$$$ for WPI vote daily now in Vivint Round 2!


Senior Member
I looked at the stats at: http://www.mecfsforums.com/vivint2011/ - there was a missing hour total so I have to give over 2 hours tonight:

10625-10586=39 (2 hours - before the FB message/Tweet) or 19.5 per hour (nothing to worry about, despite it being a good time in the US/CA)
10978-10625=353 (2 hours - after the FB message/Tweet) or 176.5 per hour


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
If they could do that around the clock it would be serious, but i don't think they can. Well, in 24 hours we will know...

If they have stats for other days as well, can you compare that to their best day, 3 days ago or so? The votes per hour.


Senior Member
If they could do that around the clock it would be serious, but i don't think they can. Well, in 24 hours we will know...

If they have stats for other days as well, can you compare that to their best day, 3 days ago or so? The votes per hour.
Hi Eric, I'm pretty busy so won't be doing this. The page is at: http://www.mecfsforums.com/vivint2011/ if you or anyone else wants to do. Just make sure to match up the time zones. It is done on the hour so look at the last one to compare to your own time to work out if there is a difference.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Hmm...thanks for the calcs Dolphin, apparently advertising is working for It Gets Better. While they did quite well today at 915 votes, the good news is that WPI matched them at 902, so one more day gone and they did nothing to close the gap.

After today, 15 days remain:
- It Gets Better needs 3,974/day in order to tie WPI (assuming WPI receives 900/day).

- IACFS needs 285/day in order to hit 5,000

- National ME/FM needs 1,839/day in order to tie Light & Love (assuming L & L receives 400/day).

Aug 12 Stats:

WPI 56391 + 902 = 57293
Be Perfect 14635 + 102 = 14737
Surfer Healing 9180 + 48 = 9228
Hailey mayz 7397 + 78 = 7475
Next Gen 4404 + 8 = 4412
Invisible 5786 + 30 = 5816
Jumpstart 4156 + 16 = 4172
King Bellflower 4812 + 37 = 4849
Sean Vernon 3545 + 28 = 3573
Partner Living 2474 + 8 = 2482
Shared Hope 2912 + 17 = 2929
Austin's House 3011 + 35 = 3046
Trevor 1123 + 4 = 1127
Dream 1277 + 7 = 1284
Courage 1935 + 17 = 1952
Ameriface 1852 + 33 = 1885
Prader Willi CA 564 + 0 = 564
Gets Better 10270 + 915 = 11185
Tinnitus 390 + 3 = 393

IACFS/ME 661 + 61 = 722

Light & Love 29938 + 405 = 30343
St John Hospital 11678 + 109 = 11787
ME/FM Action 8649 + 116 = 8765
Prader-Willi 7483 + 98 = 7581
Nightingale 381 + 6 = 387


  • vivint 08-12-11 1426 hrs.pdf
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Senior Member
Great work, SpecialK82.

I don't want to duplicate what you're doing but I thought I'd do one more of these:

I looked at the stats at: http://www.mecfsforums.com/vivint2011/ - there was a missing hour total so I have to give over 2 hours tonight:

10625-10586=39 (2 hours - before the FB message/Tweet) or 19.5 per hour (nothing to worry about, despite it being a good time in the US/CA)
10978-10625=353 (2 hours - after the FB message/Tweet) or 176.5 per hour
11310-10978=332 (last 2 hours) =166 per hour.
Anyway, we can be pretty sure they're not cheating if nothing else.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
It seems that now, at night (US), they are getting around 20-30 an hour. It will be interesting to see if that goes up during the day again, with or without advertising. Somehow it's quite fun to watch and analyze them. Like if you watch how another team plays or something like that.


Off the fence
Yup, sure is fun counting...

Last week's votes (to 00:01 UT today) for the top three Pacific charities. You will note, IGB's votes are up again. I wonder how high they'll reach this time?


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Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Battery Muncher, I don't know which ideas you may have been referring to. I once suggested a Facebook page that lists contests, fund-raising opportunities, and possibly important announcements for ME/CFS/CFIDS organizations around the world. The problem I see is that if it is on Fb, all other charities (our opponents) could easily find our contest info and benefit from it, too. If the page were titled something like "ME CFS CFIDS International," it might be harder for those outside the ME CFS community to find. We could post links to it on major ME/CFS pages on Fb.
For the last 2 or 3 weeks we have been working on setting up such a group. It is almost ready now and we will post it here on Phoenix Rising soon. It will probably mainly be about contests, but could inform people about other fundraising oportunities as well. The idea is that we could gather anyone interested in helping to raise funds there, so we would have an idea how many voters/participants we have and have a way to reach people.

If we had a couple of thousands of voters, we could win the main prizes in CHASE and Vivint, that's well over a million Dollars combined... plus we could pick up anything that comes along the way in between those big ones. So keep your eyes open tomorrow and hopefully many will join the group. This is one opportunity where we can really make a difference, even if we don't have the physical fitness to be very active or a large bank account.


Senior Member
For the last 2 or 3 weeks we have been working on setting up such a group. It is almost ready now and we will post it here on Phoenix Rising soon. It will probably mainly be about contests, but could inform people about other fundraising oportunities as well. The idea is that we could gather anyone interested in helping to raise funds there, so we would have an idea how many voters/participants we have and have a way to reach people.

If we had a couple of thousands of voters, we could win the main prizes in CHASE and Vivint, that's well over a million Dollars combined... plus we could pick up anything that comes along the way in between those big ones. So keep your eyes open tomorrow and hopefully many will join the group. This is one opportunity where we can really make a difference, even if we don't have the physical fitness to be very active or a large bank account.

That's great, Eric! I didn't know that people were already working on it. Thanks to all of those who have been helping!

Battery Muncher

Senior Member
For the last 2 or 3 weeks we have been working on setting up such a group. It is almost ready now and we will post it here on Phoenix Rising soon. It will probably mainly be about contests, but could inform people about other fundraising oportunities as well. The idea is that we could gather anyone interested in helping to raise funds there, so we would have an idea how many voters/participants we have and have a way to reach people.

If we had a couple of thousands of voters, we could win the main prizes in CHASE and Vivint, that's well over a million Dollars combined... plus we could pick up anything that comes along the way in between those big ones. So keep your eyes open tomorrow and hopefully many will join the group. This is one opportunity where we can really make a difference, even if we don't have the physical fitness to be very active or a large bank account.

Ah right. Cheers for the info!


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
You're welcome. Actually i sent you a pm back then, frenchtulip, asking you if you would like to become an admin and help with setting up the group, but you obviously missed that one ;). We have a large enough admin team now, 5 people, but we could still use people who like the idea and would like to help with it, so feel free to post on the thread we will set up or send a pm to an admin, if you are interested in becoming an admin yourself. Some of the current ones probably only took the job because they wanted to help out, but can't be very active. So we might change the team a bit over time. Also once the group expands, the admin group will probably change and grow.


Senior Member
You're welcome. Actually i sent you a pm back then, frenchtulip, asking you if you would like to become an admin and help with setting up the group, but you obviously missed that one ;). We have a large enough admin team now, 5 people, but we could still use people who like the idea and would like to help with it, so feel free to post on the thread we will set up or send a pm to an admin, if you are interested in becoming an admin yourself. Some of the current ones probably only took the job because they wanted to help out, but can't be very active. So we might change the team a bit over time. Also once the group expands, the admin group will probably change and grow.

Eric, I never think to check my pm's on PR and usually don't even sign in. Normally I just look for the latest posts. I had six pm's when I checked just now. So I am sorry I missed so many messages. I am thrilled with what all of you have done. Just let me know how I can help. I am in the U.S. I am thinking perhaps I could help notify ME/CFS groups about this new Fb page. And, of course, I will continue to watch for upcoming contests.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Thanks, that's no problem. Actually it would be good for us to have some more US people on board as admins, because sometimes it's like this that only US residents can submit a charity to a contest. When we expand the group we will probably need more admins, so it's good to know you would be willing to help. And yes, if you know about any contest where one our our charity or an ME/CFS project could win something, post it on the group's wall or contact an admin.


Senior Member
Report from Agent Dolphin on spying mission on IGBP

For this, I pretended I was a human and signed up on Twitter to ItGetsBetterProject to quickly see messages they send out (one doesn't have to follow them to read their messages - just look at: http://twitter.com/#!/ItGetsBetter ).

Anyway, two developments today at the same time:
(i) They signed up to follow me! This is going to make it a bit awkward if they see me promoting another group (if nothing else, it might remind them to plug ItGetsBetterProject). I suppose a saving grace is that they are following 30,268 other people so I imagine they barely ever look at individual posts. I think they may follow everyone or basically everyone who follows them as they have 29,739 followers (perhaps the odd person unsubscribed for one reason or another but ItGetsBetterProject never stopped following the other person?).


(ii) They sent me this message:
Thanks! We need your help. @ItGetsBetter could win a contest to keep the project going. Vote daily and RT: itgetsbetter.org/vote

I don't know when they started sending this message out - I've been following them for a few days (but they only sent it to me tonight) - or to how many people they have sent it. So whether this is accounted for in the lower figures for some of this week, I don't know.

Anyway, at the moment, I'm voting for the WPI as I'm still nervous about them and the prize is so much bigger.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
For this, I pretended I was a human and signed up on Twitter to ItGetsBetterProject to quickly see messages they send out .

Good acting job, very life-like :D

They signed up to follow me!


Stats for Aug 13 below:

WPI 57293 + 871 = 58164
Be Perfect 14737 + 78 = 14815
Surfer Healing 9228 + 36 = 9264
Hailey mayz 7475 + 39 = 7514
Next Gen 4412 + 10 = 4422
Invisible 5816 + 30 = 5846
Jumpstart 4172 + 6 = 4178
King Bellflower 4849 + 10 = 4859
Sean Vernon 3573 + 31 = 3604
Partner Living 2482 + 1 = 2483
Shared Hope 2929 + 8 = 2937
Austin's House 3046 + 21 = 3067
Trevor 1127 + 2 = 1129
Dream 1284 + 10 = 1294
Courage 1952 + 11 = 1963
Ameriface 1885 + 16 = 1901
Prader Willi CA 564 + 0 = 564
Gets Better 11185 + 1290 = 12475
Tinnitus 393 + 1 = 394

IACFS/ME 722 + 49 = 771

Light & Love 30343 + 380 = 30723
St John Hospital 11787 + 78 = 11865
ME/FM Action 8765 + 120 = 8885
Prader-Willi 7581 + 83 = 7664
Nightingale 387 + 2 = 389


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