Dr Markov CBIS Theory of ME/CFS - General Discussion


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
The Norwegian paper hypothesizes that extensive early childhood antibiotic use may cause Candida and bacteria to form biofilms in the small intestine. It's these colonies of bacteria and Candida hiding inside biofilms that the authors suggest set the stage for chronic disease like IBS or ME/CFS later in life.
That fits me and anti-candida protocols help me—but it is impossible to fully get rid of if and bio films could be why.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
The Norwegian paper hypothesizes that extensive early childhood antibiotic use may cause Candida and bacteria to form biofilms in the small intestine.
The bums rush of naturopaths is coming if they all hear about this paper.
Virtually all of them are obsessed with Candida and are convinced without any tests that every patient has overgrowths of it, and if its undetectable then they still have it but science just can't find it...


Senior Member
Early childhood antibiotics fits me. I had a burst appendix at 10; spent two weeks in the hospital with six injections
of penicillin a day. No CFS after that until a meal I had at a restaurant at 40. Got very ill with what I believe was salmonella poisoning, which was when I developed ME/CFS. But who knows?


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Yes, I know. Naturopaths tend to blame everything on Candida. Saves going to medical school, where you have to learn about thousands of different diseases and their treatment and management. Forget that! Let's just say that Candida is the cause of everthing!
I like that :woot: :D
And you have to detox heavy metals! Especially when you have skin conditions
I suspect one could create a condensed list of what naturopaths consider to be wrong with everyone then program an AI to spit them out and the "treatments". Also since no testing is needed its also very cost effective, just pay for the treatments. And homeopathic treatments are all off patent and cheap.

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
I like that :woot: :D

I suspect one could create a condensed list of what naturopaths consider to be wrong with everyone then program an AI to spit them out and the "treatments". Also since no testing is needed its also very cost effective, just pay for the treatments. And homeopathic treatments are all off patent and cheap.
Nope they all test it. Have you never seen these small tubes with Candida in it that you hold and say "no" while he presses on your arm? if the arm goes down you have candida!


Senior Member
And you have to detox heavy metals! Especially when you have skin conditions

Yeah, I agree. I had the toxic "silver tooth fillings" which are half Mercury, removed quite a while ago. It should be banned like it is in several countries, mostly in Europe. I wish I could say it helped, but it didn't. Oh well, worth a try.

At least we no longer have to breathe in Lead from car exhaust pipes since 1975, when leaded gasoline was phased out. It's still in the soil along the roadways.Back in 1925, Prohibition was in effect, so ethanol was not able to be used to boost octane in the new higher compression motors, so that's when tetraethyl lead was used, instead of ethanol. Now we have do have ethanol in the gasoline, since lead plugs up the catalytic converter, and other anti-smog, emission control devices.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
I fit in this category, as I had terrible chronic tonsillitis as a child, and I had round after round of antibiotics.
I used to get tonsillitis every year as far back as I can remember until the onset of this disease at 20, I think I have maybe had it once since although I am not even sure that was true tonsillitis.

I never took note of the medications they gave me for tonsillitis as I had no interest in that sort of stuff, however I think that the tonsilitis before the one that started this off they gave me NSAIDs not antibiotics. Do you think there was a change in policy or something or do you think I would also have had multiple rounds of antibiotics?

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
You won't find any person who didn't have antibiotics... But: when I had my onset (mild) I haven't gotten any antibiotic in my entire life. I know I'm bothering some here with my criticism. So I won't say more about it.

* Countless have been damaged/poisoned by these families of antibiotics even the FDA admitted in a meeting with patients. Lots also have metal issues combined. www.floxiehope.com


Senior Member
The kidney mucous membrane dysbiosis infection findings of Dr Markov also remind me of the nasal mold infection theory of ME/CFS proposed by Dr Joseph Brewer.

Dr Brewer suggests that mold organisms may be living on the nasal mucous membranes, constantly secreting mycotoxins into the bloodstream.

Dr Brewer reported some success in treating ME/CFS using nasal sprays containing biofilm-busters and antifungals which target this assumed nasal mold infection.

Then we have the leaky gut theory of ME/CFS from Prof Michael Maes, which proposes LPS from bacteria living on the intestinal mucous membranes are secreting LPS into the bloodstream. Maes reported some anecdotal success in treating ME/CFS using supplements and diet to help repair leaky gut. We have also seen anecdotal reports of ME/CFS improving when patients address their SIBO infections.

In all three theories of ME/CFS, it is bacteria or fungi living on the mucous membranes secreting toxins into the bloodstream which are proposed to play a causal role in ME/CFS.

So this suggests there may be something wrong with mucosal immunity in ME/CFS.
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Senior Member
I am not sure if this is related but soon after my CFS started I developed GI symptoms. I did a test and they have found STEC (shiga toxin) e.coli in my stool. A messasge was sent to the doctor which is responsible for the area I live in but they told me that there is nothing to worry about. My calprotectin was 800 back then but a recent test showed that I do not have STEC infection anymore and also calprotectin is within normal range right now. With my liver values which were a bit off, they concluded that there must have been an occult infection but after that my case was done for them. Also did I test positive for SIBO and microbiome dysbiosis back then but I have not checked this again.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
The kidney infection findings of Dr Markov also remind me of the nasal mold infection theory of ME/CFS proposed by Dr Joseph Brewer. Dr Brewer suggests that mold organisms may be living on the nasal mucous membranes, constantly secreting mycotoxins into the bloodstream.

Dr Brewer reported some success in treating ME/CFS using nasal sprays containing biofilm-busters and antifungals which target this assumed nasal mold infection.

Then we have the leaky gut theory of ME/CFS from Prof Michael Maes, which proposes LPS from bacteria living on the intestinal mucous membranes are secreting LPS into the bloodstream. Maes reported some anecdotal success in treating ME/CFS using supplements and diet to help repair leaky gut. We have also seen anecdotal reports of ME/CFS improving when patients address their SIBO infections.

In all three theories of ME/CFS, it is bacteria or fungi secreting toxins into the bloodstream which are proposed to play a causal role in ME/CFS.
This is the problem, we have theories in almost every direction from latent viruses to heavy metals to immune dysfunction to autoimmunity to biofilms to polio mutations and millions more i can't even remember. And countless numbers claim to have some data for them. And lets not forget the innumerable theories KDM has kicked out.

In the end if we all have the same disease when we get something concrete we won't be wandering aimlessly searching for enlightenment. We will at least have a target.


Senior Member
This is the problem, we have theories in almost every direction

We do have lots of different ME/CFS hypotheses and empirical observation, and maybe each provides a partial truth or partial perspective on the nature and pathophysiology of ME/CFS.

So the trick is joining all the dots, and coming up with a theory that synthesizes all these different perspectives into a coherent whole (and throws out the red herrings; there are always red herrings in science).

The immune priming theory of ME/CFS, which I mentioned earlier, could nicely tie together the viral hypotheses of ME/CFS with the bacteria/mold dysbiosis hypotheses (bacteria or mold in the gut, nose or kidneys).

When you look at things from an immune priming angle, all of a sudden, the viral and the bacterial/mold perspectives, which normally seem contradictory, come together into one theory.

Not saying the immune priming theory of ME/CFS is necessarily right, but it is an example of how a theory can take the disparate empirical observations of ME/CFS and string them together into a possible theory.

That's the basic methodology of science: looking at all the disparate empirical observations, and trying to come up with a theory where everything fits into place.
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Senior Member
I think all in all. Our Immune Systems fucked up due to different stressors. It was just too much and the system needed more and more energy to stay active. During this process pathways get altered, receptors desensitized and mitochondria shift towards immune protection (or even get fragmented due to viral overload) rather than metabolism.

This can happen over time due to accumulation of stressors or with one trigger. But this trigger is never alone. There‘s always a second trigger like stress.

When I had Covid I was hiking a mountain and swam in ice cold water 2h before the onset of symptoms.

The viral load was at its highest when I was working out heavily. The immune system weakened due to the open window effect and was busy repairing the damage in my muscles when the virus hit.

Did you know that your system is down for up to the 3 days after heavy exercise? In this time you are more vulnerable to infections.

So wasn’t able to do both, repairing and fighting. With my heavy activity I gave the virus the chance to spread all over my body pretty fast. My heart was pumping. Additional viral load means more work. So it all adds up.

My immune system was irritable anyways with autoimmunity. So it did his job, but worked so heavy that some parts were just not properly fixed or healed or even attacked by autoimmune processes.

I think our immune systems got out of whack somehow. Everybody has his own main battle field. For me it’s my muscles, due to the heavy hiking. I won the fight but lost some good soldiers.
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Dr Brewer suggests that mold organisms may be living on the nasal mucous membranes, constantly secreting mycotoxins into the bloodstream.

Dr Brewer reported some success in treating ME/CFS using nasal sprays containing biofilm-busters and antifungals which target this assumed nasal mold infection.
I just found an otolaryngologist online who makes an anti-fungal nasal spray. After 2 days there is some relief but it could well be coincidental.