Clostridium Butyricum - A Game Changer?


Is anyone else still taking this or thinking of doing so?

I seem to be pretty sensitive to everything so I started on these slowly a few months ago, and then because my health was unstable I didn't increase much more just in case. Now increasing the dose again now that my health is more stable. So far not noticing much, though I'm still only taking 5 instead of 18 tablets per day. My biggest change to gut health was Probio 7 advanced, where I went from IBS-d symptoms every single day to now only once a week or so o during a flare. Amazingly helpful and hoping to work on that more with these, especially as I had repeated bouts of food poisoning as a child and have always had dodgy guts.

I bought my first bottle off Amazon but now I can only find it on ebay. Does anyone know the different between the regular bottle with the family on the front in blue and the ones named 'STRONG' which have a green figure on the front? I see that you need fewer of the strong, which appeals to me as 18 a day to work up to is a lot! But is it the same formula?


Senior Member
Is anyone else still taking this or thinking of doing so?

I seem to be pretty sensitive to everything so I started on these slowly a few months ago, and then because my health was unstable I didn't increase much more just in case. Now increasing the dose again now that my health is more stable. So far not noticing much, though I'm still only taking 5 instead of 18 tablets per day. My biggest change to gut health was Probio 7 advanced, where I went from IBS-d symptoms every single day to now only once a week or so o during a flare. Amazingly helpful and hoping to work on that more with these, especially as I had repeated bouts of food poisoning as a child and have always had dodgy guts.

I bought my first bottle off Amazon but now I can only find it on ebay. Does anyone know the different between the regular bottle with the family on the front in blue and the ones named 'STRONG' which have a green figure on the front? I see that you need fewer of the strong, which appeals to me as 18 a day to work up to is a lot! But is it the same formula?

I started taking CB again after "losing" my bottle and resistant starch in my supplement cupboard. I took 5 CB and about 2 TBSP of RS and surprisingly have 0 gas today.
Has anyone taken Lactofferin? It does help flush out Bacteria the bad ones. I would think it might help rid us of bad histamine after using to many probiotics.
I truly hope someone has something that helps rid of us of Lactic Acid buildup.
Will I ever feel normal again?


Senior Member
Does anyone know the different between the regular bottle with the family on the front in blue and the ones named 'STRONG' which have a green figure on the front? I see that you need fewer of the strong, which appeals to me as 18 a day to work up to is a lot! But is it the same formula?

It is the same.

The recommended dose is for a different use, not extended like we're doing.

My Doctor here in Japan couldn't give me any advice for using Miyarisan this way, it's unusual. I take Two tablets of the STRONG twice a day and find that to be enough.

Even one, with two meals, was beneficial.

And slow is good with this, it encourages Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium, so increased fermentation in the gut can be expected.

I truly hope someone has something that helps rid of us of Lactic Acid buildup.

You're in the right place. Miyarisan does just that. :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Anyone knows if there is a vendor in europe for this probiotic?
I'm from germany and can only purchase stuff from europe....


Rebel without a biscuit
Anyone knows if there is a vendor in europe for this probiotic?
I'm from germany and can only purchase stuff from europe....

I don't believe so. I'm in Canada and I ordered it online I think from Amazon. It comes from Japan. They were quite quick with delivery considering they said there would be something like a six to eight week wait.
While I still take probiotics with Lactobacillus and Bifido bacteria in them on a daily basis, this Clostridium butyricum Miyarisan probiotic from Japan has done me the most good of any of them. I noticed the most difference when I take them on a daily basis. I think it is good to have all of of them for diversity, but this one must have been missing from my digestive system. I also feed them resistant starch (potato starch), and FOS, and inulin, and acacia fiber, and larch fiber, and spirulina.. I do have some issues with gas from all the fiber, but that is be expected.

I also make a "yogurt" with the Clostridium butyricum. i take a sterilized jar (boiled in water) and add boiled milk, let it cool to room temp while covered, then add one Miyarisan tablet, and then put the covered jar in my yogurt maker for 24 hours. It separates strongly into curds and whey. It is not tasty, but it is full of trillions of Clostridium bacteria all active and thriving and ready to go get to work in my guts. I make sure to eat the yogurt along with potato starch so they have their favorite food source to begin their long journey. When I have fresh sources of resistant starch on hand, I at them (green bananas, jerusalem artichokes, raw onions, raw jicama, etc.


Senior Member
Anyone knows if there is a vendor in europe for this probiotic?
I'm from germany and can only purchase stuff from europe....

In 2013, Miyarisan Pharmaceutical Co. was attempting to obtain EU approval for Miyarisan,
Miyairi 588, but a Google search shows nothing since then.

If it still hasn't been approved, you will have to buy it from abroad. can connect you with sellers here in Japan that will ship to you.
I surprised that it doesn't take that long to get from Japan to the States, and the one I buy it from offers free shipping. it ends up costing me about $14 for 90 of the "strong" pills. In addition to the Miyarisan "yogurt" I make, I take one pill with each meal and each snack. I think it really boosts the effectiveness to take potato starch, FOS, acacia fiber, inulin, and lately a new fiber I found called Larch Tree Arabinogalactan fiber. It mixes easily in cold water and has no taste. It seems to be very helpful.


Senior Member
In 2013, Miyarisan Pharmaceutical Co. was attempting to obtain EU approval for Miyarisan,
Miyairi 588, but a Google search shows nothing since then.

If it still hasn't been approved, you will have to buy it from abroad. can connect you with sellers here in Japan that will ship to you.

The problem is I can't import supplements in germany outside of the EU.
Only the global shipping program by ebay would make this possible.
But no one there offers it and no one responses to my messages.


Senior Member
Only the global shipping program by ebay would make this possible.
But no one there offers it and no one responses to my messages.

My guess is that they don't understand what you're talking about, their English is probably poor, and Deutsche is probably worse.

But even with the pathetic level of my understanding of German, it looks like the sellers on can provide you with shipping.

If you will help me understand why those options aren't working, I will do what I can to help you with communicating with the Japanese sellers. :)


Senior Member
I surprised that it doesn't take that long to get from Japan to the States, and the one I buy it from offers free shipping.

That is so cool, 5 to 7 days right?

I had no idea any of these companies were offering free shipping to the U.S. , you're paying the same as I do.

If it's Kuroneko (Yamato Transport), the shipping cost will go up in two or three months, but that will be covered by the shipper. They may just increase the minimum order for free shipping.
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Senior Member
My guess is that they don't understand what you're talking about, their English is probably poor, and Deutsche is probably worse.

But even with the pathetic level of my understanding of German, it looks like the sellers on can provide you with shipping.

If you will help me understand why those options aren't working, I will do what I can to help you with communicating with the Japanese sellers. :)

Hi, a little help would be awesome.
The problem is that german toll will confiscate all supplements that were shipped from outside of the EU.

But there is a simple fix for this:
The ebay global shipping program.

You pay the toll fee to ebay and ebay pays the toll
--> Toll won't open package to look into it.
--> supplements from outside of EU can be imported to germany.

But no one of the sellers offers to ship via ebay global shipping programm....

Another option would be to send it via DHL express. They also do something similiar, where you pay the toll fee to DHL and again you bypass the toll.


Senior Member
How long did you use Clostridium Butyricum before you saw benefits?

I have now used it for 3 months, starting on 1 (10mg) tablet per day and I'm now on 4 tablets per day. Everytime when I up the dose I get fatigue, stomach ache and headache but I haven't yet noticed any benefits from taking it. It does seem to worsen my constipation also. Maybe it helps my sleep a little.