened the last two weeks.

this week is different. this week, i'm exhausted the day after my shot, instead of energized. also, my eyes are all red and blood shot.

also, my body aches more in the morning.

but my good mood continues. i'm making jokes! (and they aren't bad, either!)


Hi rrrr, thanks for the update!

Most of us have noticed that the effects of GcMAF seem to be cumulative, so later injections will hit you harder than the first few. Right now I'm on 1/4 dose and I'm thinking of injecting every other week as weekly injections are too much for me.

I started off on a full dose and didn't notice much from the first few injections. It's only later that they started to hit me.

It's good that your good mood continues because poor mood has been one of the hardest side-effects of gcmaf for me to deal with (it's not really a side-effect of gcmaf but of the cytokines, but you know what I mean!).


Senior Member
thanks, garcia. i'm actually grateful i'm feeling some effects, because i was worried that i was a nonresponder.

here is a joke my 4 yr old nephew told me yesterday:

how can you tell an elephant got in the fridge?
answer: you'll see his footprints in the peanut butter!


Senior Member
i have started gcmaf yesterday at 0.125ml, no sides just feeling relaxed and extremely sleepy after dinner

about the nagalase test, do you have data or experience about its levels?mine is extremely high at 6.7U compared to hiv carriers or even cancers with metastasis...so i fear hbv infection+liver cancer for the high level.what about yours?

i will see a researcher (it is better to avoid names in public forums) in a couple of weeks to discuss nagalase level and viral diseases/cancer


Senior Member
lobba123, i hope your GcMAF journey is a good one!

before i started gcmaf 3 weeks ago, i had my nagalese level checked at ELN labs (formerly called Vitamain Diagnostics), based in New Jersey: www.vitamindiagnostics.com

the cost of the test is $65, and you contact them in advance and they send you the kit.

my results were 1.90 (ref range 0.32-0.95)


Senior Member
Hi Girl & all

I started injecting Nexavir for the first time today and had a similar reaction to u and Rrrrr, although probably not as pronounced.... I did 1mls today just to be on the safe side but still got an itchy red rash but it did go down after a while. So I guess that I might be sensitive to phenols too. Good to know that KDM thinks that we should be able to tolerate the higher dose in time. But at least it will be cheaper in the meantime!

Also to Rrrrr, I just wanted to say that I agree with Garcia in that, at least in my experience, the effects of GcMAF tend to build up over time so it can be quite deceptive! Thats great that your mood is ok so far, I hope it stays that way. Sorry you're feeling so exhausted though....I had that more in the early days when I was on the full dose (like u it would often hit me the next day, and then again a few days later), not so much now. I wonder if the red eyes etc is histamine related?

Ive been very similar to Garcia in that the GcMAF has very much affected my mood in a negative way tho...even at lower doses I get the blues or on some days pretty bad depression, which is partly why I havent been posting an awful lot recently, aswell as for other more personal reasons.

Anyway I'm gona back down to 1/6th of a dose to see if that levels things out.

Hi Guys,

Thought you might be interested to know that was the phenols in the Nexavir that I was reacting to.

I've reduced my Nexavir dose to one quarter ( .5 ml) and am coping ok with this. I still get a little redness but no raised weal and the small reaction disappears in an hour or two. According to KDM my body will adapt and I'll be able to tolerate a larger dose in the future. The food reactions are settling down now too.

At the moment though I'm happy to be back on track and as an extra bonus, the cost has been reduced by 3/4s !


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
I'm so happy for you, Rrrr! I hope the reaction you're having is bearable.
Everything that is good for me makes me sleepy, so it's hard for me to tell sometimes if something is good or bad for me.

A thought about bad moods on GcMAF: when I began taking Vit. D I felt depressed and grouchy. It gradually got better. I wondered if the increased Vit D caused some kind of war to occur in my brain and that caused the mood effects. Doesn't GcMAF affect Vit D levels?


Senior Member
vitamin d helps immune system and also mood, it is also used for depression.if you can get it from the sun it is even better (strong sunny country like cali or florida)

the optimum 25oh are 50-60ng/ml but it is ok until 100, since gcmaf is supposed to correct the vit D deficency and make spikes it is better to check it often, if too high it can increase blood calcium too and that can make severe damage to kidenys if unchecked for sometime


Senior Member
Vli - try testing for Human Enteric Retrovirus and Human Gamma Retrovirus too.


Do you know who would test these viruses ? Is the Human Enteric Retrovirus one of teh viruses Dr Chia tests for ?

I have been reading through this thread and have a couple more questions I will throwin here:

I notiecd people are testing for VDR receptor alleles. Does anyoen know what role the VDR plays with respect to GcMAP ? Does the GcMAP bind to the vitamin D that is bound to the VDR ?

If so, would deficient vitamin D levels play a role here as well ?

Is there any way, in addition to VDR receptors to determine if one would respond positively ? eg. nagalase levels, levels of certain viruses.

And finally, is there a list of viruses that produce nagalase ?

Thanks in advance for any answers ... great thread


Senior Member
And finally, is there a list of viruses that produce nagalase ?

looks like all envelopped viruses make nagalase but i think they didn t check them all because there is no drug makers funds.

until now we know hiv, hbv and all cancers make nagalase

on gcmaf.eu they report this list of viruses and bacteria:
The GcMAF activated macrophages rapidly phagocytize various bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, B.subtilis, Clostridium perfringens and Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and various viruses (rubella, measles, herpes simplex, parainfluenza (Sendai), influenza virus and HIV type 1) (unpublished data).

There are indications that GcMAF may be effective against other diseases such as lupus, MS, Parkinsons and fibromyalgia. No side effects are reported. (unpublished data)

Macrophage phagocytosing (eating) bateria.

you will find all research articles on:
bgli.nl or gcmaf.eu


Senior Member
If so, would deficient vitamin D levels play a role here as well ?

yes it does but you have to check both vit d 25oh and 1.25oh during gcmaf because it can make flares, in any case those with higher vit d had 2,5 fold more potency from gcmaf.during summer response to therapy has been found higher and this is linked to more sun which is equal to more vit d