Clostridium Butyricum - A Game Changer?


Fine, thank you
Could you please specify? I think bug dumping comes along with it :cautious:

I don't think a gut bug - I think maybe a cold or something. It's always hard to tell with me. A few days ago I had a brief spell of feeling a bit fluey and ill - thought I was coming down with something - and it disappeared but I've still got slightly worsened OI and feel lightheaded all the time. That happens sometimes and I assume it's my done-in immune system's reaction to me catching a cold. I don't get normal cold symptoms.


Fine, thank you
Asklipia and Sidereal had "flu detox" as well.

Is there such a thing?

I had a couple of days break from CB just in case it was causing these problems but I've been back on my 1/4 tab for the past couple of days.

Has it made anyone else's OI worse? I've been lightheaded for a few days now.


Senior Member
Beta-alanine causes me extreme tingling especially in the face. Weird sensation, analogous to being stabbed with little shards of glass, although I always analogized it to using a short-needle dermaroller all over my face, very quickly. From what I understand the tingling is pretty common. Is this becuase of its tendency to bind oxalates?

Just a caution about beta-alanine...

There's very little about its side effects, other than the transient paresthesia, but since we do have many paradoxes here, and since I had some miserable side effects ; here's a warning.

After one low dose of beta-alanine, 750 mg., with a mild paresthesia, I had a night of 3hrs. disturbed sleep, and a day of strong anxiety, and neuritis in my lower legs.

Sorry about the off-topic bit....


Senior Member
@Gondwanaland ;

I doubt it, haven't had stones or trouble with high oxalate foods, that I know of. I have alot of neuro damage, though, so anything with that potential...I see that oxalates have that potential...
Beta-alanine has alot of neurotoxic potential, at least in rats, and me!


Senior Member
I saw a warning about this when I was buying beta alanine the other day. It said to expect tingling when you first start this supplement. I guess it does mobilise this stuff.
I did some reading on it after it happened to me, and it appears not everyone gets the tingling. Perhaps only people with some problem with oxalates...?


Senior Member
Regarding B6, I am skeptical that this is a limiting factor for those who take prebiotics

Maybe, but the idea is that because of the reduced B6-binding capacity of the enzyme, very high levels of B6 are needed to drive the reaction (the upper recommended dose of 5 mg/kg is a considerable amount).

I have been supplementing B6 for sometime (but not to that level) and never tolerated the potato starch, so can't comment on that. My OAT tests suggest I am still marginally low in B6 but I can't seem to tolerate anymore supplementation. I hope the prebiotic strategy might straighten out that problem too! I am dreaming a bit more but have never experienced the vivid dreams described by some with the PS.

Thanks for reminding me about the peroxisomal stuff. I do have that paper but my once excellent memory is now appalling - I had forgotten all about it.


Senior Member
Has it made anyone else's OI worse? I've been lightheaded for a few days now.

Absolutely. I thought my NMH had disappeared (haven't had it for maybe 6 months) but it has been reappearing on and off over the last few weeks. It hasn't been obviously linked to miyarisan but since that is one of the main things I have changed lately there is a strong suspicion.

I took one last night, had a very disturbed night and this morning I'm very lightheaded. It does seem to be the miyarisan. Have been doing 1 every second day but maybe I need to cut back.

I suspect that my sympathetic overactivity is also exacerbated by miyarisan (lots of things stir this up of course but it had been pretty good but is bothering me a bit lately).


Senior Member
-What is the consensus regarding Miyarisan / AOR Probiotics?
-Which dose appears to be more beneficial?
-How much time we should wait to see any benefits?
-Are there any common side effects/symptoms that we should be aware of?

I don't think there is a consensus apart from start low and proceed cautiously. Dose and response are very individual.

Some people at least have seen results fairly quickly though it may take a while to find a good starting dose.


Senior Member
I have been coughing and sneezing my lungs out.
I must rectify myself here.
Ca. 10 days ago my husband and I took Boswellia serrata for lower back stiffness (him) and joint pain (me). On the 2nd dose he started with a terrible cough which evolved to a strong cold. It subsided with vitamin A for him, but he is still coughing a darkish mucus. I didn't have such reaction to the supplement, and had already stopped the Miyarisan, but I seem to have caught his bug (at first I though he was allergic to Boswellia) since I developed the same sequence of symptoms.

Last year though I had a flu detox from my 1st capsule of S. boulardii.


Senior Member
Well yes I still have the issue of no-longer being able to tolerate choline bitartrate. Really I am puzzled about what is going on but something will become obvious sooner or later.

What sorts of symptoms are you getting?