POSSIBLE GAME CHANGER! Check out these stats for Aug 14 - Light & Love has lost 4,134 votes! How did that happen? Did the votes get disqualified? Could it have been a technical problem? If it was cheating, I would think the whole charity would have been disqualified, Oh boy, we need to do some investigating and determine if it's possible they could be eliminated! If so, we are only 3,000 behind 2nd place. Someone has a contact name and number for Vivint.....was it Helen?
WPI 58164 + 598 = 58762
Be Perfect 14815 + 80 = 14895
Surfer Healing 9264 + 37 = 9301
Hailey mayz 7514 + 35 = 7549
Next Gen 4422 + 6 = 4428
Invisible 5846 + 41 = 5887
Jumpstart 4178 + 8 = 4186
King Bellflower 4859 + 21 = 4880
Sean Vernon 3604 + 22 = 3626
Partner Living 2483 + 7 = 2490
Shared Hope 2937 + 5 = 2942
Austin's House 3067 + 26 = 3093
Trevor 1129 + 2 = 1131
Dream 1294 + 10 = 1304
Courage 1963 + 8 = 1971
Ameriface 1901 + 14 = 1915
Prader Willi CA 564 + 1 = 565
Gets Better 12475 + 508 = 12983
Tinnitus 394 + 0 = 394
IACFS/ME 771 + 73 = 844
Light & Love 30723 - 4134 = 26589
St John Hospital 11865 + 89 = 11954
ME/FM Action 8885 + 93 = 8978
Prader-Willi 7664 + 75 = 7739
Nightingale 389 + 2 = 391