Clostridium Butyricum - A Game Changer?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
One-quarter of a tablet, on the other hand, seems to promote gastric motility. Go figure.
My chicken-hearted 1/4 tab started to reduce my appetite to the point of nausea. :vomit: I skipped a dose last night and had a normal appetite. Not sure what to do next--every 3rd day 1/4 tab?:cool:


Senior Member
My chicken-hearted 1/4 tab started to reduce my appetite to the point of nausea. :vomit: I skipped a dose last night and had a normal appetite. Not sure what to do next--every 3rd day 1/4 tab?:cool:

Hah, I don't know. That's what I did with RS, every third or fourth day. I'm starting to think I'm gonna have to leave this one on the shelf for a while. It's just too powerful.


Fine, thank you
Any reason why my mouth has been tasting a bit bitter (like lemons) for the past few days?


Senior Member
No - top side, near the back.
Hm, no, I actually didn't take it long enough... But at some point I ogt some bitter taste under the tongue, but I think it wa from Boswellia.

It seems that in addition to stirring oxalates up, CB has done something to my vit K metaboism. It seems that I am retaining more K1 from food, but still not converting optimally to k2.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
@Asklipia, I have a question that I was hoping you could help with.

After experimenting with different Miyarisan doses, up to 18 tablets in one day, I finally settled on just 2 per day.

After a week or two I started having difficulty getting to sleep. I also started waking up in the middle of the night and had a few nightmares, both of which were rare occurrences in the past. I usually sleep too deeply. I backed off on the Miyarisan down to 1 tablet a day and now my sleep seems to be back to normal, well, my version of "normal' at least.

I take a very low does on Melatonin every night but hesitate to take any more as it tends to make me groggy at higher doses.

Any idea on why Miyarisan might be causing issues with my sleep?


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
It it increases activity at muscarinic receptors, as discussed earlier, that would impair sleep.
I remember reading about increased Acetylcholine, is this related to "muscarinic receptors"? If so, is there anything to alleviate the sleep issues arising from this?
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PR activist
I remember reading about increased Acetylcholine, is this related to "muscarinic receptors"? If so, is there anything to alleviate the sleep issues arising from this?
Yes, there are two kinds of acetylcholine receptors; nicotinic and muscarinic.

A first generation antihistamine would probably be your best bet for ameliorating this. Anything that increases GABA should help as well.


Senior Member
@JPV Sorry I am not awake yet!
Something is happening as a result of the C. butyricum. An increased sensitivity to the muscarinic receptors maybe.
If you want my advice, which is only that of a patient, not of a medical professional, I would certainly not add insult to injury by trying to force your body to NOT adapt by slamming it with an antihistamine on top of the rest.
I might try slowing down on melatonin, which might be proving too much of a good thing now.
It is involved in acetylcholine regulation. Why not try to let the body adjust? We had sleep disturbances for the first couple of months but now sleep very deeply.
Good luck!


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
I might try slowing down on melatonin, which might be proving too much of a good thing now.
It is involved in acetylcholine regulation. Why not try to let the body adjust? We had sleep disturbances for the first couple of months but now sleep very deeply.
Ok, thanks for the advice. Just knowing that others have gone through similar issues helps out a lot. At least I now know it's just a transient phase.


ɹǝqɯǝɯ ɹoıuǝs
A first generation antihistamine would probably be your best bet for ameliorating this. Anything that increases GABA should help as well.
Thanks, good to keep in mind, especially if I have a particularly bad night.


Senior Member
@JPV and @alicec Pursuing this acetylcholine idea. I wonder if the effect of raised acetylcholine with C. butyricum does not happen because it displaces a pathogen that interferes with the release of acetylcholine.
For example C. botulinum produces such a toxin (B toxin).

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Took one pill and had a major reaction. In bed with horrible pain and I have done two bowel movements. Plus, I am itching constantly. Will not be able to take this today- very sick.

Not sure of what to do. Try it again? My God, I feel awful. I have to take Benadryl to calm down the itching/pain.

Can someone advise?
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Fine, thank you
From the other thread:

Misfit Toy said:
Last night I tried my first dose of Clostridium Butyricum. Man have I had a reaction. I only took one pill.

Now I was already having an allergic reaction yesterday to something I had eaten so let's factor that in, but after I took it within about an hour and a half I did a bowel movement. I went to bed and woke up four hours later and I had a sore on my tongue throbbing.

Then, I was also in pain all over. I'm not used to this because it was all over body pain and itching.
I just got up and did another bowel movement. I can handle the bowel movements but the itching and the pain I cannot handle.

Can someone please advise me if this is normal, or what should I do? Should I try another dose of one pill or should I cut it in half? This is kind of a crazy reaction, don't you think? I just got up and did another bowel movement. I can handle the bowel movements but the itching and the pain I cannot handle. Every part of me is aching.

Can someone please advise me if this is normal, or what should I do? Should I try another dose of one pill or should I cut it in half?

Hi @Misfit Toy — thanks for bringing this discussion onto this thread. Sorry you're finding this so rough.

I’ve also noticed that if I’ve been constipated, I get a (very welcome!) BM within half an hour of taking CB. One day, I had four BMs in a single day (a lifetime record for me!), on only ¼ tablet.

I consider this to be a good thing for me, because I have acid reflux and a tendency to constipation and suspect that this effect of CB is one of increased gut motility.

However, I’ve found that on my initial dose of 2 tabs/day, I was getting flu-like symptoms and I’ve been cutting back and back to try to find the optimal dose - one with benefits and no side-effects. For me, it’s tending towards something like 1/8 tab every two or three days.

As others have said on this thread, this is powerful stuff. On the RS thread, many have suggested that if you’re getting problematic effects, cut the dose right down – you don’t even have to have a daily dose – until those effects go away.

One of us is on ¼ tab a week.

I can't advise you but if I were getting itching and pain I'd wait until it subsided and would start again with a far smaller dose and work up, extremely slowly. 1/8th tab would not be too small.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
@Sasha -thank you! Yes, I'm seeing that the stuff clearly is powerful as I'm reading everyone's posts. Why does everything have to make a sick before it makes us better?

I will definitely not take it today and I will try a quarter or an eighth of a tab once a week. I have to read exactly what this stuff is doing because I don't know. Is it killing yeast and pathogen's? I will research. I'm brain dead right now....

Anyway, I'm truly glad for this thread. What is the RS thread?