$$$ for WPI vote daily now in Vivint Round 2!

I'd ask that you vote for National ME/FM Action network. They have worked very hard throughout the contest to get votes while IACFS has done very little and only just at the end. It would be a nice show of support for the team of people working hard for the national group if you gave them you support in the final hours. We woud at least like to get to second place just in case #1 is disqualified or in case they pull another surprise and give an award to 2nd place finishers like they have with the wildcard draw. You never know what they might do. Thanks


"and this too shall pass"
Vancouver Canada suburbs
Light and Love Home claim to have 0% Administration costs - see here:

0% Administration Fee
Income of funds is raised through donation over the world and various fundraising activities. Light and Love Charity Fund has no administrative cost. All proceeds go towards our worldwide charity services


On filing with Revenue Canada they claimed almost $29,000 -


Senior Member
I'd ask that you vote for National ME/FM Action network. They have worked very hard throughout the contest to get votes while IACFS has done very little and only just at the end. It would be a nice show of support for the team of people working hard for the national group if you gave them you support in the final hours. We woud at least like to get to second place just in case #1 is disqualified or in case they pull another surprise and give an award to 2nd place finishers like they have with the wildcard draw. You never know what they might do. Thanks

I agree. I'm going with Me/FM action network.

Vote here http://www.vivint.com/givesbackproject/charity/855 for National ME/FM Action Network


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Stats Aug 18:

WPI 61486 + 872 = 62358
Be Perfect 15261 + 142 = 15403
Surfer Healing 9444 + 32 = 9476
Hailey mayz 7708 + 49 = 7757
Next Gen 4459 + 5 = 4464
Invisible 5979 + 20 = 5999
Jumpstart 4231 + 15 = 4246
King Bellflower 4976 + 30 = 5006
Sean Vernon 3717 + 31 = 3748
Partner Living 2534 + 16 = 2550
Shared Hope 3023 + 26 = 3049
Austin's House 3208 + 38 = 3246
Trevor 1135 + 3 = 1138
Dream 1332 + 9 = 1341
Courage 2026 + 19 = 2045
Ameriface 2030 + 49 = 2079
Prader Willi CA 577 + 3 = 580
Gets Better 14401 + 296 = 14697
Tinnitus 411 + 6 = 417

IACFS/ME 986 + 45 = 1031

Light & Love 27542 + 306 = 27848
St John Hospital 12240 + 70 = 12310
ME/FM Action 9314 + 115 = 9429
Prader-Willi 8041 + 109 = 8150
Nightingale 401 + 1 = 402


  • vivint 08-18-11 1568 hrs.pdf
    85.3 KB · Views: 21


Senior Member
I should have explained the way I was calculating my rough numbers. I figured in that the group second place would continue to gather votes as well, roughly 100 a day, then rounded up. I don't think there would be more than a couple of hundred votes difference between the two groups, we just have to pick one. My personal preference is for IACFS/ME and see if we can encourage some people to change, also asking if we can count on a full on blitz if things change in the Canadian region

Of course, you are right, Helen, to factor in the ave. no. of votes Saint John's is getting on a daily basis. Thanks. Am having a tough time deciding which way to vote.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
I think if somebody wants to vote for a charity other than the WPI, the IACFS/ME is the better option. Because i don't see a big chance the no.1 in Canada, Light and Love Home, will get disqualified. If that were to happen, it would probably have happened already, i don't think they will do that a couple of days before the end. Also i don't see why they should get disqualified. And the distance to them is too large to catch up. What i'm saying here is only about the numbers, not about what charity i like better. But in the end we will only be able to succeed with either of the two options, if either a large pecentage of WPI voters help out or if there will be a large number of new voters (which seems rather unlikely).


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Stats for Aug 19 below, I wish we could all pull together and just vote one charity but I guess it's not that simple. We only have 8 days left.

WPI 62358 + 833 = 63191
Be Perfect 15403 + 82 = 15485
Surfer Healing 9476 + 32 = 9508
Hailey mayz 7757 + 54 = 7811
Next Gen 4464 + 2 = 4466
Invisible 5999 + 60 = 6059
Jumpstart 4246 + 16 = 4262
King Bellflower 5006 + 17 = 5023
Sean Vernon 3748 + 23 = 3771
Partner Living 2550 + 9 = 2559
Shared Hope 3049 + 14 = 3063
Austin's House 3246 + 32 = 3278
Trevor 1138 + 4 = 1142
Dream 1341 + 10 = 1351
Courage 2045 + 22 = 2067
Ameriface 2079 + 35 = 2114
Prader Willi CA 580 + 6 = 586
Gets Better 14697 + 229 = 14926
Tinnitus 417 + 4 = 421

IACFS/ME 1031 + 50 = 1081
Light & Love 27848 + 274 = 28122
St John Hospital 12310 + 64 = 12374
ME/FM Action 9429 + 116 = 9545
Prader-Willi 8150 + 101 = 8251
Nightingale 402 + 6 = 408


  • vivint 08-19-11.pdf
    84.7 KB · Views: 19


"and this too shall pass"
Vancouver Canada suburbs
Can anyone read Chinese??

Does it say anywhere here that when they vote at the bottom of the page that the money will be going for Vancouver Canada?


About Us
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Light and Love Home Affiliates
Welcome to Light and Love Home

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?????Clothing Donation?
??????????????(Enhance environmental awareness andencouragerecycling.)

???????????????(All donations will go to Light and Love Home)
???Date??07/30/11 - 09/02/11

?????Article Contest)
???????????????????????????????????????????3000??(The theme is Let The Kids Smile The Touching Moment, describing your feelings after the charity function. This must be written in either English or Chinese, with a maximum of 3000 words.)
???Date??07/30/11 - 10/22/11

?????Photo Contest)
??????????????????????????????????????????????100??(The theme is Let The Kids Smile The Touching Moment, describing your feelings after the photo exhibition. This must be written in either English or Chinese, with a maximum of 100 words.)

???Date??07/30/11 - 10/22/11

???????????"Let the Kids smile " Charity Walk)
??????:(All contributions will be donated to)

1.?????? (Local Community Service)
2.????????????? (Nepali Orphanage School Funding and Expansion)
3.??????????????(Africa and Madagascar Orphanage School Funding and Expansion)

??????????(Evergreen Senior Center)
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???? (Events)
2011/07/30 "Let the kids smile" Community Fair


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Vote For Light and Love Home
Our close affiliate - Light and Love Home has been nominated to participate in the Vivint Gives Back Project.Vivint is giving away $0.25 million dollars to the participating local charity that have the most votes/endorsements. Please support Light and Love Home by voting and asking your friends to vote! (a Facebook account is required for voting) You can vote for one charity per day until August 27th. The charity that has earned the most overall votes will then be awarded $250,000. The remaining charities that earn the most from each of the regions will each receive a $100,000 donation.

Click on the link to vote! http://www.vivint.com/givesbackproject/charity/1913 and it will lead you to log into your Facebook. Please also tell your friends and families about it and get them to support as well!
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Senior Member
Overall rankings:
The CURED Foundation (7th place) is gaining on the WPI. The Lindsay Foundation (8th place) is not far behind the CURED Foundation.

Perhaps CURED and Lindsay are vying for 2nd place in case there is a disqualification of the Angelman Syndrome group which is in 1st place in the Central Region and in 1st place overall with 178,669 votes.


Senior Member
Overall rankings:
The CURED Foundation (7th place) is gaining on the WPI. The Lindsay Foundation (8th place) is not far behind the CURED Foundation.

Perhaps CURED and Lindsay are vying for 2nd place in case there is a disqualification of the Angelman Syndrome group which is in 1st place in the Central Region and in 1st place overall with 178,669 votes.
A disqualification doesn't need to occur for 2nd place there to be worthwhile - if Angelman win overall, then second place in that region gets $100,000.


Senior Member
A disqualification doesn't need to occur for 2nd place there to be worthwhile - if Angelman win overall, then second place in that region gets $100,000.

You are absolutely right. What was I thinking! Thanks. And there will certainly be keen competition between CURED and Lindsay for 2nd place in the Central Region, and the WPI could fall down to 8th place in the overall. That probably isn't a problem unless Vivint should decide to do something special for the top 6. (There are 3 Eastern charities currently in the top six which prob. won't win a prize unless they should win the Wildcard Drawing. Vivint might do something for them, at least.)


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Yes, as if we needed more suspense... Well, i think at least this is something that favours the WPI as the leader, because the other groups know they were far behind and if they don't even have an idea where they stand and how much progress they are making, i doubt it will be possible for them to motivate many people to vote. Who will believe it's possible to get 10'000 daily votes, if they never got higher than 1000 or so on a regular basis. I doubt they will be able to mobilize so many people like that. On the other hand it might help them, if they don't tell people how big the gap is, and if they only tell them it's enough if every fan casts his vote.

Either way, i think we just have to keep up our level of voting and then things should be fine. I will either vote IACFS/ME or WPI, but to be honest, i think the chance for the IACFS/ME to get into the drawing and for ME/FM to get to first place is more or less over.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Hehehe, after reading the crap they printed in the UK media again, why not send a mass email to Simon Wessely and partners in crime, asking them to please vote for the IACFS/ME or the WPI? That would be a fun mail to send to them for a change.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Well, I guess this is my last posting of daily stat figures...... sniff........(ok not really:)

My analysis of the situation:

- It Gets Better has completely fallen apart, with 7 days left they would have to get 7882/day to catch up

- IACFS is struggling and needs 3882 to get to 5000, 555/day

- National ME/FM is slightly gaining on 2nd place St John Hospital every day as St J has been averaging under 100, ME/FM needs 3372 to tie St John (this assumes St John get 83/day for the remaining days which is their last 7-day average)

Now - we could use this vote blinding to our advantage. We could all vote National ME/FM and St J wouldn't see us coming. We would need 482/day to catch up (less than IACFS needs now). We would need to get many new voters because I don't think WPI will throw them any support at the end since they can't see their rankings anymore.

I know, it's much easier said then done - but I will start voting ME/FM for what it's worth.

WPI 63191 + 779 = 63970
Be Perfect 15485 + 82 = 15567
Surfer Healing 9508 + 25 = 9533
Hailey mayz 7811 + 49 = 7860
Next Gen 4466 + 4 = 4470
Invisible 6059 + 72 = 6131
Jumpstart 4262 + 8 = 4270
King Bellflower 5023 + 16 = 5039
Sean Vernon 3771 + 28 = 3799
Partner Living 2559 + 8 = 2567
Shared Hope 3063 + 12 = 3075
Austin's House 3278 + 20 = 3298
Trevor 1142 + 3 = 1145
Dream 1351 + 14 = 1365
Courage 2067 + 12 = 2079
Ameriface 2114 + 27 = 2141
Prader Willi CA 586 + 2 = 588
Gets Better 14926 + 170 = 15096
Tinnitus 421 + 2 = 423

IACFS/ME 1081 + 37 = 1118
Light & Love 28122 + 228 = 28350
St John Hospital 12374 + 72 = 12446
ME/FM Action 9545 + 110 = 9655
Prader-Willi 8251 + 83 = 8334
Nightingale 408 + 4 = 412


  • vivint 08-20-11.pdf
    83.9 KB · Views: 43


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Thanks for posting the stats, Special K. But why do you think a second place will be enough for ME/FM? I honestly think either a disqualification or a prize for 2nd place are rather unlikely. I have given my vote to the WPI today and i think that's how i will keep it until the end of the contest. I don't see too much of a chance for the others anymore and want to try to make sure the WPI gets the prize. From what we've seen in the past days i'm not worried about the competition too much, but it makes me a bit nervous to not be able to see how they move.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Ok, i just read somebody's message that Light and Love Home seem to say they don't have any administrative costs, while they have declared such costs of 30'000$ or so to the revenue authorities. I haven't verified this myself, but it could be something serious. On the other hand i guess it's still up to Vivint what they want to do with regards to the contest, even if this information is correct and L&L have either lied to their donors or the authorities.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Thanks for posting the stats, Special K. But why do you think a second place will be enough for ME/FM? I honestly think either a disqualification or a prize for 2nd place are rather unlikely. I have given my vote to the WPI today and i think that's how i will keep it until the end of the contest. I don't see too much of a chance for the others anymore and want to try to make sure the WPI gets the prize. From what we've seen in the past days i'm not worried about the competition too much, but it makes me a bit nervous to not be able to see how they move.

I'm just going off a guess that L & L could be disqualified because more cheating could be discovered. Also we need less votes to reach our target for ME/FM than IACFS. It's an extreme long-shot I know, I just feel personally that I would be "wasting" a vote for WPI because I personally see them as safe, I realize that others do not and I respect that totally.

I guess I'm going for where I feel my vote might possibly make a difference still.