OK I finally recognize my swelling as clogging of the lymphatic system, So is Miyarisan the antidote???

It has been getting much worse in the middle of the night either if I take acidophilus or not it seems to have its own cycle. I have some neck tenderness and also under the ribcage at my back close to the right armpit
There is a time cycle for liver activity. There are ultradian rhythms at work. When the liver has done its job, the lymph is pushed on towards the gut (together with nasty products if there are some - if the lymph is toxic you feel pain). If your liver is clogged, nothing happens and you get lymphatic swelling before the liver, that is on the thymus area, left breast (hence more cancers in left breast rather than right breast), left clavicle (this is where Catholics tap for "its my fault" to get the memories of bad deeds released - this is where EFT practionners tap to reverse negativity). Because there is a sharp turn in the lymphatic duct there, it gets clogged more easily because of the sharp turn. When too clogged it poisons the area > heart attacks.
If not clogged the lymph then goes from lymphatic duct to blood vessel same spot on the right to go to the liver and be processed.
If not clogged and the liver is not working, then the body will resort to all kinds of tricks for avoiding overwhelming the liver, for example wanting to turn the head to the left to block the toxic lymph from going up to the brain.
Because the moment when your liver has done its job is around 3 am, all religions advise rising at that time to have a modicum of activity, be it praying or singing, to help scatter the lymph. Bringing better health overall.
Some of what we think are bad symptoms are just a clever way of the body to make us survive.
@alicec if you have some lymphatic clogging as well I think it makes sense that choline (fat) makes it worse.
Fat helps the liver, it does not make lymphatic clogging worse.
I am sorry but I have no references for what I wrote here, this is just my personal yogic experience.