Clostridium Butyricum - A Game Changer?


Senior Member
AOR Probiotic-3 also has Clostridium Butyricum and is available on both iherb and Amazon

It is a different strain but personally I have had better results from AOR than miyarisan

Non-medicinal ingredients: lactose, potato starch, polyvinyl alcohol, providone. Capsule: hypromellose.

Those look pretty horrible for anyone really hypersensitive. It's a shame when companies ruin their supplements like this.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK


Senior Member
I also make a "yogurt" with the Clostridium butyricum. i take a sterilized jar (boiled in water) and add boiled milk, let it cool to room temp while covered, then add one Miyarisan tablet, and then put the covered jar in my yogurt maker for 24 hours. It separates strongly into curds and whey. It is not tasty, but it is full of trillions of Clostridium bacteria all active and thriving and ready to go get to work in my guts. I make sure to eat the yogurt along with potato starch so they have their favorite food source to begin their long journey. When I have fresh sources of resistant starch on hand, I at them (green bananas, jerusalem artichokes, raw onions, raw jicama, etc.

I like to do my own lactic acid bacteria cultures too, so I'm interested in growing the clostridium butyricum in my yoghurt maker like you do. Don't you think that the culture may be more rich if you add the potatoe starch in the milk ?


Senior Member
How long did you use Clostridium Butyricum before you saw benefits?

I have now used it for 3 months, starting on 1 (10mg) tablet per day and I'm now on 4 tablets per day. Everytime when I up the dose I get fatigue, stomach ache and headache but I haven't yet noticed any benefits from taking it. It does seem to worsen my constipation also. Maybe it helps my sleep a little.

I got help from it immediately. Some benefits, like improvements in OI, were not seen until several months of treatment though.

I think @adreno may have it right when he said,
The CB probiotic is the single most effective intervention I have tried for treating my ME symptoms. I doubt everyone will get the same effects, as our microbiome likely varies hugely. It might be a subset thing. I believe CB is especially effective if you tend towards autoimmunity and high inflammation. If you have seasonal allergies it is a good sign you need this probiotic. My allergies have improved hugely.

With an intervention as powerful as this, it is important to pay attention to your experience.


Senior Member

That makes a hell of a lot more sense, AOR's website says providone which Google can't even find. :confused:

Those look pretty horrible for anyone really hypersensitive. It's a shame when companies ruin their supplements like this.

I thought maybe it was just the capsule which could be discarded, but no!!! :thumbdown:

I wonder how responsive AOR would be to changing their excipients. ;)
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Senior Member
AOR Probiotic-3 also has Clostridium Butyricum and is available on both iherb and Amazon

It is a different strain but personally I have had better results from AOR than miyarisan

Thank you for the information. I have seen that on iHerb but it's quite expensive. When I was using Symbioflor 2 (e-coli probiotic), It did help a little with my fatigue, so I'm guessing I may be low on some e-coli strains and Clostridium Butyricum lowers e-coli in the gut.

When I came down with CFS, I also began to have some food allergies (nuts, beans, peas) and that's why I thought that CB could be beneficial to me.

I got help from it immediately. Some benefits, like improvements in OI, were not seen until several months of treatment though.

I think @adreno may have it right when he said,

With an intervention as powerful as this, it is important to pay attention to your experience.

Nice to know. What was your dose in the beginning and what is it now?


Senior Member
New Zealand
Yes, the excipients in the AOR are horrible however it's a unique formulation that no one else makes and the results for me are AMAZING so I take it anyway.

I tried emailing their customer service through their online form but I didn't get a response. I'm not sure if it actually submitted properly as I get a strange page after pressing the submit button.

Definitely needs to make the product cleaner but for me the benefits far outweigh the excipients.


Senior Member
Nice to know. What was your dose in the beginning and what is it now?

I started with 6 tablets a day of Miyarisan Strong, after 3 or 4 months I quit completely due to stomach pains.

Within three weeks, I experienced a strong return of MCS. I hadn't realized how much Miyarisan was helping with that, I've learned to be very careful with chemical exposures.

I then started again with 2 tablets a day until I got used to it, and now take 4 a day.


Senior Member
I also ordered one bottle of AOR Probiotic-3 to test it. I guess it's best to start with one capsule per day.


Senior Member
How many people have seen improvement now with the clostridium . butrycum?

62 pages is a lot for someone who is fatigued... sorry to be such a cop out.


Senior Member
I just did a search on amazon (US located), I could not find Miyarisan anymore! What's going on? Did anyone buy it from amazon recently?


Senior Member
It is possible to get gut bacteria analysis, but it costs so much that at least I can't afford it. Using these different probiotics seems to be like hit or miss.


Senior Member
With Rakuten, I am struggling to figure out how long and how much to deliver to US.

It's free until August 31st for the U.S. but the English is confusing on the campaign page. I can't check it in Japanese because has different policies, but it appears to be free shipping for a minimum order of $100 through EMS, no idea how long they take.

I rely on sufficient reviews from amazon customers to decide if the seller or product is legit, however it does seem it's the case with miyarisan on ebay.

The sellers you're finding on there are often the same ones I find through Amazon or Rakuten, here in Japan. 99% of the Japanese companies I've dealt with have been excellent at business and customer service.

I have seen staff change though and the service with it, so reviews may save you the headache of an irresponsible seller. :thumbsup:


Senior Member
It is possible to get gut bacteria analysis, but it costs so much that at least I can't afford it. Using these different probiotics seems to be like hit or miss.

I have taken Miyarisan for two years now. I will "Bet you money" :rofl: an analysis of my gut bacteria would be far from normal.

I probably have considerably more than usual c. butyricum species because of daily supplementation.

I think it is important to realize continued use of this probiotic is most probably not effective at "normalizing" the gut microbiome.

I most probably have abnormal levels of Butyric acid in my gut.

I know, however, that it is a powerful means of reducing Lactic Acidosis while simultaneously increasing lactic acid producing bacteria in the gut, shifting the immune system away from inflammatory reactions, and reducing pathogenic bacteria.

Like you said, Hit or miss. ;)