$$$ for WPI vote daily now in Vivint Round 2!


"and this too shall pass"
Vancouver Canada suburbs

Each charity is for their region so it is a grey area. Home and love Vancouver's donations are being used globally and not much to the Canada region. The Vancouver office is an affiliate.



Senior Member
The good news - It Gets Better votes are down below WPI votes yesterday. The bad news - WPI only got 600 votes, the lowest I've seen. Lets land that prize!
Looking at the output from the program at: http://www.mecfsforums.com/vivint2011/, it looks like the WPI figure went down at one stage:


(i.e. down 203)

So that may be the reason for the drop although I don't know the "proper" reason.

ETA: perhaps this is the reason for the light and love home - Vancouver drop - they performed a correction perhaps from the first 60+ days of voting (or else there was a glitch that substracted votes)??


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Interesting find Dolphin, that would explain why WPI went down so much yesterday. I went back through the files, Light & Love did not drop the same hour that WPI did. They dropped earlier in the day, (I forgot which hour). I did a quick check between other charities in the Pacific and Canada and didn't see any other drops, but I could have missed them. I wonder why only these two corrected??

Good News for today - WPI beat out It Gets Better!

- WPI is now 46,040 ahead of IT Gets Better, with 12 days remaining, It Gets Better has to average 4,737/day in order to tie WPI - and every day they don't make it this figures goes up!

- IACFS has to ht 343/day in order to reach 5,000

- National FM/ME has to average 1885 to tie Light & Love

Due to the calculations above, I'm still voting IACFS, hoping WPI will help at the end.

Stats for Aug 15:

WPI 58762 + 908 = 59670
Be Perfect 14895 + 89 = 14984
Surfer Healing 9301 + 44 = 9345
Hailey mayz 7549 + 46 = 7595
Next Gen 4428 + 10 = 4438
Invisible 5887 + 30 = 5917
Jumpstart 4186 + 14 = 4200
King Bellflower 4880 + 32 = 4912
Sean Vernon 3626 + 22 = 3648
Partner Living 2490 + 12 = 2502
Shared Hope 2942 + 29 = 2971
Austin's House 3093 + 36 = 3129
Trevor 1131 + 2 = 1133
Dream 1304 + 8 = 1312
Courage 1971 + 22 = 1993
Ameriface 1915 + 34 = 1949
Prader Willi CA 565 + 0 = 565
Gets Better 12983 + 647 = 13630
Tinnitus 394 + 3 = 397

IACFS/ME 844 + 48 = 892
Light & Love 26589 + 310 = 26899
St John Hospital 11954 + 97 = 12051
ME/FM Action 8978 + 103 = 9081
Prader-Willi 7739 + 111 = 7850
Nightingale 391 + 3 = 394


  • vivint 08-15-11 1496 hrs.pdf
    85.2 KB · Views: 33


Senior Member
Interesting find Dolphin, that would explain why WPI went down so much yesterday. I went back through the files, Light & Love did not drop the same hour that WPI did. They dropped earlier in the day, (I forgot which hour). I did a quick check between other charities in the Pacific and Canada and didn't see any other drops, but I could have missed them. I wonder why only these two corrected??
Good work, SpecialK82.
Maybe they only reduced (did some sort of spot checks on) the leading groups? It would be embarrassing to say a group had won and then had to change the decision. Just brainstorming. One would think a computer algorithm would adjust them all.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Good thought Dolphin, maybe they are scrutinizing the leaders.

Well, we are just getting stronger and stronger in the Pacific, with only 11 days left to vote, It Gets Better will need an average of 5,130/day to catch up and they have only hit 2,200 one day. They are in a hole that is getting deeper each day.

Stats for Aug 16:

WPI 59670 + 953 = 60623
Be Perfect 14984 + 120 = 15104
Surfer Healing 9345 + 49 = 9394
Hailey mayz 7595 + 58 = 7653
Next Gen 4438 + 8 = 4446
Invisible 5917 + 40 = 5957
Jumpstart 4200 + 14 = 4214
King Bellflower 4912 + 38 = 4950
Sean Vernon 3648 + 28 = 3676
Partner Living 2502 + 17 = 2519
Shared Hope 2971 + 27 = 2998
Austin's House 3129 + 34 = 3163
Trevor 1133 + 2 = 1135
Dream 1312 + 9 = 1321
Courage 1993 + 17 = 2010
Ameriface 1949 + 42 = 1991
Prader Willi CA 565 + 8 = 573
Gets Better 13630 + 467 = 14097
Tinnitus 397 + 8 = 405

IACFS/ME 892 + 44 = 936
Light & Love 26899 + 313 = 27212
St John Hospital 12051 + 107 = 12158
ME/FM Action 9081 + 126 = 9207
Prader-Willi 7850 + 102 = 7952
Nightingale 394 + 3 = 397


  • vivint 08-16-11 1520 hrs.pdf
    79.8 KB · Views: 22


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Yes, i also think now would be the moment to throw massive support behind the IACFS/ME. If not now, then it will be too late quite soon, i guess. Well, either way, most important is the 100'000$ for the WPI, but i think they are looking fairly safe now. A charity would have to have a surge like we've never seen before, in order to catch up. And if they can do that, > 5000 per day, the 5000 given to the IACFS/ME most probably won't be what makes the difference for the WPI.
I work at the company, and am close to the project. The reason some votes have been dropping is because we have been able to verify IP addresses that have been cheating. All votes made by those Facebook accounts were thrown out, and the voters were banned. There are lots of processes in place- and we have been able to track down and put a stop a lot of cheating so far, and we're closing in on some other big cheaters. can't say more.


Senior Member
My mother set up a Facebook account just so she could vote in contests. Hope it won't be counted as cheating. Anyway, what will be, will be.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Thank you so much Bruce for looking into the cheating, I'm sorry that it has to be that way.

We very much appreciate the contest so that we may have a chance at getting well. I had read somewhere that Vivint employees were donating money - God Bless you all for your sacrifice. You have given hope to so many sufferers around the world. :thumbsup:


Fine, thank you
I work at the company, and am close to the project. The reason some votes have been dropping is because we have been able to verify IP addresses that have been cheating. All votes made by those Facebook accounts were thrown out, and the voters were banned. There are lots of processes in place- and we have been able to track down and put a stop a lot of cheating so far, and we're closing in on some other big cheaters. can't say more.

Thanks, Bruce - it's very kind of you to let us know that cheating is being monitored. We've been trying so, so hard to win this so that we can try to win our health back and it has been incredibly frustrating to know that some cheating has been going on but not to know to what extent Vivint have been aware of it. Your message is very reassuring.

Thanks to you and all at Vivint for your generosity.


Senior Member
Okay, so I vote on my computer and my husband votes on his lap top. We are both on the same ISP account. We each have an IP no., right? Both of our votes should be fine, I hope. But what about family members using the same computer? Would only one vote from the family computer count and the other votes would be stripped away?


Senior Member
Who needs soap operas (or sports) when you have all the drama and tension in voting contests! ;)


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
Please understand I am not an expert, but I do not believe Vivint is concerned about a couple or a few votes coming from the same IP address. It makes perfect sense that people voting from the same household would probably vote for the same cause.
I suspect they are flagging IP addresses that generate hundreds of votes. Some people spend their time setting up one fake Facebook account after another for the purpose of voting. THOSE are the people that need to be removed.
I work at the company, and am close to the project. The reason some votes have been dropping is because we have been able to verify IP addresses that have been cheating. All votes made by those Facebook accounts were thrown out, and the voters were banned. There are lots of processes in place- and we have been able to track down and put a stop a lot of cheating so far, and we're closing in on some other big cheaters. can't say more.

Based on this, wouldn't it be worth giving any votes to the Natinal ME/FM Actin network so it gets into 2nd place incase #1 place gets disqualified. We've already seen them lose over 4000 votes.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
Yes, I put National ME/FM Action Network back in my signature, and today I voted for IACFS/ME instead of WPI, since I don't feel WPI's position is threatened at the moment.

It feels very easy to get complacent, and say WPI is fine and that's all we can do... but ME/FM AN and IACFS/ME need us to keep trying as hard as we can, 'till the very end. It may not be possible to get the votes we need, and we should try to think about what strategy will work best, but we really do need to hang in there and stick with the effort in the contest.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
I have been voting IACFS/ME for the last 2 weeks or a bit more, but if there was reason to believe the no. 1 in Canada will be disqualified, i would of course switch back to voting for the National ME/FM Action Network. The problem is that we just don't know who they are looking at. And we need support from somewhere, we don't seem to have enough votes here to bring either one across the line.
I have been voting IACFS/ME for the last 2 weeks or a bit more, but if there was reason to believe the no. 1 in Canada will be disqualified, i would of course switch back to voting for the National ME/FM Action Network. The problem is that we just don't know who they are looking at. And we need support from somewhere, we don't seem to have enough votes here to bring either one across the line.

I don't think we'll know until after the final voting. Every day spent not voting for National ME/FM Action Network reduces their chance of getting to the #2 spot. Also, for all we know they may pull another surprise like the wildcard and give a token prize to 2nd spot. I think we have to keep supporting the natinal group.


Senior Member
I don't think we'll know until after the final voting. Every day spent not voting for National ME/FM Action Network reduces their chance of getting to the #2 spot. Also, for all we know they may pull another surprise like the wildcard and give a token prize to 2nd spot. I think we have to keep supporting the natinal group.

this is all so hypothetic. i start to hava headache from all the strategies. how can we decide? noone has now clue which solution is the best. I see our biggest problem in a small support from patients community - especially when this kind of money is the only source which we can get for ME/cfs activities - I would expect big patients support - for a reason the patients are passive - thats why we didnt move for the last 30 years and we will not move till this will not change.