Interesting find Dolphin, that would explain why WPI went down so much yesterday. I went back through the files, Light & Love did not drop the same hour that WPI did. They dropped earlier in the day, (I forgot which hour). I did a quick check between other charities in the Pacific and Canada and didn't see any other drops, but I could have missed them. I wonder why only these two corrected??
Good News for today - WPI beat out It Gets Better!
- WPI is now 46,040 ahead of IT Gets Better, with 12 days remaining, It Gets Better has to average 4,737/day in order to tie WPI - and every day they don't make it this figures goes up!
- IACFS has to ht 343/day in order to reach 5,000
- National FM/ME has to average 1885 to tie Light & Love
Due to the calculations above, I'm still voting IACFS, hoping WPI will help at the end.
Stats for Aug 15:
WPI 58762 + 908 = 59670
Be Perfect 14895 + 89 = 14984
Surfer Healing 9301 + 44 = 9345
Hailey mayz 7549 + 46 = 7595
Next Gen 4428 + 10 = 4438
Invisible 5887 + 30 = 5917
Jumpstart 4186 + 14 = 4200
King Bellflower 4880 + 32 = 4912
Sean Vernon 3626 + 22 = 3648
Partner Living 2490 + 12 = 2502
Shared Hope 2942 + 29 = 2971
Austin's House 3093 + 36 = 3129
Trevor 1131 + 2 = 1133
Dream 1304 + 8 = 1312
Courage 1971 + 22 = 1993
Ameriface 1915 + 34 = 1949
Prader Willi CA 565 + 0 = 565
Gets Better 12983 + 647 = 13630
Tinnitus 394 + 3 = 397
IACFS/ME 844 + 48 = 892
Light & Love 26589 + 310 = 26899
St John Hospital 11954 + 97 = 12051
ME/FM Action 8978 + 103 = 9081
Prader-Willi 7739 + 111 = 7850
Nightingale 391 + 3 = 394